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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Tylenol isn't effective for everyone. I don't plan on arguing with anyone about this, we all feel the way we feel about it. My husband did not become addicted to them. It is possible to be a successful opiod user.
  2. The 72-hr rule is the time frame with which to consider withholding comment about a given story, until further information/facts come out. -------------------------------------- My hubs has been prescribed many different opoids/painkillers for two major surgeries he's had in the past 6 years. He went out of his way not to overuse them, but he did indeed use them. I'm not sure what alternatives are out there for someone who had a half of a lung removed, a procedure that his cardiothoracic surgeon described as "worse than open heart". He did not take them unless he was near tears, and in fact didn't take them often enough imo. There is therapeutic value in not being in pain. I realize that there are many, many people dying from them, and that is truly tragic, but to deny their availability to folks who are in true need worries me as well. I'm all for finding a suitable alternative, but for people like my husband and those with worse pain than he had, ibuprofin isn't the answer. Next we'll be discussing all the people in liver failure due to the effects of ibuprofin and NSAIDS.
  3. I shall take the 72-hr rule and opiod discussion to the Small Talk forum.
  4. Okay, I just shook the cobwebs off - this is the Bravo blog, of course. What I want to see is her take on all.of.it. Independently published, so that Mr. Icky Andy can't affect the product.
  5. http://www.tmz.com/2018/08/10/bethenny-frankel-boyfriend-dead-dies-overdose-od/ "His administrative assistant administered Narcan, but was unsuccessful..." Interesting that she/he would just have Narcan laying around.
  6. Oh lawd hammercy! That light at the end of the tunnel...TRAIN!!
  7. There's more - It's looking more and more like the end of the relationship was a bit acrimonious. Doesn't matter imo, I think no more or less of her whether or not she resigned willingly.
  8. That bastion of truth and credibility, Radar Online, is reporting that Denise Richards' contract is a 4-year deal worth $4 million. If that is true, boy will that open the floodgates of contract negotiations. I would also think it could potentially reduce the number of HW shows. Reality TV became so popular with production companies due to its relatively inexpensive costs/salaries. I think they may have left that in the dust.
  9. Popular thought is that the show has not been renewed. Someone mentioned somewhere that it doesn't show up on their schedule for the next season. No surprise there. Yes, her successes, if we gauge them monitarily, have generally not been in her media ventures. RHONY would be the single exception, and that is an ensemble effort.
  10. She has used the same/similar bar design before. IIRC, it was one of the things that Fredrik strongly suggested she remove before showing/marketing her apartment on that silly show they did. I have some ideas that will remain in my head.
  11. For her health, yes. She does know you can't exercise away those implants though, right? I'm now beginning to wonder if she sees it as her schtick; that it's expected of her. I guess I just don't want to believe that someone could be that unaware. Seems very contrived. Don't know if I've ever been team GG, but yeah.
  12. I actually remember them being on some show, but I can't recall what or where. Seem to remember that they were one of several couples... edit - Oops, just got to HunterHunted's response.
  13. This episode is just a mess for me. Having a hard time staying focused. I am totally not feeling this Nema/Mona thing with GG... I've already seen MJ's wedding pics, so I'm beginning to think that this will not be a show I need to see.
  14. If one entertains, it comes in handy. Doesn't take too long to wipe out the capacity of an in-freezer ice maker. The dedicated ice makers make something like 20-30 lbs. per day.
  15. Dorit & PK sued over thte swimsuit line - real-housewives-beverly-hills-dorit-kemsley
  16. Can't help you. All I remember is her saying is that though they looked much more expensive, they were under $1000 bux.
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