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  1. Who are these girls? I swear half of them at the rose ceremony haven’t been on the show this whole time. Nina? Cassidy? tf?
  2. Anyone notice her face light up when he got serious and then she looked down at the table and realized there was no group date rose on it and her face fell. Too good.
  3. Pageant girl Hannah’s smile and high pitched voice while describing her inner rage is puke worthy.
  4. I seriously hope blonde pageant girl is playing up this drama for cameras and doesn’t actually have so much insecurity. Girl has issues and should probably get some counselling.
  5. Pardon? Blind folding, spanking with a paddle and playing the nervous game as a date idea while on tv...classy. Then again, why am I surprised? This is The Bach we are watching. Talk about embarrassing for Colton.
  6. Omg the Snowden’s.... interesting that they have this new rule that females wear a bindi another example of them making up the rules as they go.
  7. This host is literally the worst - she’s so rude. Why ask your guest a question just to talk over them? Get outta here giant lady.
  8. Is this host a giant?
  9. Darcey’s face crumpling up like a piece of paper as she looks up at Jesse with tears in her eyes
  10. We have seen the second half of this episode before, have we not? Pretty sure Joy had a birth special? I’m annoyed, I want new content and stupidity to snark at.
  11. Thanks for confirming :) As I said - first time! English is a crazy language.
  12. I don't know why but I've always hated when people say "we're expecting" what, exactly are you expecting? Just say pregnant.
  13. This ^^ I noticed the same thing. The littles would be way more excited to see Jinger but they didn't bat an eye.
  14. I like how last week we got to see Jing and Jer sit down with his parents for a nice freshly prepared meal, served on real dishes and eaten over polite conversation. This week we got to watch them eat a Duggar Dinner... huge troughs of prepared foods and platters purchased at the local big box likely scarfed down after fighting for a place at their conference style dining table.
  15. Wow, going with a hospital birth that is planned for instead of done out of despiration for life saving measures. Jinger and Jer, colour me impressed. Their midwife seems very capable as well. Much better than Dr. Jilly’s advice has ever been.
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