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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Her identity is no longer wife & mother. Now she's only mother and if she loses Coltee, she is nothing. She should have her own life - hobbies, friends, interests. Instead, she doubled-down on the mommy job. She crippled Coltee to keep from being alone. Stanks
  2. I can't stand Tarik. I especially hate that permanent sneer.
  3. Mommy wasn't scared. She keeps hollering for someone to hold her rings. She acts like she grew up in a gang. She's feral.
  4. You LOOK fed up, Winter. You look over-fed up.
  5. That fight was the most exercise Winter has ever done.
  6. Libby's sisters probably resent not being there for the conception.
  7. I don't blame him one bit. Madre Chantal will stir the shit and Father Chantal & River will do her bidding to provoke a scene.
  8. What happened to that ultra-glam furnished apartment Coltee & Larissa were going to move into??
  9. She could be hooker. We know she's experienced and she's not shy.
  10. They're MEN. They recognize Jay for the BOY he is.
  11. Azan would be safer in NK than being chased and accosted by Nicole on the beach
  12. Might. Probably won't be. Nicole better borrow some little blue pills from dad. And more money.
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