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Everything posted by MJS

  1. She doesn’t wear a seat belt. The child isn’t wearing a proper seat belt. Unacceptable.
  2. Um, doesn’t she get that all needs to do is get a check in? She doesn’t have to move yet? A check in! That’s it!
  3. I swear to all that’s holy if we don’t get a second weigh in I’m going to lose it! I need to know how badly she failed, or how well she’s done. Who is she- whiny fool or a success??!
  4. She does look more mobile and smaller. Walking and lifting that table. I do hope she has lost weight....
  5. Her family is telling her not to go? She doesn’t have a chance. How do you stand up to that when you don’t have any coping skills?
  6. Yeah- I was wondering that too. She said she ate too much of the wrong food and didn’t move. What else is there to say? And she regained it because she ate during a stressful time. It’s not an excuse if it’s true and she realizes that’s the issues she needs to fix. Whether she changes or not is a different issue, but it didn’t sound like “excuses” to me.
  7. Wow, no. I thought she looked adorable at decision day and lovely at the reunion. If that’s slovenly I’m not sure who could rise to that standard!
  8. Her hair was beautiful in those braids.
  9. Finished the series and enjoyed it immensely. Sure I had to suspend disbelief in bunches of places, but I liked the characters a lot and though that Hanna and Erik had real father-daughter chemistry. Found it a satisfying ending.
  10. Truth. When they showed up at the hospital my reaction was, “he looks like an abuisve and controlling husband, saying they can’t survive without her at all and he needs to be near her at all times”. If this were a Lifetime movie or LO: SVU I’d be rooting for the nurse to call the cops...
  11. Funny, I took those sandwiches as something he fondly remembered eating and wanting to do something fun with the kids. One bite in and he realizes memory doesn’t match up with reality. He seemed proud of the meal, not a desperate “dad doesn’t know how to cook” moment at all. Proud until he took that bite, lol!
  12. Wow, they looked so young then, in that honeymoon episode...
  13. I took Kevin's comment as bravado in front of the nurse, so he didn’t look babyish. I have no problem with kids being scared. Mom wasn’t just away for the night, she was hurt, scary looking, and hospitalized. They’re kids. But Jack could’ve done a better job comforting them. In reality, he was the one who didn’t want to be alone.
  14. I thought the corn sandwiches were Jack's idea of fun. “Here’s a great meal I used to eat before I met your mom!” Then you eat it and realized how much your bachelor cooking sucked. He was trying to make it a dad adventure. I've tried recreating some of my favorite grad school meals and man they were bad...
  15. Wags did say something like, “Oh, I always forget you also know the math. What can’t you do?”
  16. Depends on context. There’s no way to extrapolate an answer about this character on this show to all characters on every show.
  17. She’s not from Pittsburgh, right? So maybe she doesn’t have any Pgh favorites yet. I did shout at the TV that the date should’ve been for O fries, though!
  18. I don’t find the kids uniformly awful. There are plenty of times they’re kind, generous, and loving. But they’re also flawed, and seeing the family working through these issues is compelling to me. Funny, I find this show anything but superficial or empty. It resonantes with me on a very deep level.
  19. What I like about this show is that everyone is flawed and doing their best to get through. Of course Max is acting irrationally- it happens! I’m a college prof and so many kids freak out their freshman year and want to run home. Sam made it clear that she expects Max to return, but that she also loves her kids and is genuinely happy to be with them. There’s a certain codependency here, but it’s rooted in genuine affection. We can’t judge Sam yet since we haven’t seen what happens next for Max. Yelling at her and forcing back on a plane at that moment will not achieve anything These episodes are snippets, vignettes, a peak through the window. We will never get the full and balanced story because that’s not the story this show is telling. And even non-sexy women are sexual, have sex dreams, and enjoy sex, after all.
  20. Kody's kilt is too short and small. Kilts can be very cool, but they have to fit right
  21. I think it was his comment about “status”. I don’t think he meant it quite as arrogant as it sounds, but it’s clear that he was really successful in school- socially, academically, athletically, and he's pissed as hell he's losing all that. I don’t blame him.
  22. My heart breaks for Gabe
  23. Aw frick. I posted this in the wrong thread. Not having a good night, lol!
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