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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Boston (Boston bib?) also is a good one for tenderness. I enjoy a good salad, not every day, as it doesn't enjoy me nearly as much. They irritate my gizzards. 🥴
  2. There have been several over the years in our area obits.
  3. But before you get to the annoying chewing, you have to navigate the annoying cutting, tearing, prepping. Yeahthanksno.
  4. Is there some underground psychiatric group that is spiking the water supply in an effort to grow a guaranteed patient list? Someone should look into that.
  5. Yes! The people that have dead "unsubscribe" links should be hung by their fingernails. How on earth does anyone think that behavior will endear them to a potential customer? They are the last emeffers I would ever buy from.
  6. Probably safer to research that subject independent of here. Politics and all that.
  7. I've ordered several things without problems as well, though admittedly, not much in the last few years.
  8. Exactly. Whether or not the salaries have been reduced and can be labeled as "large" depends on one's perspective I guess. I contend they're all overpaid. Paid too much to fabricate drama and drink to excess. Where was Bravo when I was in my 20's, hmmm?
  9. My problem with TC is the hosts. Don't really care for either of them.
  10. I mean, I'm not naive. I would imagine there is a number that can be attributed to her absence, but for me, that isn't it. I think for me it's simply a matter being finished with the business model. There was a time, fairly early in the OC time frame, that I couldn't get enough. To be fair though, OC was really my entry into this sort of "reality" programming, so it was still novel and can't look away from the car wreck interesting. Probably the only franchise that I never cared for and didn't watch regularly was Dallas. Have never watched Salt Lake, caught just a couple random episodes of London and Sydney. Anywho, that's my story. I'm done with RH, done with Southern Charm, have never really watched a lot of Summer House or Top Chef, so I believe I am officially off the Bravo Christmas Holiday card list.
  11. I do not have any delusions about my importance as a television viewer, but I haven't watched 10 seconds of a RH show, any franchise, this year. Last year and for a handful of seasons prior to it, it was NY only. My only regret is that I may be contributing to the ego of a certain former NY cast member, who likely thinks that any ratings drop can be directly attributed to her absense.
  12. Never meant to cancel the holiday, that is absurd. The 'cancel' comment was largely tongue-in-cheek, but I do sort of wish that those who feel the need to rival the display in D.C., for hours on end, would be curtailed from doing so.
  13. I was truly stunned at the continuous, non-stop assault by us. The barrage was solid, with no breaks, for 2.5 hours+. There wasn't any reason to call the police as this was a legal activity. Our regulation allows it to continue up until 2 hours past sunset. They went over by about 1/2 hour, so...
  14. Same here. I'm really becoming grumpy about it, and I truly don't want to be. It just really sort of angers me that so many think it's okay to disturb so many people, in order to be self-indulgent about their own 'celebration'. C'mon cancel culture - can't you do something about this? lol
  15. There is a theory that a class of pesticides being widely used could be the root of the problem with not only the honey bees, but this bird illness/death issue. This is an old article, but I thought I'd share for those who share my love of bird feeding. eonicotinoid-pesticides-bad-bees-and-may-be-bad-people-too It saddens me to think my bird feeding days may be over, but I won't continue to offer them a product that might be killing them. I'm going to research what I may be able to do on my own, Supr's own blend if you will. I know that there is organic seed available, but I'm not wealthy so those don't look promising.
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