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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. That is one bitchin' Prince costume that he was wearing. Who knew the weirdo kid could rock a Prince costume?
  2. It still interesting to see how all this is done.
  3. The young actor playing the stepbrother reminds me of Jason Bateman's character Derek from Silver Spoons. Nice nostalgic reference there. Probably the line delivery or something, but he steals the show. Like Bateman stoled from from Ricky Schroeder.
  4. The kid actor playing both the patient and Shaun's brother looked eerily similar to a young Ethan Hawke.
  5. That New York City mayoral debate was such a mess. It was like an SNL skit altogether and Bo Dietl was the clown.
  6. I actually laugh at whenever Pence goes to a place, Trump barks for them to get out of there. Beck is very good at being deadpan. I could imagine that is how Trump treats his staff. But Alex is becoming my favorite. He does a much better Anderson Cooper than the real Anderson Cooper. Right don't own to the speaking style.
  7. Didn't Kate looked exactly like Margot Robbie in some shots? I thought the Kellywise sketch was ingenious, though. Probably Bill Skarsgard will host this season or next?
  8. I am more interested as to how Anne and Christopher would make the Vampire Chronicle series. That would be something.
  9. I think the problem with Anne Rice is that while she is gracious to her fans, she had a tendency to attack anyone who would disagree with her point of view. It was not because of her writing that made fans turn away from her, but the lack of empathy she had when a scathing review criticized her work on Blood Caticles back in 2004. Remember the Amazon.com fiasco? That was something else. It made Trump's tweet sound tame compare to this. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/11/books/the-people-have-spoken-and-rice-takes-offense.html
  10. Adam without his glasses looks exactly like Corey Haim...
  11. Anne Rice lost me when she refused to have an editor check her works. It was beginning with QOTD, but I think the main sin was that by 1997, she became grandiose in describing every detail in her VC books. It was overkill and that is when her works went downhill. It wasn't so much the bad reviews that started the whole feud that Anne Rice had. It was the lack of editing that affected her works. I know an artist loves the work not checked, but there is a time and day when you have to edit some material to be left out. That was her greatest flaw and it plagued her 20+ years.
  12. They are all going to grow up someday. They are not going be 13 forever. That puberty stuff happened even in B&W films. What use to be cute kids would soon become awkward teens. The only actors that didn't have awkwardness that plagues most kid stars are the late River Phoenix, Mark Paul-Gosselaar, Mario Lopez, and Jackie Cooper. What made them not afraid is their confidence, even as they aged. Hollywood is funny like that. If you awkward, Hollywood says screw you to your face. If you have confidence, everything will be fine.
  13. Forest Wheeler should play Jackie Chan's son in the new Rush Hour. They look so much alike that it becomes uncanny. Or he could play a Street Fighter as Fei Long or Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat once he gets older. I could see that in the near future since he does karate in his spare time.
  14. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    That's true. By the way, did anybody think the balloon intro with the children singing/laughing is reminiscent of the Lost Boys intro? Just a coincidence. Nice homage.
  15. She was CGI all the way because Sean Young aged badly in late 2010. Probably only the voice they use, but a stunt double does wonders, you know.
  16. While the touchscreen is right, it is Pat's highlighted hair and Vanna's style that makes this more 2017 than 1997.
  17. That guy in the middle did not shake his hand at all! Am I the only one that noticed that?
  18. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    I remember reading It a long time ago. It was back in high school and I just completed that over 1,000 page book. It just made me shivered reading about it. While I knew the changes from book to film is very apparent, I knew it was bound to happen. But I admired the changes from the 50s to the 80s timeline much better while still retaining the spirit of the book. That was well-done. And Bill Skarsgard deserves kudos. I was very iffy on Bill, but he won me on his portrayal of Pennywise. It kind of makes Tim Curry's version seem amateurish. I loved Tim Curry, but the mini-series didn't age well at all. Whether it was the fault of Tim or the adult actors, it was just not incredibly memorable at all. That is why this version did a great job with the kids and Bill Skarsgard. I might see this movie again.
  19. Don't like Valley Girl Erica. But Pops always makes it up here. Gotta love George, though. Still miss Lainey.
  20. They didn't put any thought in that WOF segment with Pat and Vanna. They looked more remotely modern than 90s. Even the puzzle board itself.
  21. It's the hairline on Barry that makes him look much older than he is. Speaking of Adam, he needs to ditched the squeaky voice already. It is apparent that he tries to use that voice he did a couple of seasons ago, but it is not working. You could tell his growth spurt passed. It's like when Dustin Diamond still did goofy Screech. It's not working creators.
  22. Ilan Mitchell-Smith, right? Well, at least he's a assistant professor of Medieval Literature. That counts for something. I know he had issues with Anthony Michael Hall, but at least he chose a different career path. He seems like a cool guy. Lainey not returning? That makes me upset...
  23. That kid from It who plays Eddie. He just grew much taller than he did in the movie. He's like a Fred Savage type. Is this like Wonder Years?
  24. You think they will have Bill Skarsgard to host this season, knowing the success of It?
  25. Robert Lynch

    It (2017)

    James Corden spoofs It.
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