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Everything posted by Momager

  1. I loved seeing Monique put a worm on a hook like it was nothing and then totally enjoying kayaking. That was one of the most authentic sides I’ve seen of her. I think the lake house is where the real Monique lives.
  2. Juan still never said when they’re getting married. Robin will be happy with his response until more time goes by and it dawns on her that he’s still not making any moves. Wash, rinse, repeat. Why does she do this to herself?
  3. Can someone elaborate on Teddi’s business? It’s been mentioned that she’s operating a pyramid scheme.... is that true?
  4. Right?! When Garcelle arrived, I thought Kyle would excuse herself to change.
  5. I thought Lisa and Harry spoke pretty disparagingly about their daughter. They basically said she couldn’t hack college b/c of books and papers (??) and then intimated that they saved her by buying her a fashion business. Yikes.
  6. I’m surprised Erica held her temper w/Kyle. She actually had a very calm, rational response. I’m not sure I could have pulled that off if my “friend” told me I didn’t have any good friends in my life.
  7. Will someone please explain what Kyle was saying about Denise at the dinner (when Denise got up from the table)? She came across as a mean girl and it seemed totally unwarranted. I couldn’t figure out what was going on.
  8. I think it was completely rude of the other women (Leah excluded) to not at least offer to help clean up. Yes, Ramona was hosting but when did these women become too good to pick up a dish and rinse it off? You’re supposed to clean up after yourself in someone else’s home.
  9. That was a very sad looking shower. The surrogate looked like she’d rather be anywhere else.
  10. I fast forwarded through a good 60% of this episode . I’m pretty sure it’s time to kill this franchise.
  11. I’m concerned about Mark’s behavior when the cameras aren’t rolling. Given how controlling and quick tempered he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s physically abusive. Kenya is problematic for a variety of reasons but no one deserves the treatment that Mark dishes out.
  12. I don’t see Dolores getting a ring from David. When she started in about marriage, all he could say is one thing at a time and then he quickly attempted to placate her by telling her he would get rid of his furniture. And it worked! She was so happy and grateful for that crumb.
  13. Contessa’s make up is atrocious. Why didn’t someone tell her? Does her makeup artist hate her? I don’t understand. She normally looks well put together.
  14. Curtis is a tool. I wonder if he’s jealous of Jackie’s success and uses threats of cheating to reign her in. And I wholeheartedly agree that the home and business renovations are purposeful distractions so they don’t have to deal with their marital issues. What will happen when both are complete? On to the next big project, I guess.
  15. The strip club was not a good look for any of these men. I’m embarrassed for their kids. And why am I not surprised that Curtis frequents strip clubs? 🙄 And yes, Empress1, that’s definitely not how the game is played. I don’t know what the hell those women were playing, but it made for a very boring “game”.
  16. Was anyone else surprised to hear Quad say she’s 38?
  17. The only part of this episode I enjoyed was when Simone’s son was making fun of her anger issues. “Why is this water bottle green? WHY IS IT GREEN????!!” Lol, that was too funny.
  18. I don’t think Justin’s refusal to commit has anything to do with Kelsey’s looks. I think Justin simply does not want to get married but he’s too much of a coward to actually say those words out loud. Kelsey is wasting her youth and time on him.
  19. Reece is.... something else. I can’t imagine what Reagan sees in him. He’s like a giant 4 yr old. Yikes.
  20. I totally agree about the sound quality on this show. I thought it was just me. I routinely watch with the volume turned ALL the way up.
  21. I’m confused as to why Beth confessed to killing Boomer? Will someone please explain?
  22. I just started watching this show 4 episodes ago and I love it. Will someone please explain how/why Stan tampered with evidence?
  23. I thought today's dementia discussion was stunning and quite significant. It's the sort of thing that's only been whispered about before. I think the fact that that Joe and Mika took it there means that other mainstream types might do so, as well. And I agree with the previous poster that CNN's morning show offers much more insight and actual journalism.
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