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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 40 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So do you think poor Babs knows her daughter posted a video of her in her pajamas on her Instagram profile while making fun of her for mispronouncing Tarzan? 

    She is so disrespectful to her.

    And it's not even really a mispronunciation -- . probably lots of ppl say Tarzan the way Babs does.

    And she will be mortified when she finds out several thousand ppl saw her without her lipstick on.

    There's something cruel going on now that Babs is a stroke survivor. It's like Twit is striking out for all her perceived grievances about how Babs treated her as a child now that Babs is not as quick as she used to be.

    • Love 11
  2. Random thoughts
    📌 With the collusion of both Powells, Twit has declared herself a "competitive weight lifter." Let's see. Dancer. Choreographer. Motivational speaker. Surfer. Trainer. Fashion designer. Have I missed anything this woman declares herself to be?
    📌 And speaking of fashion designer, she's currently offering a 10% discount to new purchasers of her clothing. Sounds like things are not going so well with nbsactivebysoogie, or whatever it's called. How surprising,  with only 8 items to choose from, at exorbitant prices.
    📌 "I'll never forgive myself." She says this more than "dance career."
    📌 The derisive way she said she used to keep a food & exercise record indicated she thinks that was a bad thing. Many ppl, incl. me, record their daily food & exercise. Keeps us honest. The fact that she is so dismissive about this tool -- one that Will Powell demanded of her -- shows how little interest she has in losing wgt.
    📌 Glenn's eating habits ruined her. Why  not Hunter?
    📌 And does she assume Glenn didn't eat lunch becuz Babs didn't pack a bag lunch for him?
    📌 Twit's "really proud" of Buddy for his continuing to have a stand-up comedy dream. Even tho he's made no effort whatsoever to realize that dream. (Not to mention the fact he has no talent.)
    📌 Twit was supposedly stressed to the max for weeks before the Summit trying to put together 3 different routines. There was absolutely no difference in the actual performances. Same moves. Same music.
    📌 And not only stressed. Also nerv.
    📌 Twit can't get a man. So we have to go thru this fictional romance with Buddy as a tease for a new season. @John M once commented that it would take a combination of pulleys & ropes for Twit to have sex with a man. Even that wouldn't be enuf for Twit & Buddy.

    • Love 12
  3. 4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    I must have missed this--was it in the regular episode or something that came out later on? 

    IIRC -- and it's been a while -- Keeryn was on Reddit doing a tell-all & someone asked her about appearing on MBFFL. She said she couldn't say anything about the show becuz she'd already been told that it was a violation of her NDA with MBFFL to say anything & mentioned the incident with the prod. asst.

    I probably have some of the details wrong. Anyone remember more accurately?

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  4. 4 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    Beautiful post, @Ketzel. I’ve noted before that I was a latecomer to the show, only tuning in after the producers decided to make the show fat-person minstrelsy . . .

    Fat-person minstrelsy! 😁 If I'm ever in the lightening round of a quiz show & asked to describe MBFFL in 2 words, that's what I'm using!

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  5. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:
    2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Ya know what would be interesting? Seeing how Whitney behaves when there are no cameras around for her to play to.

    Well, we have one example of how she acts. When a prod. asst told Kerryn (the comedienne) that Twit smokes, she demanded the asst be fired for telling her big secret. That's "star power" for you.

    • Love 10
  6. 3 hours ago, Dot said:

    I haven't seen the ep yet, but have a few comments anyway.

    Several of you guess that Buddy may be a "friend with benefits" with Twit. The only benefits are the TLC checks he's gotten for 6 seasons & he sure likes those since he's made no effort to get another job.

    The Summit promoters apparently liked Twit -- or the promotion of their program by MBFFL -- enuf to invite her back to the July 2019 event at Lake Tahoe, according to her IG page.

    I am quite surprised there was no Skinny (*) since that's been a feature from the beginning. But, come to think of it, what was there in. S-6 to chat about? Basically, nothing happened that hasn't happened in an earlier season.

    No Skinny explains the mystery of how Buddy could be on a road trip during the period when the rest of The Gang, incl. parents & Ryan, were in LA. But now the mystery is: why were they in LA if not for a Skinny episode?  Or was that episode filmed & it was so boring, PMG (prod co) shucked it? (Inquring minds want to know.)

    ETA:  * Having seen the preview for the next episode, I realize there will be a Skinny.

    • Love 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, linthia said:

    Did Whitney ever mention what happened to the stray cat she took in last season? They show Henchi and Wanda all the time, but not the orange one. I forget what she named him.

    It's Steve Purrwin & I've had the same question, along with what happened to Donna?

    We don't see much of Oliver Twist either. I wonder if he's still around, too.

    • Love 3
  8. I haven't seen the ep yet, but have a few comments anyway.

    Several of you guess that Buddy may be a "friend with benefits" with Twit. The only benefits are the TLC checks he's gotten for 6 seasons & he sure likes those since he's made no effort to get another job.

    The Summit promoters apparently liked Twit -- or the promotion of their program by MBFFL -- enuf to invite her back to the July 2019 event at Lake Tahoe, according to her IG page.

    I am quite surprised there was no Skinny since that's been a feature from the beginning. But, come to think of it, what was there in. S-6 to chat about? Basically, nothing happened that hasn't happened in an earlier season.

    No Skinny explains the mystery of how Buddy could be on a road trip during the period when the rest of The Gang, incl. parents & Ryan, were in LA. But now the mystery is: why were they in LA if not for a Skinny episode?  Or was that episode filmed & it was so boring, PMG (prod co) shucked it? (Inquring minds want to know.)

    • Love 7
  9. 8 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

    10 people is a success?

    There was an audience below the stage. At the time of the Summit, Twit had several videos -- besides this one -- showing the first rows of the audience. Which made me wonder if those few rows were the only ones with ppl in them.

    • Love 4
  10. 7 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

    Think we can catch Twit in a crime?

    I think unless we can get law enforcement to include crimes against decency and fashion, we are probably out of luck.

    I still expect her to paw the wrong guy who's gonna sue her for sexual assault.

    ETA: @3girldforus & I had the same thought at the same time! 😁

    • Love 5
  11. 1 minute ago, Pachengala said:

    I can understand—I guess—why they put up with her now; I’m sure the money’s good for the effort they put out. But these people have been her friends—and targets—since high school, when there was no financial incentive to do so. She’s a bitter, mean bully and a terrible friend and I can’t understand why they’ve tolerated it all these years. Though hats off to them, I suppose, for getting their payday now. 

    There's more than a payday involved. Remember, all these ppl particated in h.s. & community theater for years. (Excepting Buddy, but he also was a performer -- in a band.) MBFFL has to be a dream come true for them, a success beyond their wildest dreams. I think they'd pay TLC for the opportunity to be on a nationally televised show. The parents are not immune. Have you ever seen two 70+ yr olds who are so addicted to being in front of a camera? Can you imagine YOUR parents doing what they do? I know many of you say they're doing it to keep Twit employed. I don't buy that. If they weren't such fame whores, they wouldn't be on MBFFL.

    Only Heather seems to have stayed in touch with Twit after h.s. as best I can tell. Twit was her maid of honor. But the guys went their own, seperate ways until called by the Siren Song of MBFFL, not Twjt.

    • Love 9
  12. 23 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

    I enjoy seeing the ratings, thanks @Dot. 35th out of 50...can't wait til it is 48th out of 50, and they finally cancel it, and Twit and "Boo Bear" realize they have to *gasp!* find an actual job!

    Thanks for the feedback. Until recently I didn't think anyone was interested but me & was thinking about dropping it. (I had to make a mistake to get any commentary!)

    Like you, I am watching to see when the MBFFL ratings are so low that TLC cancels it. They usually start filming again in Apr & Twit hasn't started talking about it yet which is unusual for her. Hmmm. Fingers crossed.

    • Love 7
  13. 2 hours ago, Pachengala said:

    You know, if a friend of mine was all over social media saying I have poor judgment, let alone insulting my relationship, I would have a serious conversation with said friend about her poor boundaries and lack of respect for me. I might even distance myself from the friendship.

    Tal is her poodle.

    • LOL 1
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  14. 14 hours ago, OnceSane said:

    Airs March 19, 2019.

    Not only that, @Ketzel, but remember shortly thereafter he tried his chops at standup comedy at one of those clurbs with an amateur hour. He froze & couldn't even finish his first joke. But The Gang, who were all there incl. parents, told him what a great job he'd done -- making it from the table to the stage, I guess.

    So this episode is just gonna be another rerun called "Buddy tries standup comedy." (At least we'll get some relief from "Buddy tells us about recovery difficulties.") Maybe this time he will mumble out one joke before stage fright drives him off the stage.

    @Me from ME, thus far Buddy has given no hint of what kind of job he has or is contemplating. He apparently used to play in a band, but he has not indicated a desire to do that again. Mostly, he hangs around with Twit when she's not hanging around with Ryan & her new friends in Charlotte. When you think of it, even as cheap as TLC is, by this time (6 seasons) Buddy must be earning at least $30,000. He can live on that. And seems to be doing so, with no thought to what he will do when MBFFL meets its inevitable demise.

    • Love 14
  15. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    I don't remember exactly when, but there was a Facebook live stream where Whitney was chatting to her fans, when Tal came home and she screamed at him to get over here and be on the live stream with her. He called back he couldn't because he had a date coming over and had stuff to do in the kitchen. Whitney said something to the effect of "that guy's not right for you." Tal practically sang back, "We'll seeee." She returned to the live stream grumbling about how bad his judgment was. My guess is that this was close to the beginning of his relationship with Jon and Whitney was NOT happy about it. But at least then, Tal obviously felt free to invite him to the house.

    I remember that tho like you, not the month. But I think it might have been not long after Tal moved in. If so, that would probably date it to late summer 2018. Tal is kind of a romantic, so he will probably post some kind of anniversary notation when they celebrate their first year together.

    • Love 1
  16. 1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Right, okay, so for March 5, which was air date for MBFFL, Where's Buddy Sleeping episode it was like you said, ranked 22nd with a .25 share and the view number they list is 1031, like you said, but, that is for thousands, so the actual viewer number means 1,031,000.  I didn't realize that when I read that number. I was under the impression that is was actually only a few more than a thousand persons who watched.  I didn't think that seemed feasible for a national tv show.  Since, I was  confused, I looked into it.   I really think that's right and confirmed with someone else who uses that chart a lot.  If it's different, please chime in. 

    Here's that link again.


    If you bothered to read this thread, you will see upthread a few posts that I acknowledged my error & corrected it.

    If we're going to continue this coversation, take it to Small Talk where it belongs. I'm sure everyone else is bored out of their gourds by now.

    • Love 3
  17. 14 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Okay. I think I figured out why the numbers seemed odd. I checked into it and for last week MBFFL was ranked 35th. The number on the chart says 937, but, that is for thousands, so that would be 937,000 viewers, which is closer to one million, not one thousand.  


    Those are the data for episode 11, not this episode 10.

  18. Last night I forgot that a show I like had ended its season & so found myself tuned into "Mama June, Not to Hot." It previewed Honey Boo Boo (aka Alana) practicing for "Dancing with the Stars," so I decided to watch the episode.

    I lasted to about half-way; it's a show that more of the "must avoid" rather than "must see" TV. But I was struck at how similar Alana, who is now 12 or 13, is to Twit. They have the same facial expressions, incl. showing shocked surprise (widened eyes, dropped jaw) often. Their shared me-me-me narcissism. The whining & pouting if they don't get their way.

    In this forum many of us have commented that Twit's emotional development seems to have been arrested at about age 12. Seeing Honey Boo Boo last night confirmed that opinion for me.

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