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Everything posted by Beatrice

  1. I'm thinking the only consequence for Mosely is that she loses her job which now that she has her son probably won't matter much to her. That's why the new guy playing assistant director is brought in.
  2. I loved the episode. It's been my favorite in a long time. I hope this season focuses on the main four. I love the two pairings. Sam/Callen really pulled at my heart strings with the we had a good run scene. Kensi is so bad ass. I love seeing her in that type of role in the episodes. I think the admiral was an unnecessary character but realize they needed him in Hetty's place since Linda was out. I love Turk, love him. I found when he told Kensi that she was ok and saved Deeks, very touching.
  3. What has happened to me. I don't like anyone yet, not even any of the pros. Usually there is at least one person that captures my attention. Like someone else mentioned, I'm over all the for lack of a better word sob stories. Just let me see some non dancers learning to dance. I think I could get behind Nikki except for Gleb.
  4. It doesn't support anything. There is a picture that wasn't posted of Simone not smiling. So we can make that narrative fit anyone based on one picture.
  5. There were also several snaps and insta stories of the group goofy around. I think I know where that "rumor" came from and the place hates all things Heather/Normani/Chmerkovskiy brothers.
  6. There's some others pics on instagram. I would guess they are giving a high five because they found out they are using a Fifth Harmony song.
  7. Are you going to post the other pictures from that series of her smiling?
  8. I don't see nothin' wrong with a little bump and grind. Fear not the boy band team will take their shirts off. All cliches will be filled.
  9. Agree. It will be the same thing Len said about Heather, it's all about expectations. I think the boys team has the better choreographers so that will be an advantage for them as well.
  10. I'm more so interested in how the girl group routine will look. Pretty sure the judges are going to praise whatever the boys do so I don't really care about that. The girls are my dream top four. Two of the songs No Scubs and the Fifth Harmony song are so hip hop and you have Heather a hip hop dancer and Normani who is a good dancer and has done choreography to one of the songs. So it would seem a natural direction to go hip hop but I don't know if that would be fair to Nancy or maybe she can pull it off who knows. Plus I don't think any of the male pros are good with that style of dance. The girls group should far and away slay this dance it will come down to the choreography.
  11. I really like Alan, he seems easy going. Glad he enjoyed the little last of being a pro so much. I also like the clear distinctions he made between him and Maks in rehearsals and with the choreography. Will be interesting to see how the show plays Heather switching back partners again and how the audience reacts. People really seemed to warm to her and Alan.
  12. They did the waltz week one so hopefully a rumba and not a foxtrot since for me it's a similar vibe to the waltz. They still have the group dance as well which will probably be an upbeat dance.
  13. Did anyone catch Alan's FB live with Entertainment Tonight. Had some good stuff. He mentioned the Tango was 100% his, Maks wasn't there, he was there for the cha cha though. The jazz was all Maks. I think he feels like everyone else that he danced four dances with Heather and the season is half over so...Didn't say what dance Heather had this week but he said it would be easy on Mak's leg. Any ideas?
  14. Agree. I've accepted that she's not going to make it all the way and they are clearly showing her a certain way but last show was so overt it was boarding on ridiculous. As soon as they showed her saying she could do jazz I was like oh this dance is going to suck. Only thing I am holding on to is the show might not want to eliminate Maks on his first week back.
  15. I don't think she's safe. I think we see her in jeopardy next week.
  16. Exactly. I did think all her previous dances had a lot of content though, much more than anyone else so far but last night was such a missed opportunity. Hopefully going back to what he knows Maks will give her a competition worthy routine. I think that is the only hope she has of impressing the judges. Curious to see what style the group dance is. If it's free style it could be a chance for them to really let her loose.
  17. So girls vs boys. How badly are the boys going to be over scored?
  18. I think maybe after this season the show will put in a week limit on how many a pro can missed before they are replaced. I know Maks is one of the most popular pros and the show wants him back but Heather has danced with Alan for four weeks now. It just feels weird going back since her and Maks only danced once. Plus literally everywhere I go is wanting Alan to stay with Heather. I'm really surprised, maybe Maks fans are just being quiet or maybe they are not into this season.
  19. Based of their SM it seems Heather and Alan had a lot of fun together. We'll see. In the package it showed Heather still going to Maks for this thoughts on the dance so I think she still seems him as her teacher. He really let her down with this dance and she totally knew it. Her best dance was the Tango which Alan choreographed. There was a lot of content in that dance.
  20. Ooo I really hope he didn't do what you are saying. That's basically screwing Heather over on purpose. I just think he has no idea about jazz. And Heather would not offer any input on creating the dance unless asked I think. So maybe he didn't feel comfortable asking her but he could have got outside help.
  21. Hopefully next week is a dance Maks excels and and can fill with content. I feel for Heather because she knew that jazz didn't live up to her potential. Pros are allowed to get help with choreography, Maks should have reached out to someone or you know even asked Heather.
  22. I absolutely love Heather. I'll be sad to see Alan go, I enjoy their partnership. My favorite thing was Heather knowing what a missed opportunity that jazz was and flat out saying there wasn't a lot of dance in it. I think Carrie Ann is a big fan of Heather's and was legit excited to see a jazz so her comments were spot on in my opinion. I do find it refreshing the show and Heather aren't shying away from the fact she can dance. I know it is 100% hurting her with some fans though and I do feel the show is giving her the short end of the stick in a lot of ways. It is what it is though. Also in the package pretty sure that was Gleb talking about not knowing who the pro was not Maks. I liked Nick's dance the best, Peta did really well with that and played into his strengths. I was very underwhelmed on the whole by all the dances. Still like Nancy though. Hoping it's Bonner gone next, then David. There is zero chance Normani was in jeopardy. Zero. The show doing some manipulation there. Maybe to set up a shocking elimintion of someone else, Heather or Nancy, next week.
  23. Heather can't buy a good dancing spot. She's going fourth.
  24. She's a pro dancer though right? I think I head that once somewhere.
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