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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I said "totes" the other day and my 15 year old informed me that no one has said that for about three years now. Whitney is too old for the teen lingo but if she insists, she should at least stay current.

    How long does Twit think she's gonna get away talking like a 15-yr-old Valley Girl? She's 35, ferchrissake. Well past time to grow up.

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  2. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I concur and will take this a little farther to make it clear to Whitney who is probably lurking. My desire to have people cover their torsos applies to both fat and thin. So don’t go thinking I would be fine with your semi-nude stuff if you were skinny. It’s not fat shaming. Once again it’s about appropriateness. 

    Oh and for all of those commenters on her photo who are so “proud” of her taking these naked photos - this kind of stuff is not a sign of confidence. It’s a sign of desperate narcissism. People who wear clothes can still be quite confident and happy with themselves. Confident people don’t need shock factor attention.

    Confident -- read that as exhibitionist -- ppl would take a photo showing their frontage, not their backside. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I was wondering the same thing. I am 100% for a woman breastfeeding anywhere and everywhere she wants - I’ve done that LOL.  Just to be clear my disturbance comes from the idea of a woman wandering around without a shirt on in public, not from a woman giving healthy nourishment to her child. 

    I'm not very mobile, so my days of spending time on beaches or at parks is over. But is it really true that it's now OK for women to be topless anywhere a man can be? I think I'm OK with that, tho I would have preferred that the law prohibited both sexes from exposing themselves. Men's hairy armpits & hairy backs make me gag, frankly. (Most of the time that's true of men's hairy chests, but some are rather sexy.) So why not keep the torsos of both sexes covered? Makes more sense to me, as in the restaurant sign: "No shoes. No shirts. No service."

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  4. 3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    In the decade I've been doing this job, I can count on one hand and 2 fingers the amount of genuine thanks I've received from the public. We don't do this for the glory, but occasional thanks would be nice. Instead we get, "WHAT"S TAKING YOU SO LONG!" 

    For what it's worth, thank you! I truly appreciate the work law enforcement, fire fighters, EMTs provide to us, the public. For example, a couple of years ago, I fell. I wasn't hurt, but I couldn't rise unassisted. Were it not for 2 hunky firemen who got me back on my feet after I called 9-1-1, I hate to think what my fate would have been. (I hope I expressed my gratitude sufficiently to them.)

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  5. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    She's posted an instagram story about the No Barriers Summit.  Apparently her new barnacles, Chase and Ryan "came along for the ride." No Babs! No Glenn! I hope this is because they decided 35 was the cut-off age for following their giant baby around, applauding her every move (and not because of  health issues.)  I'm more inclined to believe Whitney told them to leave her alone with Ryan and Chase so that she could heavily imply to her followers that Chase was coming to be with her.  Poor followers must be sore from tripping over all the heavy hints she's been dropping, all the while refusing to respond to simple questions like "is he your new boyfriend?" or even "is he your new boyfriend or new gay friend?" Chase posted one picture of the two of them sitting a foot apart at a table, laughing, and captioned it "if you didn't know, now you know" which only led to more puzzlement. What I gleaned from that is  - a)still not a couple because she didn't have her hands on him and b) Chase doesn't get that the Biggie quote "if you don't know, now you know" is used when something is being made perfectly clear, not used when providing ambiguous  information.

    I predicted months ago that the new season would include a BF scripted by PMG (production co.). Too much time post-Lennie. The fans, who could never believe a woman can live a fab life without being attachef to a man, were starting to get restless.

    I wonder what price Chase demands to squire Twit around?

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  6. 24 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    Not sure if it is the makeup, the smile, or, the angle but she looks positively demonic. Not so good for advertising IMHO.

    You really nailed it! I've been trying to figure out "what's wrong with this picture?" since Twit posted it. Her Joker Mouth is in full display, too, which adds to the demonic look.

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Emma C said:

    For some reason, FabFitFun has a new "celebrity" rep...

    Actually, Twit started her contract with this cosmetics firm about a year ago. She shilled a couple of boxes, then went quiet. Now she's back.

    Oh. oh. oh! If Twit wins, I'm so gonna let Fabfitfun know what an "influencer" Twit is! 😁

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  8. 7 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Perhaps, if she wins, one of you good souls would be kind enough to screenshot the award and tag her on Instagram 😉

    Maybe you could suggest this on Cat Breath? I don't know how to do what you suggest, but even if I did, I wouldn't want to risk being blocked from her IG page. (And many of the folks on CB don't read her IG page any way.) I figured I'd announce it on the MBFFL FB page, the TLC page & anywhere I can think of.

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  9. Hey, folks! If you're one of the many who used to watch My Big Fat Fabulous Life & gave up on it becuz of narcissistic ol' Twitney, here's your chance to tell her what you think of her.

    Twit is currently in  FIRST PLACE in the Primetimer Awards' category, "stick myself with a fork in my eye: worst person on reality TV." You can vote for her until June 21, so don't delay. Twit loves to win phoney awards trumped up by TLC. Let's give her one she actually deserves! 😊

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  10. OMG, that top looks soooo uncomfortable, the way it's sorta rolled up under her fat. She must have gone back to her lodgings with painful, tender marks under her breasts.

    This is a photo taken by Ryan which I assume means he was in the kayak along with Twit and her "baby," Chase.

    Is a baby a step below a boo? Or a BAE, which is what Ryan has called Chase.

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