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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 1 hour ago, B in Lee said:

    On whose calendar? Where and when did that  come from?

    It's like Black History Month (Feb) & Women's Month (Mar), but less formally designated.

    It dates back to the Stonewall Inn riots in Greenich Village on June 28-29, 1969, when gays got sick & tired of police harassment & fought back. This event is considered the beginning of the gay rights movement. I'm sure Wikipedia has more, if you're interested.

    ETA:  @Elizzikra & I -- great minds at the same time!

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  2. 26 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    I  knew that June 1 was the first day of Gay Pride Month -- I just didn't realize today was June 1! Yikes!  🙂

    Check out Heather's nod to Gay Pride Month. A much more acceptable one for a straight person, to my way of thinking. Twit, OTOH, has to insert her straight self into the event. That's what annoys me. (Besides, how much "fighting" is Twit gonna do? Does she anticipate another Stonewall in Greensboro?)

    • LOL 2
  3. 34 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

    $5000 for a cruise ?????

    I think the cruise fee is a couple of thousand bucks. I'm adding in such things as transportation, hotel  before & after, food before & after, taxi, souvenirs, etc. I doubt you could take a cruise vacay without spending an extra 2-3 grand.

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  4. Twit has started to heavily plug her 4th cruise. The fan comments are interesting. The ones that say they can't go -- too expensive or wrong time of year -- far outweigh those who say "I'll be there!"

    She has a small, staunch group who go every year. There's another group who express a "been there, done that" attitude. They enjoyed the last cruuse but aren't interested in repeating the experience.

    By this time I'm thinking she's going to have a problem getting enough new ppl. I would think that anyone who wanted to spend about $5,000 cruising with Twit has done so already.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    I was editing other my long-winded somewhat convoluted post to move it to the SM thread and I lost it when my page refreshed.  Thanks for the answer @Dot Basically, I was just trying to saying I didn’t understand why you got such a snarky response considering Whitney is often barraged with threats and/or harassment online and in person from other people (according to Whitney)   I mean even the worst criticism on this board falls WAY WAY WAY short of that(at least anything I’ve seen).   I wonder if it’s because the critique on here is generally backed up with actual examples, and it’s hard for them to dispute.

    Both Twit & Heather obviously lurked in this forum in the early days of MBFFL. I kinda doubt they still do.

    I lurked in Twit's FB page for a long time, never intending to comment. But one day she was crowing about a magazine article, yet saying she was happy about everything except that the author had written she was trying to lose weight. I commented that her version of "healthy at any size" was gonna kill some of her more gullible fans. (She was promoting the kind of eat cake & drink entire bottle of wine drivel that she is these days.) 

    Both Twit & Heather, who was obviously monitoring Twit's FB page, responded as you can imagine. It drove her fans nuts that I have nothing on my FB page so they couldn't go as crazy as usual.

    The second time both Twit & Heather responded is when I asked if a weight-loss product ad I saw was really her promoting it & if not, she should sue. Twit responded that it wasn't her & it was too expensive to sue. Heather chimed in with a commennt that these kinds of ads pop up all the time.

    The 3rd time I got a response was when a fan commented that a dress Twit was wearing wasn't very attractive on her. It was a rather benign comment, but the fans went nuts, per usual, including Heather who made a really ageist comment about the woman. I pointed that out & Heather wrote this long screed in reply as to why the comment wasn't ageist.

    So, there you have it: would you remember me over all these years?  I think it's strange.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    I don't know about now, but insurance companies didn't used to cover smoking cessation drugs (Chantix), despite the fact that quitting smoking improves health. I know that 20 years ago when I wanted to quit, Chantix wasn't covered and I had to bear the entire cost myself. It was pretty hefty, like $125.... 

    So sometimes there's no logic to insurance companies' decisions. 

    Same thing with Eliquis, a blood thinner that prevents strokes & heart attacks. But Medicare has finally decided it makes more sense to save ppl's lives by paying for the drug than to pay for nursing care for years & years.

  7. I'm unable to comment on the various types of gyms/gym activities.

    But have you ever thought about mall-walking in those miserable hot summer days? AZChristian, who left this forum when AK was being ruined for her, swears by it. She & her hubby slowly worked their way up to 10,000 steps a day. They are both septuagenarians living in AZ so summer-walking outside is also impossible for them.

    Anyway, good luck finding an exercise routine that works & makes you happy. Let us know what you decide.

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  8. As you know, I have been asking "What happened to Donna Lee?" every time either Twit, Heather, Tal, or Buddy does a Q&A on their IG page. After about a year of asking. I finally got an answer of sorts. Heather repeated my Q with Donna's name blacked out, then answered:

    "Hey there! I see you ask this every time I do a Q&A. I'm sure the goal is to smugly report that I didn't answer. I'm never going to, but here's the acknowledgement you've been craving!"

    Well, actually, Heather, I was hoping for an answer, but I guess I'll have to smugly accept your acknowledgement that no one on MBFFL dares admit what happened to Donna for fear of bringing forth the wrath of Twit.

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  9. This is Twit's 2nd hint recently that she is attached in some way to her "baby," severinbro7. (He's the bearded guy she posted the cheek-to-cheek selfies with a couple of weeks ago & has shown him exercising with her & Ryan.) This is, of course, driving her fans crazy, as intended.

  10. I watched Seth Meyer's Late Show last night. One of his guests was Aidie Bryant who looks like she is flirting with 400 lbs. She was promoting the start of the 2nd season of "Shrill," her show on Hulu. I'd never heard of it, so I watched a couple of clips. It's designed as the narrative of a young, fat woman dealing with her life in a thin-ppl world -- sound familiar?

    Anyhoo, I think I'll watch it. It sounds like a show that would be much more entertaining than MBFFL while exploring similar themes.

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  11. The advice is terrible for all the reasons mentioned above. But I can't help but be amused by her slip in choosing "a piece of cake" as her idea of a treat. Wouldn't someone who insists she doesn't like cake choose a piece of pie or a piece of chocolate as the suggested treat?

    • LOL 1
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  12. 3 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Absolutely beautiful. I wish all the best for Tal and Jon. 

    True that. I don't get the take on Jon as a famewhore such as, say, Ryan. Will he be written into MBFFL or be a shadow figure like the father of Harper (Ashley's child)? I'm betting on the latter unless the money is tempting enough.

  13. Six hours after I posted the comment above, Twit posted one of her purple-prosed, Terms of Endearment posts about Babs. (Reading this forum again, Twit?) She included one of those photos of Babs as a young woman, which she likes to do so that her fans can tell her she & Babs look like twins -- beautiful twins, of course.

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