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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. Of course it was mutual. When you're fired, you really don't have much of a say in the matter. Your boss says "You're fired" and you say nothing. It's a mutual decision that is basically made for you! 🤣🤣
  2. I think, in the very near future, there will be yet another podcast about RHOBH, hosted by Lisa Rinna. You, too, will be able to listen to her cackle and crow by subscribing-in case you start missing that!!! 🤣
  3. I wonder who's decision this was. I'm assuming her contract was not renewed by Bravo/producers, and not her choice. Glad to be rid of her!
  4. I get the feeling that Danna's un-named "friend" is either friends with Jen's former partner (in crime), Stuart, or is, in actuality, Stuart himself.
  5. I thought the same!! Also, pretty interesting that Lisa was wearing a very obvious Balenciaga outfit to a fashion show featuring other designers and emblem sewing Brooks Marks (this kid must have a warehouse full of joggers, hoodies and sweatshirts just waiting for bias tape and/or weird emblems that resemble NASA badges on astronaut uniforms). Usually, attendees will either wear clothes from a featured designer or something not quite so blatantly another designer's garments. And, on that subject, I assume this was filmed prior to the whole Balenciaga debacle with that ad campaign. I wonder what Lisa did with that outfit, or if she's still wearing it.
  6. I'm thinking it's a good idea that Angie declined that necklace "gift" from Jen. She was right - it probably would have been seized. ~Or~ it was a fake and not worth the $4,000.00 or whatever Jen said. I wonder just how much Jen spent on all those fakes. It had to be a decent amount. Not that the resale on them will help much with her restitution, but just crazy that she would have that many handbags, and tried to pull off that each and every one of them was the genuine article, all while living in leased houses. I'd like to know what the federal government will do. I guess they could auction them as "fakes" or "replicas" (because they can't advertise them any other way), but who's going to pay any considerable amount on a used replica handbag? I'd love to see where this goes if they do auction off the items.
  7. I thought it was a great show. I always love Darlene Love, so it was great to see her, and yes, I laughed at the "Queen of Christmas" nonsense, too. (And, I'm definitely in Darlene's corner on that one!!!) Funny thing - Darlene Love does a Christmas show near me every year at a local, small theater. We've attended a number of times, pre-Covid. I could swear that I remember her wearing the exact outfit she had on today the last time we saw her, in 2019. My first thought was that she's not only talented, beautiful and seemingly very kind, she's practical, too! Everyone looked very nice - I loved Joy's sparkly outfit, especially. Looked fancy but super, super comfortable! Would love to know the designer. They gave away some nice gifts today - pretty awesome to get a trip on Virgin Cruises!!
  8. I seriously could not figure out what all the arguments were about. I guess it's because Jen Shah feels that everyone must be her "ride or die", to the exclusion of all others? That's some high school mean girl shit there. Talk about Queen Bee mentality!! I've always thought Jen was a dangerously crazy person, given her past behaviors, but she is really off the rails now. How can these other women not see that? Or, do they see it, and are willing to overlook it because of their own thirst for D-list Bravolebrity status? The whole yacht trip (was that REALLY a yacht, though? Seemed like just a fairly large cabin cruiser) just seemed like so much forced fun that didn't actually happen. Whitney and Lisa doing their awkward dance moves right in the captain's view, where he couldn't actually see where he was going - WTF? Are they all that stupid? Loved that the captain reprimanded them - even though they didn't really listen to him. Whitney loves to have the spotlight, highlighting her overtly sexual actions. Jen's a bitch for throwing Angie's shoes in the ocean and then, flat out lying about it. Well, she's a bitch for so, so many other things, but that was a really low bitch move on this episode. Lisa likes to turn any story around to her-even if means dealing with Jen's wrath! I seriously cannot handle Lisa's fake "crying" voice. Meredith must have resigned as "CEO of Fun" because one - there was NO fun, and two - she was barely noticed, at least to me. Heather, I'm hoping, will come to her senses about Jen and also tell Whitney to eff off. Danna and Angie are still trying very, very, very hard to get their snowflake (is that what they hold in the intro?). At least Danna was trying to calmly express her feelings to Jen Shah during dinner, who was either still too drunk or just too narcissisticly stupid to hear her. These two both see the writing on the wall - at the time of filming, they had to have a pretty good idea that Jen is going to either be fired from the show or facing some jail time, so they are vying to replace Jen and also fill Mary's spot. Jen's nap passing out in the Sprinter van was reminiscent of Erika Jayne's passing out on the yacht on RHOBH. Sloppy, messy and totally ridiculous. Mixing anti-depressants and alcohol is a big no-no, as we've seen. I don't know why I am watching this mess of a show anymore. I keep asking myself that each week.
  9. They are extremely thirsty. I wonder if production told each one of them that they needed to "bring" it in order to get that coveted spot that is open since Mary is gone, so all three are vying for the same position. It seems like a Housewives competition show!! Although, I would still have to say that the thirstiest ever was probably Marlo from RHOA.
  10. I think someone should have fired Meredith from her position as CEO of Fun. She's not very good at it!
  11. There were some great buys today on "View Your Deal" (and, I usually don't pay attention to that!!!) Great prices on the Analon cookware and the arcade games. The Paw Patrol arcade game is already sold on on "View Your Deal". On Amazon, Target, etc., it is priced at $179.00. I was contemplating it for my granddaughter, but not at $179.00.
  12. I was in love with the barbecue - that brisket looked delicious!!! I'm sorry - I cannot stand to look at Whitney's husband for more than a minute - he always looks very flushed, like his blood pressure is at a dangerous level, plus, his smarmy grin creeps me out - he just seems very untrustworthy. Meredith's husband always looks like he needs a good bath and washing, even when he's IN the tub (blech!!!). Lisa's husband, John, and Coach Shah are the only two I "sort of" like.
  13. I've only been watching half-heartedly - last night's show was all just soooo much! Justin losing his job? Well, no large business would want a sales guy that is representing them basically doing a soft-porn performance on national television - didn't Justin even think of the possible ramifications of that ridiculously cringey act before they decided to get their freak on and have it filmed for the world to see? Or, are Whitney and Justin that addicted to the small amount of fleeting fame this show may offer them? This is why, I think, most housewives and their husbands are self-employed or own their own businesses. Most large companies have some kind of clause about this kind of thing in their employment contracts. Many years ago, an employee of the investment banking firm my husband works for appeared on a television competition show where the winning contestant was offered "employment" with the main judge/host (I'm sure you can all guess which show I'm talking about). He was forced to resign from his lucrative job with the investment bank to appear on a show, only to get eliminated mid-way through. Justin and Whitney are creepy, imo. Angie and her husband - also so ridiculous and thirsty!! A 52 yr. old man creating at least one (and possibly more) fake SM accounts to troll the other housewives? And, admitting it on TV? Couldn't there be legal ramifications for doing this? What is in the water in SLC that makes these people so stupid? Heather's choir thing - another stupid storyline just for the sake of a storyline. Totally ridiculous and obviously, just for camera time. Jen Shah going outside with a bullhorn like she's rounding up thousands of American Idol applicants looked so foolish! There were maybe 10-12 people outside the theater - the bullhorn was so unnecessary. Lisa Barlow's son is a lazy, spoiled, entitled brat, imo. His parents need him to give them some kind of short term goals/life plan. If he's such a great business person, he should know how to create that type of document. If not, then they can explain that is why he needs to go to college so he can educate himself on business practices, etc. I can't even go into my nauseousness at seeing Meredith and her husband sharing a bubble bath next week - I will have to record this so I can FF through that scene. Oh, and speaking of Meredith - in her talking head scenes with the spider-web looking sheer blouse - her hair looks absolutely disgustingly dirty and greasy.
  14. I'm pretty sure that Kyle said something about that during a WWHL appearance, but I don't recall Kyle mentioning Mauricio during the Reunion re-hashing of that night, either. Seems like he disappeared like a puff of smoke!! (pun intended)
  15. I hope so, because that would just be another nail in her coffin - Andy hates to be criticized and/or corrected by the housewives.
  16. IIRC, Rinna never mentioned whether Mauricio was home or not. In fact, I don't recall her mentioning him at all in all of her re-tellings of the horrible night in Aspen that shook her so badly. So badly that she only texted with Erika, but then, locked herself in her room, went to sleep, never reached out for help from Mauricio (who was supposedly in the home), Kyle, any of the other ladies, the producers, or anyone else, and slept so soundly after being so "shook" that she didn't hear the text message that came in from Kathy about 20 minutes or so after she texted with Erika.
  17. I think it was one of two things - Mo was not home during Kathy's alleged "psychotic break" and therefore, did not hear any of what was going on. ~~or~~ There was no "psychotic break", maybe just a few choice words said loudly by Kathy and Mo just ignored it. Kyle's Aspen house isn't that large that Mo wouldn't have heard anything at all if he was at home, unless he was completely passed out drunk/high. I'm wondering if Mo was not home and maybe somewhere that he shouldn't have been - does Rinna know about this and is holding it over Kyle's head? Is that why Kyle seemed almost fearful of what Rinna would say at the Reunion? And, the $100,000.00 question - why the fuck did Andy not ask something so obvious as this at the Reunion?? [Unless, of course, he was told NOT to ask that question!]
  18. Here's just one of the multiple stories online about this - Diana's attorneys supposedly tracked down the IP address for one of the people/bots who posted horrible stuff on Jax's social media: https://pagesix.com/2022/11/01/diana-jenkins-identifies-who-attacked-garcelle-beauvais-son/
  19. I don't think anything that's been personalized can be returned, with or without a receipt, so Rinna is stuck with that ugly-ass hat.
  20. No, Rinna - it's not that they didn't want you to have any sympathy at the reunion - they didn't want you using your mother as a pawn to garner that sympathy, and they see through your fake grieving act. @Keywestclubkid - you are 100% correct! It's disgusting and gross. Rinna should be ashamed of herself.
  21. I understand what Andy is saying here about whittling/editing 12-14 hours of film into three one hour segments (or, maybe only 40 minutes with commercials), but it seems like they really had so much to discuss that they could have even had a fourth installment of the reunion. I know they've done four reunion episodes a couple of other times (Atlanta was one that I specifically recall, and maybe it happened once for NJ-?). I, for one, would have been way more interested in seeing more of the conversations about some of the more important issues and conflicts the ladies had and not hearing Rinna and Erika cackling over Rinna's trash. The editors and producers kind of suck at figuring out what it is the viewers would like to see at the reunion shows.
  22. The costumes are great, but that opening segment was cringey!! They all looked so uncomfortable doing it.
  23. To me, this right here, is just more proof that Rinna and Erika strategize and plot out things. This was the second "big" reveal from the dastardly duo (Rinna/Erika) at the reunion. First, Rinna admitted that it was she who threw out Garcelle's book. When Erika posted that photo, she got ripped pretty bad on the gossip sites and social media, but they both stayed silent all the way through that and not revealing that it was Rinna who had done that. And, now, Erika drops another "big reveal" over what Kathy allegedly said to her about a DJ [that Kathy had no conversation or interaction with], and Rinna sat there basically agreeing with Erika, as if Erika had discussed this with Rinna previously. I'm just speculating here, but my feeling is that Rinna and Erika are both exaggerating or flat out making up a lot of what may have happened. It's like "if you lie and I will swear to it-and make it better" kind of bond between them. I'm not a fan of Kathy, and I don't doubt that there was something or many somethings said, but I feel like Erika and Rinna are blowing this up and they have no witnesses so they can basically say what they want and no need to prove it. I also want to know EXACTLY what Rinna responded to the TMZ reporter who called her and told her they already had the story. Rinna never said what was discussed or if she denied or confirmed or added anything to the information TMZ already supposedly had.
  24. To me, it sounded like Erika was hiring guys, or calling 1-800-Dial-a-Dick or something. Having a "roster" sounds like she's picking and choosing from an ala carte menu.
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