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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. Have to say i agree with Mo, they never talk about the good things about Danielle. Hence why they keep bringing up the “smell” clip. Can’t say I blame him for being annoyed & not wanting to keep discussing things that happened 7 years ago. This show isn’t about finding love, it’s about exploiting people, and sadly we all enjoy watching it. Ed doesn’t want love, he wants the little bit of fame and attention this show brings him. Colt and Ed were really competing on who get the most camera time. cringe.
  2. or when they try to justify buying multiples “ I got these on sale” It’s no longer a “good deal”, if you buy 50 of them people!
  3. She really tried to justify saving old dirt that was found inside the house to keep...so she could “give” it to the freaking worms Even though most of these hoarders are horrible, selfish,etc. The families need to stop using the Grand-kids as bargaining chips. As much as I dislike margie, I Agree with her when she said, the grandkids still wouldn’t even visit often if the house was clean because they’re busy with their lives & more interested in hanging with friends.
  4. It’s trashy tv, but i’m loving it! Although i skip past Britney & Fernanda. I have no interests watching a 22/27 look for “love” That swimsuit did her no favors. Another creepy gift from ed.
  5. Ed, keeps dating all of these Young,single Mother’s in their 20’s, who have jobs,friends, a social life, then becomes jealous/confused as to why they can’t spend 24/7 with him & his mommy. The guy needs a life,a woman born in his decade, a hobby that doesn’t include those stupid stickers of his face... He doesn’t want a girlfriend,he wants to own someone. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked her to quit her job yet.
  6. Call me shallow, but Colt needs to realize that he doesn’t have the looks, the “size”, the money for his ridiculous demands to get sex 5 times a day. both are stupid enough to get married when,only a few months into the relationship they’re already having Sex issues that married couples often have after years of marriage. At this rate their sex life will disappear in 2 years. Other than be a creepy, Ed is so damn dramatic “ I need to know I’m your number one, your forever” No guy says that kinda shit, unless he’s reading script. Danielle’s behavior during dates remind me of high school, what grown man wants to have a second date with someone who can’t even hold a conversation with all of her giggles and avoiding eye contact. If a guy ever said to me what Mo said to Danielle, i wouldn’t go around repeating it to dates.... or even my cat.
  7. I’ll get hate for this but whatever.She’s a good player (trevor), but i’m tired of hearing about her kid. You miss your baby,blah blah,blah. Stay home then. It should be obvious to everyone that she’s a Catfish. Every conversation she’s had with someone has 100% sounded like words from a female. Not to mention #girldad I’m rooting for Jack/Lisa or Lee/River Personality aside,but i could easily see Courtney winning, He’s played a very strategic game and has thought about every move. Chloe hasn’t really done anything other then flirt and screech.
  8. I spent the first few minutes wondering what the hell was going on with Amber’s eyebrows. They are way too dark and harsh for the hair color she has. Looks like caterpillars. I’m Shocked they paired Lacey with 2 guys, considering she has said many times in the past she doesn’t work well with other women. You’d think they’d want to Capitalize on that for drama. Hated Suzanne in her previous seasons, so far I. feel the same. All she does is Nag, Nag and Nag. She just gives off “i hate every guy” vibes. Constantly cutting EJ off to discredit his opinions & inserting her own. I’m not a big EJ fan, but so far he’s actually being respectful and implementing her suggestions , Meanwhile she has something negative to say about all of his.
  9. Did Chloe really sweep the kitchen floor crumbs under a rug? That’s something a child would do. Her house must be a breeding ground for ants and other bugs. Also, stop screeching in every fucking scene. She’s very likable & entertaining, but not everything needs to be yelled.
  10. Ed talking to Camera crew- “We made love all night!” Liz talking to camera crew- “We did it 2 times, I had to show him how” Ed really is trying to convince us saying he can go all night, when we’ve seen the guy become winded after walking a short distance. I hope at some point we get to see Liz’s Family/Friends meet Ed, I am just dying to see their reactions towards that “relationship”
  11. I can kinda see why she doesn’t know who they are considering she was born in 2000-2001. By time she was 5 the NSYNC/Backstreet boys craze was dead. I have cousins born in that time, and they only know of that music because of meme’s.
  12. Chloe is very annoying for my taste, she’s way too loud, her accent is fake and over done,constantly changes, from one scene to the next,the clueless dumb girl act isn’t cute. Has she really never heard of The American Revolution? The war of 1812? I did Like Savannah at first,but by the end, Her smug & over cocky attitude changed that. Happy she left. I knew when they made that girl group that it wouldn’t last, Based on many years of watching Big Brother. The “Girl power” groups are always the one to fall apart first.
  13. I remain puzzled With how Vanessa was Friends with benefits to colt. I’ve seen his leaked nudes, although at first i thought i was looking at a caterpillar, but who knows maybe he transforms to a butterfly during Sex... but i doubt it. Maybe it’s just me, but Molly’s friends Grilling Kelly is borderline pathetic at this point. That kind of behavior is expected from 20 year olds, and sex and the City episodes, Not 50 year olds.
  14. Not trying to hate on Ed’s new love interests, but my god you would think she was a doctor or something with how he is always boasting about her “Working long hours,working double shifts” She’s a single mother,working on a food service employee wage. Is it really that shocking that she works a lot to provide for her child? I know plenty of people who work doubles at restaurants or get second jobs, because it’s the only way they can even manage to barely pay their rent & food.
  15. The worst part of irene,is she kept getting pregnant & created 5 innocent children. It’s not my place to say how many children another woman should have, but a woman that doesn’t even have a High school diploma,and has no desire to work any job that you can get. Shouldn't be having 5 children. Even People with really good jobs can struggle trying to support that. So Irene’s situation is 100% worse. I grew up in the 90s (28 yrs old),My parents raised 4 kids, there was never a time when they were jobless. My father never finished high school ,he doesn’t read well, he can only do basic math, He can’t name the year of Pearl Harbor, he can’t name all of the planets in the solar system but despite all of that he’s always had a job, and when I was really young there were times he had 2. What’s Irene’s excuse?
  16. That can’t be, because Michael had PlayStation 5 controllers on his table, the PS5 was released in November 2020 ( I purchased one for my husband). I wish they would put the Month & Year on that Black screen, instead of just naming the months between Visits to Doctor Now.
  17. To be fair I’m about 100% sure Dr. Now has no say in how the show is edited.
  18. I’m not gonna try to figure out if she actually has/had cancer. But if she really has been/is sick for 15+ years I wouldn’t have known otherwise, From what I saw She moved around just fine, did her hair and makeup everyday, put on actual outfits, drove a car. Played soccer. Helped him cook. It really is shocking to see that someone her age who has had chemo off and on for years still has long healthy hair such as hers. And overall looks healthy other than her weight. My husband was diagnosed with cancer When he was 21 & in his 3rd year of college at University of Wisconsin(he’s now 30, returned and graduated UW after treatment when he was 25) he had Chemo & radiation until he was 24, he came close to dying a few times. lost all of his hair,even his eyelashes and eyebrows, he was pale, he had no desire to eat ,very thin got down to the 100s (before cancer he was a heavy guy about 300 pounds),he didn’t even look like the same person. from the pictures we’ve seen of isaacs mom during his childhood/teens, she looked pretty healthy,normal other then her weight.
  19. I’m not trying to be insensitive or heartless, because we’ve only seen a small part of their lives, but what exactly is isaac helping his mom with?!? I didn’t get good vibes from the mother. She should have hired a caretaker, home nurse,not make her son give up his fully paid scholarship. The other siblings were old enough to step up, and at this rate The sister will be isaac’s size in no time. They couldn’t even say Thank You when he made the first dinner using Doctor Now’s plan that he was so excited about. After years of watching the show I tend to have little sympathy for these people but seeing someone who is 23 is heartbreaking.
  20. I think I heard it correctly that Melissa’s mom made her get an abortion because she was only 15? .... abortion is a difficult choice for anyone to make, it becomes even worse when you have no control over your own body. Melissa is 37 now & most likely will never get to become a mother. That sure as hell would mess with my head. ,Her session with Dr. Paradise was so sweet, she talked to him like he was an old friend, and really got her emotions out. Usually these people add nothing to the therapy sessions except one word replies I just hope Melissa doesn’t revert back to old ways should this new relationship end.
  21. I wondered if he was aware he could get more “bang for his buck” had he purchased those overpriced snacks from a store, but then again it could be his saving grace.
  22. What a very dull episode, All I learned was Carrie is overweight because her mom liked her brother “more”.... I may be wrong but I think those of us with siblings have probably felt that way at some point growing up, but we got over it. They need better excuses. Carrie’s daughter looked just like her, she should have invited her to the Dr. Now appointments. It was nice to see Dr, Paradise again!
  23. This episode did not need to be 2 hours, if you’re gonna make it 2 hours TLC at-least give us some drama. Watching a grown man eat M&M’s and Cheeto’s as a meal is only entertaining for 2 minutes. I know it’s mean to say but I was seriously shocked to see That his brother and sister are normal weight? Also Again, this week another pounder using the excuse of “ insert name here” died when I was 5. Death of a loved one is tragic & it’s the one thing we can all relate with each other,but his grandma died 27 years ago, he is 32 now, if that’s honestly the reason why he eats so much then he needs to seek help to get past that in a healthier way. I don’t know how these people wake up everyday knowing they have no plans, nothing to do,no one to see, no where to go,just food and the same 4 walls. It’s just so depressing. I’m sure a lot of us felt that way when the pandemic first started, but these people live this way by CHOICE.
  24. What a waste of space Samantha is. Her forcing that mental stress on her daughter pisses me off. I’m so sick of the excuse of a “bad childhood” .... what is she whining about? Her father tried to get her weight under control but she did what she wanted anyways. I don’t mean to discredit anyone claiming abuse but I wanna know what these people’s definition of abuse is, because if it’s being told NO to unlimited amounts of oreo’s that’s not abuse. Samantha said she lived with her dad for 1 year when she was 5? She can’t let shit that happened when she was 5 go? Really? I don’t believe a word Dr. Phil says. He’s proven time and time again that he has no idea what goes on in the CPS system these days,and how overwhelmed local agencies are. I’d you don’t believe me watch the Netflix documentary Trials of Gabriel Fernandez, a little boy that was killed by his Mother and her BF, after years of being locked in a cabinet, where he was beaten handcuffed,gagged,starved, no bathroom, forced to watch them have sex, the list goes on. This little boy still went to school everyday covered in bruises and didn’t whine as much as Samantha. CPS had atleast 5 known chances to help the boy and did nothing. So Dr. Phil can shut up with his holier than thou attitude.
  25. Was there evidence in the Dog case that wasn’t shown on tv? No name of the “new” owner the dog Was given too, No dated Craigslist ad. No proof or call log of the alleged defendant contacting the new owner about the lost dog. Didn’t even hear anything about what the distance and how far apart the Plaintiff and defendant Lived from each other. At least that would give a better understanding on if it’s possible the Dog actually escaped the defendant’s home and she’s lying. I agree with JJ taking on that dog was a nice thing to do, but protecting her own dog should be her fist priority
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