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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Smothered must have been inspired by Renee.
  2. To Sean, "better choice on food" means Pizza by Alfredo, not Alfredo's Pizza Cafe.
  3. What do you have against Komodo Dragons?
  4. He wants a "care facility". He doesn't (didn't) want to be an independent adult. Renee did a number on him.
  5. His mother was a selfish bitch. She kept him her little fat boy so he wouldn't/couldn't leave her.
  6. I'll see the Pounders on Wednesday and the rest of you back here next Sunday & Monday
  7. Corey is so damned annoying. I can't believe what a big baby he is.
  8. 62 with $6000 in savings. Unreal. This can't end well.
  9. I can't stand her spoiled ass. She's got Roos's balls in a dixie cup and keeps him well whipped but probably doesn't give him any.
  10. I hate her and I hate her family. Mother Chantel is a nasty piece of work.
  11. Coltee and Larissa clothes at the Goodwill that fit her??
  12. Purple is very Barney-ish. I think it's very apt.
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