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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Annie would look even lovelier if she lost that 300 pound tumor called David.
  2. Do none of these couples know 1) how babies are made or 2) how expensive babies are???
  3. Andrrray wants to sit at home and do nothing 'he's the man of the house, y'know.
  4. Azan's "family emergency" is Azan not wanting Nicole playing with his family jewels.
  5. She shows off that horror show belly but she puts on a wig. I don't get it.
  6. I can't fathom how they're ok with destroying their bodies inside and out. Weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, lymphedemas, immobility, grotesquely stretched and sagging skin, infections, yada, yada. I just don't grok the lack of self-awareness and self-respect.
  7. She needs to see an ophthalmologist about her tear duct problem. No one drop with all that crying.
  8. I'm in the country too. A stray cat has been hanging around and this morning he was playing with a wounded chipmunk. I rescued Chip but he died. 😔 Bad kitty.
  9. Hey y'all! My eating habit tonight is Fritos & onion dip.
  10. Maybe she's like that woman who was briefly Charles Manson's fiancee. https://nypost.com/2015/02/08/charles-mansons-fiancee-wanted-to-marry-him-for-his-corpse-source/
  11. Maybe Luis is right and Molly's home is possessed and the spray is to feed her demons.
  12. Concern for Chantel. And totally unfounded. Karen has accused Pedro and his family of marrying her only for the green card, accused his family if practicing voodoo, threatened to use a faux taser on Pedro, and stirrng up shit at every turn. They are a vile horde.
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