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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. Maybe he can find a farmer who needs his cow shit shoveled up. Pole is highly qualified.
  2. I am so tired of hearing these idiot Americans whine about all they "gave up" to be with their loves. I don't recall seeing any guns held to heads.
  3. It's a rental. He hasn't been driving long enough to be an authorized driver.
  4. We have scented loo paper. It's just not scented until after it's used.
  5. But Big Ang has Mockal's balls in a beer can in the carport. Besides, sweet little Akyini can't introduce him to Donald Trump.
  6. Maybe that's the goat Big Ang's redneck wedding planner is going to bbq.
  7. Eek. Maybe because his teeth aren't totally jacked.
  8. Married. It doesn't matter who she is married to. Married means she's not alone. Until she learns that there's nothing lonelier than being alone in a marriage,
  9. She knows no other way to hold their interest than to sex up a guy. If they don't want to screw her she's afraid that means they don't like her. I worry for her daughters' self-esteem.
  10. Rebecca is a selfish, culturally insensitive cow. Sied is living in the 3rd century.
  11. I'm sure they know that drink in Beirut. Sheesh, What an ugly American.
  12. She's a queen! She should be treated like one: beheaded and said head stuck on a pike.
  13. She's got some catching up to do after quitting the Jesse Temperance Society.
  14. They really do. Becoming a nun is akin to marrying. Jesus is the groom and the nun wears a wedding ring. (In most orders)
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