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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Did I hear Bethenny allude to Dorinda having "connections" at FAO S? I'm thinking she did, because if not, I find it hard to believe that BF couldn't get that handled on her own, without need for intervention. This felt like an unnecessary bit of fluff. I was actually mortified for myself.
  2. Edit it out? Hell no, that's likely a big part of BF's contract.
  3. Yeah, that bit didn't land, but she beat it into the ground anyway. Carole seemed a bit flip about her gift, but I may have too if the gifter threw it at me, sans wrapping. That was odd. Honey can be condescending, and to be honest, I think in this case it sort of was.
  4. I have a confused attitude about BF on this show. Back when she left the first time, I was so fed up and full up that I wanted her to be gone. Then I missed her contribution. I actually didn't find the remaining group as adept at carrying the show. I hate to admit it, but there it was. Now, I'm finding myself fed up and full up again, and I'm exploring her absence in my head. I actually think that if she does leave again, perhaps the whole damn thing should just be retooled. All new blood. I'm sure we'll have all the opportunity we want to keep track of the veterans via sm.
  5. My take is that Bethenny was being challenged, point by point, and so yes, she resorted to convoluting the conversation by interrupting and acting like a teenage girl in cheerleading practice.
  6. lol Dorinda was over it. She wasn't feeling that whole temperance thing.
  7. I sort of love that Dorinda goes all out with the holiday decorations. It clearly makes her happy, and for me, it makes a festive atmosphere. Too soon she will age out of bothering with it all, like many do. I'm sure that she doesn't personally do the legwork, but still. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eeks, those green bedroom walls!
  8. I share your frustrations. You.have.one.job. Journalism is dead btw.
  9. Most of what we see on the local level are "news readers", and actually hired to be that I think. Even the national programs like Today and GMA etc. employ those folks.
  10. I didn't necessarily think she sounded loaded, but it is hard to tell. Further down in the comments on the Reddit link, a commenter said that this Evan character "manages her social media accounts." I certainly hope that is a joke, because if that is his connection to Luann, he's gonna be out of a job, lol.
  11. I've been rewatching Season 7/Ep 17, the London trip with Carole & Dorinda. I'm as touched as I was when it originally aired. However...I never noticed the obvious product placement of the Beats headphones on Carole's head, both when leaving the church with Anthony's urn, and again later in her hotel room when she's laying on the bed and touching his urn tearfully. Really ruined it for me.
  12. This is who posted it - Evan Hungate / Creative Director, Ariamnes Events & Marketing ??New York / Los Angeles He was at the Ibiza premiere thing that some of the RHONY attended. Based on his IG, he's either an elbow rubber, a hanger-onner, or a legit mover and shaker of some sort.
  13. If Lulu employs a damage control team, they're going to be busier than expected, and she had better book some additional cabaret dates. Rapidement. Edit - the link seems to have been taken down.
  14. I don't really have a dog in the fight, but not all journalists are on-air talent.
  15. Sounds like the Countess Of Class has been caught unawares, showing her true colors, yet again. ♪♫♬Money can't buy awareness, discretion is learned, my friend.♪♫♬
  16. If I remember, Bethenny muttered something like "Carole hasn't really shown any interest" regarding PR, as sort of an explanation as to why she wasn't asked. It was either the episode prior to the flight, or early in that episode.
  17. I find her weight loss to be alarming. Really. This post on TR's Instagram, 4 days ago. Compared to her early, controversial "shorts" ensemble - Her thighs, which were perfectly shapely and proportioned in the 2nd photo, look to be half that size now! She seems to talk out of both sides of her mouth when addressing "fans" concerns about her weight loss: southern-charm-star-ashley-jacobs-fires-back-at-haters-for-skinny-shaming-her-about-her-weight/
  18. I use my debit card. Ftr, I'm not knocking credit card use, just prefer paying cash. There are downsides to both.
  19. I also recall that was the trip they were on when the news hit about Thomas being accused of assaulting KD's hairdresser or something like that?
  20. Wasn't that the trip to Jekyll Island or somewhere like that? The one where KD got drunk and screamed at Whitney on the porch, and called him a "nasty MFer"? Landon was the hostess I think.
  21. Bankruptcy reform happened as a direct result of banks/credit issuers lobbying Congress and lobbying hard. Prior to the reform, people in financial disaster were running up their credit cards (which were far too easy to acquire) to the max limit, then declaring chapter 7 and leaving the debt for someone else to deal with (the rest of us). Of course there were and still are legitimate reasons for needing to have your debt restructured/forgiven, but basically, if you have an income, bankruptcy isn't the parachute it used to be. The credit card issuers bore a large responsibility for the problems they found themselves in imo, and the finance charges they get away with still and now should be criminal imo, but I also don't think irresponsible spenders should just be able to run up a bunch of debt, then walk away. Reform was passed to try and level the playing field. I have no idea whether or not that was accomplished. I suspect that if you ask 100 people that question, you would get 100 answers. I paid my last credit card off in 2007, and haven't used one since. It is the most freeing thing. I may use one again someday, (never say never), but I sure hope I don't have to. Disclaimer - the above is my basic take on what went down with reform. I'm sure there are details I'm not aware of. Shootin' from the hip.
  22. Imagine that. From raging, drunken, cop-pummeling, death threatening wack job, to t-shirt selling, cabaret darling in <six short months. What a country.
  23. At the Hemotologist's office, having his liver values checked.
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