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Everything posted by endure

  1. Didn’t Michael tell Angela he couldn’t have any photos of her on his phone, what about all these other women? And did Ricky also send money down to Melissa?
  2. I wonder where they find these people, anyone know if they put out casting calls or set up recruitment kiosks at shopping malls? I gather Darcy has tried her hand at another reality show so she is probably on the lookout for shows but the others don’t seem to be wannabe actors to me.
  3. Hold that thought - looks like she’s already demanding a divorce in the preview lol.
  4. Darn I wish they filmed that louboutin shoe almost hit him in the head. He is such a baby when he's not being confrontational......exhausting couple.
  5. The trouble with Ricky is, he believes his own BS.
  6. Karine and her Mum look beautiful, but her Mother looks painfully sad on their wedding day.
  7. OMG Amber!!! She is beyond naive for someone her age, she doesn't know anything in the kitchen. I was waiting for her to say "is this a pot"......how has she survived all these years on her own?
  8. Danielles eyebrows are so distracting, I just don't understand why this seems to be the rage now.
  9. endure

    S05.E10: Cold War

    I was really proud of Larry in his end. I'm glad Sam won, I do believe he possibly needed the money more than Britt but I don't know if thats even true. Either one was deserving it was a gruelling task by the end with no food. Does the runner-up get some financial reward too....I sure hope so. Is there a reunion show, it was a bit of let down for me the viewer having it end like that.
  10. I know ~ and it just keeps getting stupider and stupider......
  11. I can't stand how Tonya refers to all her women friends as heifers, she says it in a very disrespectful tone and uses the term over and over again. I am surprised someone hasn't actually called her out on it. I've never heard women called that before this show. No offence to all the great real heifers out there!
  12. I agree with you what is up with that wicked red shadow and no doubt this show is a low rent production.
  13. I wonder what Leslie was like as a husband and how much that dynamic has changed since transitioning or if it has. Stacey is extremely supportive and giving toward this relationship. The small amount we have seen of their life, she is shown to be the social arranger ie the party, the one who arranged the getaway, also she is seen tending to the toddler and she is working and pregnant. I feel she is so over burdened with all that is going on her life currently and the future for them just seems so daunting with two babies, unemployment and him wanting facial surgery etc. If a relationship isn’t reciprocal whether it be friends or a marriage it’s simply not going to work in the long run. I really hope they start showing Leslie in a more supportive role here too.
  14. The editing of this show is horrible and the storylines are just all over the place. These are grown women acting like idiots most of the time.....they make little people look like total disgusting fools. If my mother acted like some of those women in the bars with grown children I would be mortified beyond words and yet they take it a huge step further by putting that trash on a tv show! Terra is ruthless, she cares about herself and no one else.
  15. Oh good grief, who is doing there make-up, it's just horrid! I missed the first episode of this season so this may have been commented on after the previous episode.
  16. I just don't know what to think, they seem like an odd lot (Lionel, Katy and Luke) to me and several weeks in they still don't seem comfortable or natural.
  17. The judges are going on ad nauseam...... even more than before.....and oh sooooo scripted.
  18. I know eh, somehow the thought her and or any woman with Paul just doesn't even sound plausible. I think she could be just playing him....who knows. I too cannot stand any of the final three, spending a summer with them locked in that house would have had me blubbering like a baby too. I hope to never see Paul or Josh on this show again, well I guess I won't because if they are I for one won't be watching it. Looking forward to the end of this mess. Agree about Alex too, she will probably always be seen in pubic in that costume ?
  19. Let's face it you have to be pretty strange to do this type of show, and who has this much free time on their hands to devote a whole summer of your life?
  20. What a bunch of cry babies and sore losers lol! I feel like I'm watching a bunch loonies going through drug withdrawal or something causing them to over react. (I had posted this in Sunday's thread by accident because they are so out order?) Kevin for the win, he's probably the best dressed player ever lol and certainly the most sane of this group of misfits! I thought he would be one of the first evicted and I'm impressed he has managed to hang in there this long.
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