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Everything posted by Beatrice

  1. Watched this for Anna Torv. Oh how I miss Fringe. Ended up liking the show, looking forward to next season.
  2. Honestly...the only thing I got from this episode is that they used the phrase "get this prick" three times, three different people.
  3. She says in her op ed that she talked to him in his or her trailer and asked him to help her change the cultural of the set and that she was uncomfortable. He then proceeded to ice her out and make sarcastic comments. So it seems she did the right thing telling him is "humor" wasn't appreciated and he the continued to act out. Humor is not an excuse for harassment. Especially when one was told it was not welcome.
  4. They canceled Roseanne for the tweet and that was the number one show on that network. There's actually tapes of him sexually harassing Eliza. Interesting message if he's not fired considering the network president was fired for similar actions.
  5. Sounds to me it was an excuse he used when she asked him to not sexually harassing. Especially since she was fired while taping and the CBS execs didn't even know about it.
  6. No one should have to put up with that behavior at work. That's just unbelievable how many stories like this are finally coming to light. I'm happy all these perverts are being outed but saddened as well it's such a common story. She did everything right in reporting it and CBS failed once again.
  7. I listed to the podcast and yikes. I think that fact that per Sophia no one tried to step in when they witnessed the abusive behavior is just as bad. I also saw that another actress on the show supported/agreed and thanked her for speaking out.
  8. Better for women and men harassed. Worse for the harassers.
  9. Very disappointed in the women coming forward to support him. Just because he never harassed them doesn't mean he wasn't inappropriate with others. I would just like some standard about who gets fired or not in these situations. Roseanne was fired, I remember the actor from Grey's years ago was fired for homophobic language, Matt Later fired, Megan Kelly fired, the president of CBS fired, Weatherly, same company, sexual harasser not fired. What is the standard? To be clear I'm not calling for anyone's job, it's just hard to distinguish what is acceptable and not these days.
  10. This is saying it was because of the weather. I thought she previously said it was because of Jason.
  11. I'm here for that drama. lol Not that I think it's going there. I've enjoyed this season a lot just not what they did to Antonio because imo there is no coming back to who he was after killing someone.
  12. Well Antonio was the good guy that followed the law before this episode. He was really the only one left. Hailey to a lesser extent is still a straight arrow. But Antonio will no longer be able to chastise anyone for not following protocol. Something else is why didn't Burgess, his partner, notice that he was having issues. It was pretty obvious he was acting differently. I think back to Jay/Hailey who both noticed when the other was going off the deep end.
  13. Probably referring to Ruzek trying to take the fall.
  14. I see what you mean but they needed one character that still at least tried to follow the rules. Now it's just a free for all. Are they trying to redo the Voight/Al situation with Antonio/Ruzek. Only this time Antonio won't let Ruzek take the fall? Anything other than Antonio stepping up would be so out of character imo. I kinda like Ruzek and Upton. Although, I was so Hailey when he mentioned sharing rent, I was like what the hell.
  15. I'm excited to see what they do for Antonio. If it's just discovered and forgotten or they show him getting help. I saw that Laura will be back. I imagine the big cliff hanger involves him. Shocking, maybe Laura dies. You could tell Ruzek was more into Upton than she was. When we he find a lady that actually wants him back. lol
  16. Exactly, regardless of their own bias, if the judges can't even score correctly why would we trust them with more power choosing the winner.
  17. Of course it would be different. If Bobby was deemed a "nice guy" none of this judges get more say would be thrown out there. My question is why would anyone want some of their power/voice taken away. Even on something so insignificant as a tv show. Judges are people with their own opinions as well. I guess if you want to make it a strictly dance competition, then I would just get rid of fan vote all together and have it be a different show. The clear answer is people need to vote and sometimes we like different things than the masses do. fyi I don't even care for Bobby. lol
  18. Upton is my favorite character probably because I am a huge Revolution fan. Still bitter that show was canceled. I recommend that show if you like the actress.
  19. Total agreement with you. That was my point as well that Helio had a better personality but dancing wise they were the same level. So it's really about who you like better. aka popularity contest. Not about dancing. If it was Heather Morris and other ringers would win every time. I also agree that I think Bobby is a crap dancer with a crap attitude but I just felt like he was being treated differently that past winners that weren't great dancers.
  20. Did they break any rules? What you are stating is you just don't like his attitude which is totally fine not my cup of tea either. However, I really think people are going to far with this now. Where was this kind of vitriol when Helio won? He is the same level of dancer as Bobby but people just liked him better.
  21. Good for her. I'm glad she said something. There are a lot of people that being really negative trying to say she doesn't deserve this. Maybe this isn't the ideal partner to win with but they won fair and square by the rules of the show. Change the rules if you don't like it but don't place the blame on the participants.
  22. Maybe it's the show then. I'm just not seeing the same buzz around the interwebs as I have in the past with some contestants. I agree and I think it's part of the reason I'm trying to find some good or explanation. But, no people are not better than that. At least not in the times we are living in now.
  23. People always vote for their favorite person regardless of the dancing. It just happens that this season didn't have anyone that was a strong dancer combined with a strong personality. The good dancers were nice enough but I thought it was pretty clear they weren't connecting to the audience as stars have in the past. Maybe that is just a byproduct of the show going down hill.
  24. I'm happy for Sharna.I really do think she's one of the more creative people on the show. 18 seasons ago I would have had a problem with Bobby winning but literally no one I ever want to win wins anyway so I'll just be happy for the winners.
  25. I don't like the idea of giving judges more power because they clearly play favorites just like the audience. Great ideas! Particularly one these two.
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