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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. I dated a Brit. He had been married twice. Wife #1 was a Brit. They divorced. Wife #2 was a green card scam. He wanted to make me #3 because I own a house and have a job and he was in need of a flop. I declined. It wasn't long before he found #3. I won. He was a psychopath.
  2. M600PL is seemingly endless this season. And endlessly boring.
  3. I can believe Colt is on the spectrum but he is not asexual. He was bothersome to Larrissa when he first got her on the reg. I imagine Debbie didn't give him much.
  4. It takes 3 hours for them to rehash every previous show and give us 5 minutes of new material. I've seen it so many times now, I could recite some of this dialog.
  5. I wonder if there's some emotional eating going on. Winter has definitely been eating the anxieties brought on by Madre Chantal.
  6. Ashley can't make an emotional decision because the consequences are permanent?? She didn't apply that logic to her quickie marriage.
  7. I hate Nicole. I hate her for being a shitty mom, for being a shallow hypocrite, for being culturally insensitive, for being a selfish, demanding, petulant, violent bitch.
  8. Pedro needs to cut his losses, divorce, and get rid of Chantal. He married into a family where insanity doesn't skip a generation.
  9. I'm so glad Debbie got her baby/substitute husband back.
  10. WTF?? I haven't seen anything new yet. Is this whole episode going to be just a rehash?. 😕
  11. I wish they'd all divorce, grow up, and stop letting their hormones run their lives. And Madre Chantal needs to quit stirring up shit and the rest of her horrid, conspiracy theorist family needs to find something else to do than run down Pedro and his family.
  12. Colt must be the show runner 'cause we got gaslighted about the "premiere".
  13. He did a lot of damage gaining all that weight. Some of the damage can't be undone.
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