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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. If Ronald hurts Daniel, that will be Tiffany's fault.
  2. I'll pay for them to stay at the hotel where Americans are croaking.
  3. So Axel was born with a job. It's his responsibility to fix their dysfunctional relationship. Poor kid.
  4. Pole's baby needs the DNA test. And I hope Pole is not daddy.
  5. Obed is full of shit. He's jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon. If Pedro didn't care, why does he keep coming back to Chantel?? Why try to mend the relationship with his family?? If this was all a setup, it's done deal. He's got his green card and could cut her loose but he hasn't.
  6. Oh my, no! Pow knows everything about birthing babies.
  7. They should both be neutered after this fiasco.
  8. Pow is the Earth Mother. She's terrorizing us with her perfect pregnancy and flawless plans to birth this immaculate conception Roos replacement.
  9. He wants to deny or minimize all the very dysfunctional activities. He needs to get a grip.
  10. I'm counting on Mother Sumit to hunt them down in their illicit love nest and send Jenny back to the states wrapped in plastic.
  11. I was hoping Pole would walk in on Kreeny and the baby daddy,
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