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Everything posted by TessHarding2

  1. Baby Jason Quartermaine was Gail's real life baby. I don't remember seeing her pregnant on the show or a fake baby bump, but I think she took a leave of absence when she told Alan she was moving to NY.
  2. I watched today's show in three minutes. It's cheaper to keep everyone in 12x12 jail cells than it is to give people furnished homes. As long as Lulu's hair is pageant worthy then everything will be okay in PC. If Tony Geary wanted a story line so he could act without emotion and bluster all he wanted, then he got it. That Jason guy is a bust after all. Don't let that red headed date of Nicholas' back on the GH set. Jeez. Jane keeps it going and makes everyone better. TG used to make everyone better too.
  3. I swear when Fluke walked in today I thought of Frankenstein walking around the village terrorizing the villagers. I don't know what Tony is doing. I'm an original L&L'er and used to hang on his every word, but I don't get any of this. Oh wait, I know who he reminds me of now....Steve Burton's acting. Always thought they should have had Jason Q have brain damage for one year, not 20.
  4. I totally remember Luke at Helena's bed - he was wearing a black cap. They were subtle, scary and slithery. Good daytime fun!
  5. I thought Peter Hansen and Kin were a terrific father son team. I always thought Scotty should have called him Dad all the time. He raised him from a tot I believe.
  6. There was a YT channel that was pulled which had every Cassadine story line. I forget what year - I think it was when they were looking for Lucky, maybe someone will remember. Every week Luke was threatening to slit Helena's throat. They flirted, KISSED and fondled to the point where'd you say okay, stop, that's enough. Oh those senior erotic moments. TG and CT did a very good job.
  7. I just love that there's 32 years between Maura West and Donna Mills and Maura West looks like her sister. Omg that Dr Kevin day player is SO bad and he looks like Josh Duggar .Sorry that was off topic but I'm ff'ing through all the muck on YT now
  8. Mayor and First Lady Spencer - Food Fight! I remember this live. Oh the wholesome goodness. http://youtu.be/jNtoTxZsD50?list=PL83B5DAA9029BE0B5 Eggggzactly!
  9. Came here to say the same thing about today's show. Lucky me I have to leave in five minutes. I'll buzz through the rest online. This ballot box stuff is bullshit as is all the talking between the gov't guy and Anna (although they look sophisticated together). It's SO weird for me to see gorgeous Felicia still gorgeous but aging. We're the same age but she looked like a kid when she first came on the show in 84/85. I'm still stuck in the 90's when it comes to her. And why does Lulu have pageant hair? It looks ridiculous.
  10. I love Kin Shriner, I'd like to see him and Heather get it on the way they used to (1983). Scott was very sensuous with his women when he was taken seriously. I don't object to anyone having sex, love and romance on this stupid show. I grew up with these people, anything they do is like a friend doing it. I'd like to see Tracy have a real romance like she did with that mobster man. I'd give anything to see Luke and Laura make out like there's no tomorrow. Sorry, I know some here find that visual too visual and too gross to handle. Bobbie's got too much pillowy stuff in her face so I can't concentrate on the acting as much as I'd like to but I'm really so happy that she's on the show.
  11. I'm watching the Susan Moore Baldwin Murder now for the 500th time. Juicy and well done from beginning to end. It's edited. From Susan Moore (bio mom of Jason) being so confident and mean, to Scorpio working that murder scene, to Scott Baldwin (gorgeous with a beard) and Heather (here she's a very film noir stylized femme fatale) being devious greedy lovers, to The Q's either sticking together or wanting to blame each other, it has it all. http://http://youtu.be/ozaZEvIw4AQ?list=PL19A7A697AC57E98E I'm probably the only person that really enjoyed Bill Eckert and Holly as lovers. For me it was more about Tony and Emma together again.
  12. The party actually felt sophisticated and not like a 10 character hoe-down.
  13. When the Llanview trio were heading over to GH, I went to Youtube to see if I could "get" Todd Manning an McBain in a few scenes. I got the basics watching old Todd and 2000's Todd. McBain was sexy with the red haired actress and then I watched a bunch of Port Charles episodes with Kelly Monaco, the Vampire stuff. Boy was that addictive. I have zero emotional connection to any of it right now, so I pretend it's a brand new soap and watch the beginning and end. I'd be quite content with wrapping up the Fluke mess and have real Luke and Helena sit in a room together.
  14. This is the one show I look forward to watching. They need to see their grandson and I hope they do. Maybe they did that for the show when the cameras are rolling. It's clear they are very devoted and loving grandparents and parents. The grandson and Chloe should grow up together.
  15. Can someone tell me in one sentence if Helena "fake" died or "really" died but someone revived her? I'm hoping I will pay closer attention again with Luke, Faison and Helena back. Thank you. I'd also like to ask Santa for apartments and homes for the following: Anna Duke Bobbie Scott Lucy luke Felicia and Mac. Tell me Felicia and Mac live in the Metro Court too? Cheapskates
  16. ^^ Don't worry about not being interested. I'm down to watching the opening 45 seconds, scan through, watch the Q's if they're on, go to the very end and wait for the next day's coming attractions. If a pop quiz is given I'd have to sneak out of the classroom and hide in the bathroom. I will not even try to keep track of "every story line is related". I'm enjoying Lord Ashton. He's pepped up the mansion and he's good with Tracy.
  17. Does anyone know if tonight's show is only The Smuggar's no Duggars"? thanks
  18. This made me laugh so much, this is my laugh of the week and the week hasn't even started!
  19. ^^ Ahh, my missing years. Good ol' bratty teenaged Lulu and loads of Q's. I had stopped watching from about 2003 to 2010 and started up again because I missed Luke, but saw that is sure wasn't Luke. I have watched most of those years on YT. One thing that still sticks in my head is when Faith tied Skye to a chair and dumped her in the water. There isn't enough Faith on YT for me to make real sense of it all, other than she was another twisted mobster and really vicious.
  20. When Todd walked into the kitchen with that hotel bellboy hat I thought I was going to pee in my pants. The only other reality shows I watch are 19 Kids and Counting and Million Dollar Listings NY & LA from last year (I like Madison). I tried NY Housewives but I can't stand screaming. I can't stand screaming of any kind and this show just makes me laugh.
  21. I haven't been watching that long so I try to analyze the parents and kids along with everyone's help. Are they cold with each other in general? I know Jessa's got the bitch goin' on, but I figure all these kids's personalities are so benign anyway. You are a very good daughter! I think she is too. Even her soft voice is chilly. I would think a woman with that many kids would be naturally warm and maternal. If not - then just stop. I hope so,. Jana is my favorite. Just the thought of her having to stay at home till she meets another Prince Dullard breaks my heart. She DOES have to remain at home till she gets married, yes? Tragic.
  22. I had so hoped they'd do a super slow motion of the cake feeding. Can you imagine? Maybe someone will make a youtube video one day.
  23. I did it again. Came home early on Friday, rushed to grab the remote to turn on tv. Turned it on and then said "why'?
  24. Closed captioning. It saves from hearing so much bad. I look up every few minutes and I'm good.
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