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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. And let us not forget Jessica's writing! 😩How tiring was that? Funny that this show was almost cancel last season...
  2. That was something else. SNL is known for mistakes since the beginning. I don't know why Lorne hates those. They were prevalent even during the original cast of 1975.
  3. He's related to Bernie, so that explains it. I think they are 2nd cousins or something.
  4. I hope to see more of Eddie's other friends. They were sidelined last season.
  5. Constance Wu talks about returning to FOB after tweet controversy
  6. Maybe the finale would be all a bad dream and this season never happened.
  7. I think next week seems like a Eddie-centric episode about college.
  8. I have been hearing a lot of positive praise from Finn's performance, including from a bunch of negative reviews about Goldfinch. I hope for a great career for him. Good thing for expanding other roles besides the typical horror/ Sci-Fi trope which plagues actors in the coming years. In reality, he could play a vampire and no makeup is required. He could probably play Armand from the Vampire Chronicles.
  9. She was. I think that's the reason for the dowdy clothes she wears and Constance Wu wearing nice clothes all the time.
  10. How would they explain her disappearance? So strange.....
  11. There would definitely be a tribute to him on the 3rd season. 59 is too young!
  12. I think Honey did last season. By the way, that child looks more like a three year old than a one year old! Nice one, writers!
  13. Oh, Jessica, that's not how you do friendship! Spare me the theatrics! Just because Honey told Emery about drama does not make her on the wrong! He choose an elective. Nothing more. BTW, Emery and Eddie are getting very tall! They are like 6'2 or something.
  14. Is it stress dealing with two shows or something? Jeff's hair seems to suggest that.
  15. I did not recognize Christie at all.
  16. When John Oliver won his award, the shot of Lorne Michaels looking mighty upset was pretty funny. At least, he won after John.
  17. For Finn Wolfhard to suggest Bill Hader to play his adult Richie part is just too awesome for word.
  18. Port Hope is really amazing. Someday we will see those locations soon. Canada has some nice scenery.
  19. I am pretty sure that’s a wig she is wearing.
  20. Brian Turk of Carnivale and Beverly Hills 90210 fame dies of cancer at age 49
  21. That's good to know. I think it is cool Finn wants to expand other roles to further his career. He seem to be going other places.
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