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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Andrrrray is an idiot. He can't support a wife much less a wife and child. Now he wants $15K for a wedding in the old country. Where does he expect that to come from??
  2. Tiffany & Ronald don't care about Daniel's feelings. He doesn't get a vote much less have veto power.
  3. Neither does Larissa. She probably got physical out of frustration.
  4. Coltee & Nicole should get together and hit an All-You-Can-Eat buffet.
  5. Gotta pull anything living the hell out of there.
  6. If her call-girl career gets shit-canned because of Coltee testifying against her, she's gonna be pissed.
  7. The Sister Wives folks were in LV for a while. Maybe they inspired Coltee to take a younger sister wife for banging purposes while Debbie is in the kitchen.
  8. Or just keep shacking up. Why bother marrying??
  9. She's not going to put up with Drascilla either!
  10. Deaven is a moron. She's dim-witted and dense.
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