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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I found that noteworthy as well. Considering the state of print media these days, that would seem a bit excessive and unnecessary.
  2. I remember someone here saying that, yes. My point was that the ROL story seems to be placing Bethenny in charge of whether or not they continued the relationship, but in her own words, it seemed that she was putting the onus on him. (The "he's not able" stuff).
  3. The wife is sure putting her narrative out there on Instagram, which I find sort of strange. I guess I just can't relate with all of this social media as therapy bs. ^This^ is something counter to anything else that has been said/written. Even Bethenny, in her conversation with Lu in the last episode to air, said something to the effect that Dennis "wasn't capable" or "wasn't able" to be in a relationship. Maybe I read it wrong, but I got the impression that he wasn't willing to cut the cord with his wife. Just supposition on my part, but that conversation to me, didn't match this ROL story at.all.
  4. Yes, Ramona poisoned the Paella in Colombia, Tinsley ordered the high seas for the boat trip, and I'm beginning to think that Carole may have actually tampered with Dennis' Narcan. Luann is composing her opus about all this as we speak.
  5. I'm assuming the name-branded things in the house have more to do with product placement / advertising than with poor set design.
  6. Well maybe, and are they going to start marketing at-home versions of stomach tubes with medical charcoal for that pesky drunk in your home? I know. I'll shut it.
  7. I actually think that Lu's current tag is cringe-worthy and well, typically arrogant. Spinning making headlines (all negative) into something fabulous. Ick.
  8. Someone's a whack job (sic) alright. Yessir, this is how I would handle a stalker. From Kelly's Instagram:
  9. The level at which this disturbs me escapes my ability to express. 1000 times yes.
  10. Oxycodone (marketed as OxyContin) https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/PostmarketDrugSafetyInformationforPatientsandProviders/ucm207173.htm edit - sorry @MrsBestes, didn't mean to step on your post.
  11. I have seen very little so far that would give me hope that this can happen. But I do hope it does.
  12. Thanks Film. He's much better, but is in some degree of pain, from minor to severe, every single day. Cutting through nerves makes them angry, and they don't alway regenerate nicely. He only very infrequently medicates for it. He's stubborn and in this case, I guess that's a good thing. I agree with ^^everything here^^.
  13. I would think that both Kyle and LVP would need to see a surgeon to have their noses lengthened if Tori joins, in order to look down their noses appropriately at her.
  14. Even if it had been filmed subsequent to his death, you can be sure that questions about him would have been completely off limits. As it should be.
  15. Total agreement with you. This line is blurred by all it seems.
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