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Everything posted by tvallthetime

  1. It's not a song you would hear on a "top 40" type of radio station, I think you would only hear it on a rap station (not something I personally listen to) & I honestly don't understand why some people consider Kanye to be such a genius. His raps sound like complete crap to me. I think it's fine if you don't like his music or rap, but I don't think it's necessary to insult those who do like it. Musical taste is personal. The song was played extensively on Top 40 stations. I can't speak to why some may have heard it and others haven't. But, a song doesn't sell four million+ copies and make it to the Billboard top 10 without help from pop/Top 40 radio. Many people changed the title to "NiNJas" in Paris to make it more palatable and easier to sing along. I am a reformed Kanye fan and he gives plenty to snark on without having to reduce his extensive musical accomplishments.
  2. The family who gives each other Brazilian waxes, jokes about their brother's penis, has vagina smell-offs and recreates sex tapes of their parents/in-laws and then shows it to their family.
  3. N**gas in Paris reached #5 on the US Billboard Hot 100, so that's a top 10 hit. It also won two Grammy's and is 4x platinum.
  4. Yes, that rat looked way too healthy and scrubbed clean. The rat was in hair and makeup with the rest of them.
  5. She really does. The beauty queen thing is so incongruous given her overdrawn appearance. Also, I think the third baby topic is just as much a storyline ploy as Tamra's robo-baby. Unfortunately for them (and us), both stories are boring as hell.What on earth crawled up Heather's butt? It's not enough that the whole family sit and watch her grand debut, but if Terry dare talk over her DVR'd scene, she'll give him an "I'll chop your donut holes off!" look. I couldn't last more than a few days in that kind of relationship. Shannon, Shannon, Shannon, I feel like we're watching, uncomfortably waiting for her to completely break. That marriage makes me glad I'm single. Life is too short to live that way, nagging and griping, crying and lashing out. And I am as much a dutiful, anti-smoking Californian as any, but would it have killed her to find at least something enjoyable about the cigar shop? She must suck the joy right out of the air.
  6. All she does is live life as though it's a constant pap shot. Enjoying life and emotions other than self-adulation is secondary.
  7. Whatever the ratings, I've been enjoying the season more as it progresses - especially the Aviva-less episodes.
  8. I love that a caller asked her where he can buy her toaster oven. Sonya babbled about her recipes and Chinese investors and then said she learned "the money isn't in toaster ovens." Gee, you think?
  9. It's all part of her "fairy tale" life.
  10. I agree. I wish them a successful marriage, but the way they behaved last night doesn't bode well.
  11. I always feel bad when Andy fawns over one guest more than another on the same show. When 50Cent was on with Jerry Ferrara, Andy even referred to Jerry as Jeremy at one point! He was too busy obsessing over 50Cent's being. Oh Andy!
  12. I am officially through entertaining Kanye's nonsense ramblings and soliloquies. Since he began dating Kim, I've gone from fan to anti-Stan.
  13. Man, Briana's ex-husband seems like a super tool. He's like a sullen, defiant teenager in a grown man's body. He needs to grow up like yesterday. What grown ass man with a child has a "serious friendship" with a woman he brings around his daughter? Who says that?
  14. I don't feel sorry for her In this regard. If she's stupid enough to marry a man who only wants her for her fleeting looks, she's a damn fool. I mean, hello Kim, look at Linda Foster. She's your brothers' dinosaur-looking-surgeried mom. Get a fucking clue and an original thought. Also, cover up your tig ol' bitties.
  15. Why do humans do anything we do? When I went to a South American country recently to volunteer, the native children were fascinated by the fact that I wore earrings period. "Why do you have those in your ears?" I had no other answer than it's seen as attractive in my culture. Beauty is all relative, but some Americans seem to think they alone dictate culturally acceptable behaviors based on their limited viewpoints.
  16. Far be it from me to defend Kimye, but this "controversy" over North getting her ears pierced strikes me as American ignorance. I can't speak to Armenian practice, but Kanye is African-American and it's not uncommon for us to have our ears pierced at an early age. It's no big deal, IMO. All this pearl clutching is near offensive. http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/18/living/baby-ear-piercing-north-kardashian/
  17. That outfit Kim wore to the cooking lesson made her ass look huge. I am not one to knock a large booty, but that was revolting.
  18. Not to sound cheesy, but I think she's beautiful the way she is.
  19. Her narration is the worst acting she's done in years. She's playing the poor betrayed "single mom" angle for sympathy, yet all I can feel is pity and mild disgust toward her for her childlike delusions and narcissism. She and Dean deserve each other. I still don't understand how it's fair to Dean that they see TORI'S longtime therapist, especially the one who ended Tori's first marriage.
  20. I don't see what liking alcohol and weed has to do with one's maturity. Plenty of adults enjoy these things responsibly and I see nothing wrong with that. Some of our brightest minds and contributors are big ol' potheads.
  21. George's comments horrified me and would have made me uncomfortable. He's not funny at all; he's why the term "sexist pig" exists. He's like a disgusting relic.
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