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Everything posted by Gracie123

  1. Dear Candy-Ass, Please put your tits away. Also? You have toilet paper stuck to your shoe. Signed, Sane people everywhere.
  2. I just finished bingeing the entire series: 1. Season1. It grabbed me fast. 2. Could have done without the entire amputee porn. 3. Season 3 was a big "fuck you" to Hollywood. BBT is not a nice person.
  3. What is with the garbage bag fitting clothes? Is this a trend? Should I start buying 3 sizes up? I am not seeing any design, just really bad draping. I wish Project Runway was available in Canada because this is stupid. I watched Season 1 and was disappointed that "All I Make Is Black" chick won. Also, Moschino? Don't be critiquing anyone's design when you are dressed like a fucking clown.
  4. That was a whole lot of FUG on the runway. Bridal gown chick needed to go, cocky chick needed to go, ginormous white pant person needs to go. Go Gary. Just watched the runway for episode 2. I'm out.
  5. Are Tessa and Scott famewhores or are they really as stupid as they appear to be? I would never go see either of them for medical help. Good job, guys.
  6. They are blaming this flaming pile of shit on Ramona??? https://realityblurb.com/2021/07/12/report-ramona-singer-to-be-fired-from-rhony-amid-ratings-drop-and-racial-tensions-plus-how-ramona-feels-about-alleged-axing/
  7. I'm done. This episode was so tedious. I will come back if Leah and Eboni are off my screen.
  8. https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-season-6-cast-premiere-date-1234981868/ Meh...I don't feel one way or the other about any of them.
  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I kept wanting to yell at Rose during her lipsync, "DO SOMETHING! DO ANYTHING!" Ridiculously happy that Symone took it. Team: Anynone but Kandy.
  10. Fuck Blais and his stupid hair. He can't deal with anyone else getting attention. Fucking toddler.
  11. Mary is a full of shit con-woman. And her 22-year marriage is beyond gross.
  12. I'm so tired of Kandy needing to dominate everything. I thought she was shit in the challenge. I don't get what the judges are seeing in her.
  13. I hope Jenny From The Block kicks the shit out of Madison. Craig may be a loser in the personality/relationship department, but his pillows are making A LOT of money.
  14. I lived in Texas (Austin) for about 10 years. I have never heard of Sam Moon. Claire's...yes. The point is that he does not appear to be a big deal outside of his current market, whatever that is. I cannot stand Tiffany. So worry about your kids? Give up your Ho-wife gig. Easy-peasy. It appears that you make enough money.
  15. Hey Tiffany, If you are so overburdened and feeling guilty, why the "f" did you sign up to do a Housewives show on top of everything else in your very, very, very, extremely stressful life? I'm sorry, but doctors are not the only ones who are busy, mentally stressed, and have children. Guess what? We don't take on another project in order to make myself a martyr every week. Please, make her go away. P.S. You and your mom need therapy.
  16. Well, that was an hour of mostly incomprehensible screeching. Yikes. Really Marlo? Crying at the dinner table because you didn't like your room? I'm no Kenya fan, but come on.
  17. I hate this fucking season. From the bullshit "Hell's Kitchen" challenges to the BS hiding shit from other chefs, to the obvious play of TC making Leann famous. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
  18. I didn't think this episode would ever fucking end. Oxycontin! Random shit in the commisary? Romance in a fucking prison riot? FUCK OFF OITNB. Jumped the shark. Backflipped, triple-quadruple-lutz. So stupid.
  19. No episode recaps since first night in Hawaii. What is PTV afraid of?
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