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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Ever heard that drugs will show up in hair follicles? So has Assanti.
  2. You have to smear it all over yourself in tribute to this fat fuck.
  3. Her probation officer probably said she couldn't leave the state.
  4. It was Pao's non-stop Frederick's of Hollywood wardrobe. He's spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
  5. Can Elizabeth and her sister quit inserting "like" every third word?
  6. FFS. I hate this whining, demanding, entitled shrew.
  7. Can you blame him?? She's horrid. High helps tune her out.
  8. She's always the victim. No personal accountability at all.
  9. The family's combined IQs are still low double-digit.
  10. FFS. This woman needs Lola & Paradise to tag team.
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