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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 3 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

    I can't seem to vote today. It opens on the result page. Maybe because no one voted after me?? I really wanted to get my last vote in.

    No, I was wrong in thinking you can vote more than once. (My bad.) So, if you try to, you get sent to the results page.

    3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Yes, but if she gets into the top five with all three of them, the Kardashians may split the vote between them, so the final two might have a chance! 🙂

    I so hope Primetimer notifies ppl when they end up.in the top 5 of any category. Twit will be so burned if she's one of the top 5 even if she isn't the "winner."

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  2. 1 hour ago, Donut Bear said:

    Interesting article with some significance to Whitney’s Instagram posts.  For instance, “Relationship experts have suggested that people who post gushing images might be doing so to mask problems, while using captions like "my girl" or "bae" can also be signs of possessiveness.” And “Another type of photo that’s significantly telling is the #gymselfie.  The study revealed that those who place great emphasis on fitness progress and physical appearance on social media are in fact narcissists.”


    Thanks for sharing this article. The research about gushing selfies & fitness-at-gym photos fit Twit to a T.

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  3. 16 hours ago, Dot said:

    I voted yesterday AND today, and my vote seemed to count. Or maybe I misread the scoring.

    ETA: I misread the scoring.

    At 7 a.m. PDT, Twit is in the Top 5 -- barely. So if you haven't voted yet, it's time to do so before the first phase of the contest closes today.

    Again, the category is "stick a fork in my eye: worst reality person."

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  4. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    Tal uses his "real" name --- Tal is short for Talmage, and yes, his real last name is Fish. Rufus Talmage Fish... the third, I think. 

    Actually spelled Talmadge.

    And, @Irate Panda, I wonder about @severinbro7's job. He, like everyone else in Twit's orbit, always is available for these extended vacays.

    I wonder if the parents are once again supervising Twit.

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  5. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So he’s her baby. Yea right. She posts photos of herself molesting people she isn’t dating and half naked for no reason but almost no PDA with her ‘baby’. 

    What's her stupidity about always referring to him by his IG tag & never his name? 

    • LOL 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    She's going to face some stiff competition from Luke from Married at First Sight...

    And Kanye West who is possibly more narcissistic than Twit. But, anyway, the first round is of 5. Maybe Twit can squeak thru.

    ETA: Remember to vote for Twit again today & tomorrow when the contest ends. (At this point in the voting, Twit has a chance of making the first 5 cut if we all keep voting. )

  7. 3 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Her FB today is a screed in response to an article in The Telegraph (UK) by Tanya Gold. Apparently Ms. Gold was bothered by Nike's use of an obese mannequin to sell their plus-size apparel. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/obese-mannequins-selling-women-dangerous-lie/

    Here's Twits reply:


    Does Nike *really* say "If you have a body, you're an athlete"? If so, that's as ridiculous as Whitney's claims of never having weighed over 380. 

    True that. For all that Twit likes to call herself an athlete, she isn't one. ( But I don't think Sumo wrestlers, weightlifters or body builders are athletes either.)

    Did you get all the way thru Twit's screed, @Colleenna? I did, but it was like having a tooth pulled with no pain-kiiller. By the end of it, I was asking the same Q as some of her fans; are you made at Niki for putting a fat mannekin in your window? Or at the ppl who commented on it?

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  8. 1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

    On the news last night I heard that it was an idiot with a bb gun who pulled it because someone was disrespecting his girlfriend. 

    Of course, Twit -- bless her little narcissistic heart -- put up a video on IG so that her fans could tell her how glad they were that she was safe even tho she was nowhere near the action. I'm surprised she didn't flop over, screaming, "I'm hit," to further insert herself into the action.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I hope you guys are right too but what a weird turn of phrase.... If she’s just standing on the street watching the parade it’s really bizarre to say “ we were judging the parade”. You say we are watching a parade. Assuming she wasn’t an official judge, that comment would only be made by a serious narcissist. She had to know a comment like that would make people think she had a role in the event. 

    And if she really was an official judge - I’m not sure how to process that. 

    But I again remind everyone of that folk festival in Greensboro in the 2nd or 3rd season when Twit made a big deal out of BGDC being "invited" to perform at the event. It turned out that Twit had begged the organizers to use the stage before the festivities began & when the organizers got wind of her claims, they made it a point to declare that BGDC had NOT been invited to perform. I'm thinking this pride judging might be be something like that, given the peculiar way Twit & Tal describe it on their IG pages. And now there's a video on Twit's page about the shots that were imagined & from what I can tell, she, Tal & the film crew were nowhere near the judges' stand.

    BTW, Ryan is also attached to whatever they are doing in Wash DC. I guess we won't know for sure until S-8.

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  10. 28 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Well if they were dumb enough to use her as a judge they probably don’t want to publish that anywhere.

    I made my point poorly; let me expand my point. The sentence construction both Tal & Twit use makes me think they were standing on a street corner, with the TLC film crew, "judging" the floats. That is, they were making judgments just like you & I might: "Oh, look! I give that float a blue ribbon!" And similar. I would hope no pride day committee would choose Twit to do ANYTHING. But maybe TLC gave them a big donation. And the fact that  @Ketzel can't find a list of judges makes me hopeful Twit got no publicity out of it.

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  11. Both Twit & Tal keep describing their visit to Wash D C this weekend in the same way. I hope to god the official GP organizers have not actually chosen Twit to have anything to do with their event. And I suspect this is like the Folk Festival a half-dozen years back: PMG (MBFFL producers) saw a great opportunity to use an event to involve Twit without having to pay for the venue.

    Anyway, Jon is also along, which is healthy for Tal, viz., no longer spending his weekends with Twit.

    Which brings up a Q I've had for a while: do you think Jon will be appearing in S-8? After all, it's supposed to be a slice of real life.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    A friend of her nobs exercise class partner, Ryan. Whitney's been dropping hints  like anvils that the two of them are a couple, but hasn't been answering the fans who are eagerly asking her if they are a couple. My conclusion: Not a couple.

    His IG handle is @severinbro7, which is how Twit always refers to him rather than using his name.

    Because of her heavy makeup, I'd guess she's been filming MBFFL, which probably means Chase has a role in the new series as BF. It's been a long dry period since Lennie, and the fans are wondering why, if her life is so fabulous, she doesn't have a man. (Hence the heavy emphasis on Buddy last season.)

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  13. Wow. What fakery. This photo is so blatantly retouched that even a fan calls her on it, telling her to quit messing around with the photos because if she wants ppl to believe everyone is beautiful, no matter what, she is diluting her message.

    ETA: She shaved so much off her neck that it looks like her head is stuck on a pole.

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  14. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    She always calls these “dance” videos either warmup or breaks but she doesn’t make it clear if they are warming up or taking a break from filming the workout or if this is how they warmup and break during the 24 minute workout. 

    Yeah, I've been wondering about warmups, too. If they're part of the 24 minutes, it's a real ripoff. If they're not, how do the participants know they need to warm up before exercising?

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