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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Perhaps, as WalnutQueen so eloquently put, the FAS speculation is inappropriate. I have reconsidered and removed the previous post pertaining to it.
  2. I'll guaran-damn-tee you that Whitney or Bravo or whomever will find one or more suitable replacements to bring the stupid next season.
  3. It's funny - I just saw that after posting the pic, which was from a Google search. I have no earthly idea what that's about, lol.
  4. It did, which is why the nonsense scene with Thomas and ______ (I've forgotten who) in the jewelry store came off as quite contrived.
  5. Bringing the hubs home from an OP surgery, he started searching the glove box and console, etc. for his Jimmy John's sandwich. Was quite pissed when he couldn't find it. (He had never before nor since had a JJ sandwich) It was awesome.
  6. The green American flag hat - he's selling it with a link on Instagram. Shoulda known, right? I agree for the most part, but I attribute that to the fact that she missed some critical bonding time. I believe that when/if her custody status changes and she spends more time with them, that should change. I hope so anyway.
  7. That is disturbing to me, and should be to Craig also.
  8. If one went by this forum, yes. It is amazing how this B/C thing has overshadowed a drunken cop assault, lol.
  9. My reason for checking also. I saw this. To me, this doesn't speak to B Strong as an individual charity.
  10. For me, Carole isn't interesting enough to be polarizing. I would want a relationship with Bethenny that was restricted to meeting for a drink after work, maybe once or twice a month. Two hours, max.
  11. In today's culture, it would be a call to action. I can easily imagine that there would be a movement to have a man fired, or at least suspended for lesser behavior than Sonja exhibits on a weekly basis. Double standards aren't cool. Wow. This seems harsh, lol ( ;
  12. Of course she will, and certainly her 5-minute marriage and on-again/off-again relationship with Dennis the Married Menace can be compared to Jill's 16 year marriage. Speaking of Dennis, does he know that she's "alone"?
  13. Having the new growth touched up, then a pedicure and blissfully off to doggy daycare.
  14. I actually think I would like to be her friend, with or without a penthouse suite and LV swag bag. Predictably, she will be insufferable next season, as that is the Bravo template.
  15. That's what brought me to the site, to see if BS was a 501C3, and how the charity was being judged overall. I was really sort of stunned by the various other B Strongs out there. As for calling it a charity, I'm sure she can, she just doesn't get the benefit of tax exemption. I would imagine she has applied for 501C3 status, but it is a serious bit of red tape to qualify for. I would imagine this is why she has co-mingled it with the Delivering Goods org. (Plus, those donating don't get to deduct if moneys are given to BS, which is yuge.) It would seem that BStrong (the Bethenny one) is also flying under the scrutiny radar, which gives me pause to some extent.
  16. This surprised me - https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?keyword_list=B+Strong&bay=search.results So many already using the moniker in one form or another. Also, B Strong does not appear to be a 501C3 charity, only Delivering Good is.
  17. So Bethenny is branching out into groundbreaking stuff like- Denim skinny jeans. In plus sizes. Next year - United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. For sure.
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