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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Jenny did not look good in traditional Indian clothes FTFY
  2. Yo Roos - hit up YouTube for episiotomy instructions.
  3. Mother Chantel will have to get involved too. She wanted him gone but she will never let him go.
  4. STFU Pow. You act like this is the second coming.
  5. It's your mother, Chantel. She likes to stir the shit and start drama.
  6. I doubt Roos made much of impression doing the deed that Pow is so eager to share with her mommy.
  7. I think Andrrrray has usurped the title of "Hard-head of the Family"
  8. He did. Maybe the gastric sleeve since Dr Now said a full bypass this time.
  9. He's not suicidal. He just wants to live without accountability. He wants to eat all he wants without consequence. He wants to be taken care of. He wants someone else to take responsibility while he sits and eats and crochets.
  10. My bra came off as soon as I got in the car to come home.
  11. It's hard to give a shit about him when he doesn't give a shit about himself.
  12. It's hard to give a shit about him when he doesn't give a shit about himself.
  13. Props to those women for keeping straight faces.
  14. Larissa needs to be deported. The DR should deport Chantel.
  15. It's been years since Sean has seen his feet.
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