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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. I agree, and I feel terrible about it too. Is it too terrible to wish the show could employ SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) to Grover's character and find a new, more mature and better actor? 😂 I liked the storyline, but I liked Dave and Gemma's parts in it more than Grover.
  2. Sunny's worn those for a while now. At first, I thought they were some kind of earrings, but I paused the show and looked closely. I'd like some blinged out earbuds, too!! And, aside from the earbuds, she also wears quite a few diamond earrings in her ears - she has multiple piercings. She's just sooo sparkly lately!! 😂
  3. I forgot to reply to what I've bolded here in my previous reply. First - the bubble lady was stupid, but I feel like we've seen that before on other franchises - just can't remember which ones! All of this food presentation "theatre" is ridiculous. Body sushi has been around for a long time - I think there was a body sushi scene on RHOC many years ago, and Vicki was lecturing the girl as she was laying on the table with sushi strewn all over her body. Also, at Audriana's christening party at The Brownstone (Season 2), Teresa had a server wearing a big, Marie Antoinette-style dress that was a table with sushi being served from it. Completey off topic, but if you watch the scenes from Audriana's christening closely, you can catch a few glimpses of Melissa and Joe and Kathy Wakile. Two interesting things - You can see the "real" Melissa - before any of her nose jobs, before any other type of plastic surgery and hair straightening. And, I don't think that Melissa and Joe were sitting at Teresa and Joe's table then, either!! 🤣
  4. If Teresa is reading this, you just gave her a good idea! Although, I think she tried a sparkling wine business right before her and Joe's legal troubles. I don't think it went anywhere - anyone else remember "Fabellini"?
  5. This is a totally frivilous comment about Sunny - but, has anyoe else noticed all of the "bling" she's been sporting lately? I adore the one diamond necklace she's wearing with the smaller row of diamonds in the front, but she's also wearing a pretty substantial tennis necklace. Both are quite striking, and if the stones are real, quite valuable. Plus, she's wearing a diamond band thumb ring, and a couple of other rings with a good number of diamonds. Along with the crystal-imbedded earphones and other diamond bracelets, she's been very sparkly lately!
  6. I think Delores "hosted" the group trip to Nashville trip last year. You know-the one where Teresa left in the middle of the night to stay at a hotel? Also, the same one where Mensa Member Melissa didn't know where in the U.S. Nashville was located. And, she also hosted the finale party weekend the season before (?), at her rental house down the shore - the one when Teresa flipped out because Danielle ratted her out about Margaret's hairpulling incident. I think that half of the group stayed at Dolores' house for the weekend, with the other half staying at Melissa and Joe's house. I could be mis-remembering that one, though.
  7. You are NOT alone! I don't find the Ayden children funny or cute in any way. YES!!! I would just love to see one of them in a turtleneck sweater or something....hell, I'd even take a crew neck or high v-neck tee shirt! It's getting ridiculous. I've said this before - we know you have them, we know you paid for them. Doesn't mean we need to see your breasts ALL the fucking time!! I wish someone would gift them a bra, for God's sake! The rare times we see Dolores in workout gear/sports bra - she looks sooo much better. I can't say that about Marge, because I don't think I've ever seen her in workout gear, except for the softball fundraiser thing from last season.
  8. I don't necessarily see Louie writing points for Teresa to bring up with Joe as a controlling or bad thing. I think that Louie knows how reactive Teresa is when having conversations, especially with her brother. Teresa is definitely the kind of person who can lose the message of the conversation in the combativeness of that conversation, based on words. We've seen her do this over and over again. She gets off track from what she is trying to impart because someone says one word or phrase that pushes her buttons. (Joe is especially good at this, actually, so is anyone who observes Teresa in any argument.) I think Louie was trying to keep Teresa on point and was trying to prompt her back to what she really wanted to say to Joe. I think he's all about therapy-speak and keeping cool under fire, and he is trying to help Teresa get some of that, too. I don't know if that is controlling or considered helping her be a better, more cool-headed person. I always thought that Teresa's Dad and Joe Guidice were very controlling over Teresa, and in a very chauvinistic, mysoginistic way. As far as the notes to Teresa during her phone conversation - My husband and I have done that with each other when one of us has had to have a difficult conversation with a family member that we may have been upset with, for whatever reason. I've actually done this for myself, too, because I know I can go off track much like Teresa does when I'm angry. I make a list of bullet points of the things I want to get off my chest, and try to stick with that. Most of the time, issues get resolved that way.
  9. As mentioned already - Joe Gorga is hanging onto this show by a thread - a very, very, very long and stretched out thread of the family battle that has been going on since he and Melissa worked their way onto the show in Season 3. Teresa is not without fault here, but she's at least giving the impression of trying to "fix" things...most of the time. Teresa may think she's all about the "namaste", but she's also becoming a master at passive-aggressive digs. That comment about "chosen family" was mean and was meant for her brother. If she wants peace so badly, she never would have said that, but we all know that Teresa is dumber than a box of rocks at times, so it doesn't surprise me she said it. At least that comment included Melissa, because Melissa was there. And, Melissa isn't so bright either, and she probably wouldn't have even thought anything about the comment if she didn't have Margaret and Jackie buzzing in her ear. Melissa's interaction with Gia and Gabriella was so awkward. Those girls were barely giving her the time of day, and Melissa looked uncomfortable. Melissa's fake crying as she went to bathroom was cringe-y. She's about as good an actress as she was a singer. Is the show trying to make Frank Sr's girlfriend, Brittany, a "friend of"? She's been in a couple of scenes already, and Dolores specifically included her name when she was asked where Frank was. "Frank and Brittany are not here because Frank had a meeting"??? WTF kind of meeting would he be attending that was so important for him to miss some time in front of camera? I think the real reason that Frank wasn't there was because Dolores was going to be there with Paul. Frank doesn't want to be anywhere near Paul. Frank doesn't like Paul because Paul is taking Frank's place in more ways than just as Dolores' other half. If Paul and Dolores remain a couple, Frank's time on this show will continue to diminish. There is no need for him to be on the show, on the group trips, or involved in anything show related except maybe the occasionally filmed Catania family dinner. Frank sees Paul as a threat to whatever source of income Frank is getting from his appearances on the show. Dolores' Mom looks good - I hope she continues to stay healthy. While I am happy for Jackie with her healthy life choices recently, she is totally gunning for Danielle. Jackie seems, at least to me, to be acting like the mean girls in high school who probably made fun of her because of her weight. She's clearly jealous of Danielle and during filming knew that Danielle was bringing more to the show than Jackie ever did. I like Danielle, so far. She seems open, fun and she reminds me of soooo many people that I know, both in actions, voice and demeanor, that I feel like I know her. Jen Aydin is having a rough time this season, imo. She's wading into bad waters if she keeps going the way she is with Bill. We've seen this type of thing so many times on Housewives shows, and most of those times, the couple winds up divorcing. I'm not a fan of Rachel Fuda, or her husband. They can go anytime and I wouldn't miss them. Jenn Fessler reminds me of that one season girl, Cindy, on RHONY - the one who owned the personal grooming salons that also bedazzled women's private parts. I didn't like Cindy, either, LOL! Margaret just needs to shut up and cover up. Her breasts are out ALL the fucking time! (Although, so are Dolores' and I, for one, am getting tires of seeing both of their veerrry loooong cleavages.)
  10. A few thoughts after a rewatch of this episode: Louie may be a creeper master manipulator, but I loved watching him defuse and derail Joe Gorga's "BIG" moment at the guys' night out. JG came in looking to cause a scene and possibly a fight, thereby, getting more attention and camera time for him. He did try to cause a scene with his raising his voice, slamming his hand on the table (is table slamming/flipping hereditary in the Guidice bloodline?), and the degrading put downs he threw at Louie. Louie wouldn't take the bait though - making himself look like the better person (in the most common sense way). I'm not a big fan of Louie's, but I think he's got this reality show game down. He knows what looks good and what looks bad. Being reasonable and adultlike - looks good; being loud, obnoxious and childish - looks bad. Joe just looked like a juvenile idiot trying to be a bully. He's making such a fuss over the stupidest things, and he sounds even more childish by refusing to want to see/talk with Teresa. Or - he's also playing the game and prolonging the inevitable face to face with his sister so he can work up a head of steam and come in fighting. As far as the Paulie/Frank Sr. bullshit - as far as I can see, Paulie doesn't fit the "mold" of who Frank Sr. thinks Dolores should be dating. Primarily, Paul doesn't need this show, doesn't seem to need the camera time and is currently making a shit ton more money than Frank. He is everything that Frank is not, and that bothers Frank. Lastly - Jennifer Aydin is the most non-self-reflective person I've seen on TV recently, perhaps with the exception of Teresa Guidice. I'll give Teresa some slack in that situation because I don't think she has any idea of how to be self-reflective or even what it means.
  11. Fox should also be required to put up a disclaimer prior to every one of their big hitter shows (Hannity, Carlson, Pirro, etc.) that the show is NOT true news, but an opinion show or infotainment show.
  12. The whole firing of Alyssa just seemed so "off" to me. First, as mentioned above - why have Ross there for that one, and not for Camille? And, why the whole "Ross must escort you from the ship" bullshit from Captain Sandy? What did Sandy think she was going to do? Steal some tacky knicknacks from the ship? Throw a fit and break what little glassware they have left? Also, Alyssa didn't seem all that broken up over the entire thing - she was like "Okay, fine - no problem - I'll go on my merry way". I don't know - I don't usually question these things as producer manipulation, but in this instance, I just wonder if Alyssa knew when she was hired what she was supposed to to do, knew that her time on the shp was limited and she would not make it to the end of the charter season. I don't know - it just all came across as she was hired to be the sneaky shit stirrer, zeroed in on Camille, who made Alyssa's role that much easier, and went all in on doing the job she was hired for. I also do not understand why we didn't see Sandy telling Captain Lee about Alyssa's firing when he called to say he was returning. We saw her make a phone call to Captain Lee to specifically tell him about Camille's firing, so why wouldn't we see that discussion regarding Alyssa? Unless Captain Lee had some choice words for Sandy and it was edited out, we should have gotten to see this staff update report as well. That one guest, Laquish (?) - she's just a little bit extra, isn't she? I think I know why she didn't sleep in her stateroom - it was because she had all of her clothes and toiletries strewn all over her bed and there was no room for her. That was one messy room!! Why is it that the guests/friends of the primary guest are usually the ones that are the worst as far as being demanding, messy and think they are so special?
  13. I thought it was a little cringe-y, too - for the same reasons you mention. I'm so torn about this type of thing, because on one hand, I get all kinds of swoony feelings seeing someone like Liam Neeson or even today's guest, Milo Ventimiglia, who are both very handsome, very personable and just HOT (in different ways, though), and can understand Joy and the other women's gushing. On the other hand, I get cringes because I keep thinking of what kind of backlash there would be if something like this happened to a female actor/star appearing on a talk show hosted by men. It would be horrible for the men hosts, possibly career ending. On top of that, the women of The View would be the loudest voices criticizing the men hosts if that were the situation-especially Joy (whom I love) and Sunny (whom I don't) . As a woman, I'm guilty of saying things about certain famous guys that would not be appropriate if said by a man about a woman, so I get it, but I don't - does that make sense? I think the "Me Too" movement has made me start thinking of these things, and why is it okay for women to gush, bat their eyes, fan their faces (Sunny - I'm looking at you with those actions) and sort of openly flirt with handsome male guests, but guys would be ripped to shreds if they did that with an exceptionally beautiful female guest. I know it's all done in jest and not serious, but I still feel that if the roles were reversed, the matter would be taken seriously and out of context. I am also from a generation that was okay with some nice compliments to someone on their looks, outfits, etc., for both women and men from opposite genders, even those compliments that bordered on innuendo or were flat out flirting. Being a young adult in the late 70's-early 80's taught me how to discern between harmless and not so harmless, and that served me well when I was at the age where it was a concern. Having said that, I really cannot wait to see Liam Neeson as Philip Marlowe, because of his incredible talent (and, yes, he looks the part, imo) and Milo Ventimiglia's new show looks great. Too bad ABC is showing it in the proven unpopular time slot of Sunday nights at 10:00 PM.
  14. If I hear the words "ride or die" on this franchise, I will scream!! I heard enough of that saying on Salt Lake City. I guess, if you were to compare friends from these two specific franchises, Jen = Heather and Teresa = Jen Shah?? Now that I think about it, Teresa and Jen Shah have A LOT of things in common and have similar personality traits.
  15. I don't think Margaret is necessarily worried about what the ex-friend will or has said about her - I think Margaret's worried that this ex-friend will spill ALL of the stuff Margaret supposedly knows about the other ladies and repeated to the ex-friend. Margaret is worried that it will come out that she has been the source of a lot of gossip/rumors over the years, which she has always denied. I looked Paul up - he owns a high-end electrical contracting business, and appears to be very successful. That was a beautifully decorated home. I'm still on the fence about Paul, but he does seem to treat Dolores well - time will tell if he's just doing it for exposure on the show, or if he's true.
  16. I don't really care about all of this with Teresa and Louie's engagment party, but if Melissa asked to sit at a different table than Teresa and Louie's, why did Teresa feel the need to apologize to them for not being placed at the "head" table? No apology would have been necessary if Teresa honored Melissa and Joe's request. I'm not usually on Melissa's side in these silly, petty arguments, but that one had me scratching my head. Especially when Jennifer chimed into the discussion. Jennifer did no favors for Teresa in that argument.
  17. I think this is a word that has been "Americanized". Most Americans pronouce it "foy-yer" (as you said, rhyming with lawyer) and not the proper French pronunciation of "foy-yay" (forgive my basic pronunciation descriptive). Around here (NJ), if someone were to say it with the proper French pronunciation, people usually laugh behind their hands at that person for trying to put on airs and be "fancy".
  18. Totally agree with Joe and Melissa whining over and over. IF they are "so over it", as they remind us time after time after time, why don't we see them talking about anything else? (Maybe because they don't really have anything else interesting enough to talk about? Or, maybe they're not the super-happy, united couple they pretend to be?) My Thorn of this episode - Jennifer friggin' Fessler!!! Please just get her off my screen! She's not funny, she's not witty, she's annoying and trying too damn hard to be involved. Plus, shoving huge amounts of food in her mouth was not attractive at all.
  19. Agree! Also, good leaders don't announce to all the team members that the only reason for the team building experience was to show one team member (Fraser) how well the opposing team members play/work together. Good leaders also don't say that the whole team building experience is now "moot" because one person could not participate. Sandy just really has it in for Fraser. Fraser may not be quite ready for chief steward stripes, but Sandy is just rude to him, and those comments at the volleyball game were just kind of catty and very passive-aggressive, imo. Why didn't Rachel have to participate? Because, according to Sandy, she "gets it"? When Fraser said he couldn't play based on doctor's orders (and why did Sandy NOT know that a medic/doctor was visiting the ship?), why didn't Sandy ask Rachel to fill in for him? Even though the chef is sort of their own department on a ship, they are more closely related to the interior team than the deck/exterior team. If Sandy really wanted a team building experience, she should have insisted that Rachel step in as captain of the deck crew team, thereby showing how people can/should fill in for one another when needed - that's real team building - not this bullshit we watched, which was just a poor attempt at a dressing down of Fraser in disguise. She also should have mixed up the interior and deck crew members - not pitted the interior against the deck crew. For someone who claims to have planned all kinds of team building events and exercises, she's not very good at it.
  20. I completely agree with this statement. In the past, if Sandy had an issue with someone (anyone - deck or interior), she would either call them up to the wheelhouse, or have a conversation with them privately to express her concerns and criticisms (often hidden within a lot of "therapy speak" word salad). I don't recall Sandy ever calling someone out in front of others - even Hannah, whom Sandy seemed to dislike with the heat of a 1,000 suns. Sandy even took Rachel off the ship for coffee to talk to her about what she thought was a problem with Rachel;s performance as chef. Sandy does seem to have a lot of issues with all of her interior teams and her chief stews. I think she does show a fair amount of favoritism toward the deck crews.
  21. I don't know if you remember when RHOC first started, but the women all wore those "SKY" brand tops - different style halter tops with embellishments and jeweled brooch-like things sewn on. The tops were kind of low cut. Compared to what these women are wearing now, those tops looked like a nun's habit. Teresa should have checked herself out in a mirror before choosing that outfit. She's pretty fit, but there are slight rolls hanging out on the sides. Plus, the neon color and the furniture stain looking spraytan - it's an ovreall really, really, really bad look!
  22. I should edit my post to say that I know Frank Sr. is/was a scumbag, but he made me laugh much more than any of the other clowns that call themselves "NJ husbands". At times, I thought he was becoming a better person than he was pre-RHONJ, but I think we will see the real Frank, Sr. persona this season, and it won't be pretty, or funny. I don't know about this new guy Dolores is dating, but Dolores seems like a basically nice person who deserves to find happiness with a great guy. YES!!!! I was trying to figure out who she reminded me of - you got it!!
  23. Wow....so much of so much! Are we going to be watching two versions of one show? Definite lines in the sand have been drawn (more like scribed into concrete), but there are so many crossovers. Dolores and Jen are both friends of Teresa, but they are not speaking to each other and seemingly can't stand one another. Margaret is making peace with Teresa, but is a friend of Melissa. How long before Melissa or Teresa force Margaret to make a choice? How is this all going to play out? The new girls: Danielle - she's loud and obnoxious-a blend of everything that New Jersey and Staten Island gets bashed for. It seems like she's really trying very hard to come in hot and heavy. We'll see. Rachel - Not sure about her. I'm not a big fan, yet. Did the same plastic surgeon do her and Jennifer's noses? Margaret's "friend of" (I can't remember her name) - She seems to be flitting around and barging in wherever there's a camera. I can see why she is only a "friend of" - she must have annoyed the shit out of the producers and camera guys. I thought the little bit we did see of Jackie, she looked good. She's put on a little bit of weight and seemed healthy looking. Good for her! That calendar? Dolores would have been better off doing another softball game - I don't think the calendars are going to be making much money for Maimonides. Except for her son, none of those guys looked like beefcake calendar material. They all look great for their ages, but they also look better with clothes on. They would have looked sexier in well cut suits or tuxedos. I've always liked Frank Sr., but he came across like a real asshole tonight. He's completely jealous of Dolores' new relationship. He wants to have her available to him at all times - he can be in a relationship, but he doesn't want her to be. He's acting like a scumbag. Lastly, I wish these women would keep their breasts to themselves. I am tired of seeing almost every square inch of their breasts all the time - in their talking head outfits, in their going out outfits, in their staying home outfits - enough is enough already! Just because you bought them, doesn't mean to you need to show them off to everyone. Off the show topic, and on WWHL - Dolores is on, and she is without extensions and her hair is completely straight. She looks like a different person.
  24. Thank goodness! I can't wait to see the show tonight and snark about it with you and everyone afterwards!
  25. Alissa said on WWHL she never takes out the garbage "because she's a lady". I don't think she acts very ladylike when she refers to the almost all the other women on board as "bitches" (Camille, Hayley and Captain Sandy). Also, stating that her female boss "sucks deck crew dick" is really not a ladylike comment, either. Camille was a problem employee, no doubt, but it's clear that Alissa is also a problem, and perhaps a bigger one than Camille was. She really let that firing of Camille get in her head-I think she thinks she can get/do whatever she wants now. She certainly was displaying some superior attitude on tonight's episode. Also, if you are so grossed out by your shower (which was definitely gross), and your roommate isn't cleaning it, clean it yourself. Spray some heavy duty bleach solution in there 20 minutes or so before your roommate's normal shower time and leave it to soak. She'll get the hint that it was her turn to clean.
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