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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. As I recall, Kreeny whined and pouted to have a baby. Now she's pissed b/c Pole isn't throwing money all over her?? She knew what she was getting.
  2. Imagine him expecting to crawl on top of you several times a day. 🤮
  3. Do they not watch the show?? Nicole just accelerated the fan-shit collision.
  4. OMG! I loathe Chantel and her bitchy little sidekick Obed.
  5. That too! He needs to be fitted for a Bro or Mansierre.
  6. He was an incel and doesn't know how to behave with a woman.
  7. He has to throw money at her in hopes of getting some action.
  8. The car is more capable of returning his love than Evil-lyn is.
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