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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. In fairness, most people (not all) will say their boss is an asshole, and no one can make you cry imo. I say that as a prolific crier. Tinsley strikes me as someone who is not wholly opposed to being controlled. I mean, we have met her mother.
  2. I don't loathe him either, just was wishing he would s*it or get off the pot. It appears he has done just that. I too wish them well.
  3. pink-taco-founder-harry-morton-dead-dies-38 k-pop-star-goo-hara-dead-at-28
  4. I believe that the physical act of holding a phone is only a small part of the distraction. When one is having a conversation, whether with actual passengers, or virtually on a phone using the hands-free or integrated features, it's a distraction. One that we will never be totally safe from, as long as passengers will be in a car. (No, I don't think driverless is anywhere near ready). Imo, some of the most distracted drivers are emergency responders. Police officers, at least in our community, are routinely driving while operating (or at least reading) the in-car computer, perhaps a cell phone, or talking on the 2-way radio. Far more distractions that digging for a french fry. Texting/scrolling while driving is evil. Not sure how it will ever be stopped completely, as disabling phones while in a moving vehicle would also hamper passengers, and would be a safety concern. Lot to learn and be done with this issue.
  5. Yeah, I nearly choked on the "meticulously landscaped courtyard..." thing. Not from what I saw it wasn't. Looked to me like it needed a pressure washer, a good scrubbing, and the removal of a lot less dog mess.
  6. So she's selling the townhouse, but asking her Insta followers if the armoire is too "taste-specific" to potential renters? Weird.
  7. I must be alone on an island, as I found this episode incredibly boring, and actually went to bed 15 minutes before it ended. Rhylee is being brought back for some much needed drama (read; ratings). There is just entirely too much getting-alongness from a Bravo exec. perspective. *This speculation sponsored by SSE
  8. New York real estate gives my midwestern, flyover heart some serious palpatations.
  9. VG: Steve is against filming (the wedding) Me: Where, in opposite world?
  10. Celebrity Death Match. Who's with me? The twice (nearly thrice) divorced, cancer scammer is calling out someone elses "storyline" desperations. Irony is ironic.
  11. Makes sense, if this is JL's new love interest, that he would choose a younger version of himself.
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