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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 39 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Dot, how's it going reading smaller type now? 

    Still can't. I have bifocals becuz I got tired of constantly switching glasses. My doc said we'd discuss a new Rx in a few weeks when my eye is completely healed. I suspect at that time I'll get a Rx for a stronger reader in the bifocal portion. (And I still need surgery on my right eye, so that's probably a factor as well.)

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  2. I find PrimeTimer really annoying in the way it suddenly changes my screen from a forum thread to a page of "news" about celebrities I've never heard of & wouldn't care about if I had.

    Is this happening to the rest of you? (Sometimes my using a tablet instead of a computer can lead to strange occurrences.)

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  3. 2 hours ago, Nicmar said:

    Dot, I am having my first surgery ever and im 47. I am scared!!!! 😧

    You'll be OK. First of all, the surgery nurses will take incredibly good care of you. (And if you need something, ask for it. They really mean that when they tell you to ask.) The anestheseologist will take special care since it's your first surgery, as will the surgeon.

    Everything will go perfectly for you, @Nicmar. Trust me, the world's biggest surgery-phobe. Indeed, I'm going to have to have cataract surgery on my other eye within a few months & I'm not even bothered about it, the first surgery having been so easy-peasy.

    9 minutes ago, Dot said:

    [deleted duplicate post]

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  4. Believe it or not, about half of Twit's fans are STILL asking if Ryan is her new BF. Given that her 6-season show has shown her having only ONE BF in all that time -- 2 if you also count Avi who was never part of the show until he was thru with her -- this is an especially stupid Q.

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  5. I think we've already been given a hint that several episodes of the next season will be devoted to her becoming a champion weight lifer, complete with a trophy. We know she can't be filmed completing in anything without at least placing -- witness the ballroom dance competition and the cat show.

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  6. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So apparently she has a new tattoo that says ‘Cut me, Mick’. I know the reference but I am unsure how that relates to Whit. I wonder what she’s going to think of all of this silly body art when she’s 75. BTW - I am not anti-tattoo. I’m anti-stupid tattoo that doesn’t have deep meaning to the person or has fleeting meaning for the moment. Tattoos are forever. 

    I don't know the reference; pls enlighten me. Also, at the rate she's going, she won't make it to 45, much less 75. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Heh. I'm a Christmas baby. I'm lucky if anyone remembers.

    My mom, born Dec 27, was gypped all her life. Someone would hand her a gift and say, "This is both for Christmas and your birthday."

    I hope you have ppl in your life who understand how important one's BD is, no matter what day it falls on.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Is it normal for a group of adults to go away for the weekend to celebrate someone’s birthday? Seems a little over the top to me. Of course I consider it a success if I don’t have to cook dinner on my bday LOL 

    Also, didn't they already do it for her 34th BD? Or were Twit, Alison & Tal in the mtns last year for some other reason?

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Mongo Like Candy said:

    Oh, I believe that utterly. I’m in the early stages of a cataract  in my right eye. Not looking forward to eventual surgery, mainly ‘cuz I was born without a left eye.  A surgeon’ll only get one shot with me, and I’m not looking forward to staring down the gun.  😳😳😳I

    1. I'm sure the surgical nurses will take especially good care of you, as they did me, given your disability. And, of course, the surgeon as well. I'm sure you'll be as relieved -- and pleasantly surprised -- as I was. There're 4 million cataract surgeries each year, so that's as "routine" a procedure as can be imagined.  And, unfortunately, we're all stuck having to have cataract surgery if we live long enuf. Our eye lens just don't last as long as many of our body parts.
    2. Autocorrect is adding these #s to my paragraphs, for some reason.
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  10. 3 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

    I think Ryan looks like he is ready to go into witness protection. Change his name, location, and disappear from Twit's realm altogether!

    And yet, Ryan is at Twit's 35th BD weekend in the mtns & helped prepare the BD dinner.

    About the content of the 24-min workout: didn't they say there were 3 1-min rest breaks scheduled within the worklout?

  11. 3 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    Well, according to the Whitney Career Definitions™ one single modeling photo would allow her to add "supermodel" to her long list of career achievements. 

    "Whitney Career Definitiions" -- I love that! 😁 Given her modeling of her own frumpwear clothing line, I suppose she can already claim that.

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  12. 1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    Has your eyesight improved?

    Yeah, @Colleenna was right. The blurriness is gone & I can read text on the TV I couldn't read before. I can't read the 10-pt font in books yet & that's a bother since reading is my greatest pleasure.

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  13. 16 hours ago, Mongo Like Candy said:

    Dot, congrats on making it through surgery!  That must be a huge relief. Hopefully the blur will resolve soon. 

    Thank you. I realize that cataract surgery is considered "routine." But I recall the words, years ago, of a friend of mine's husband who is a doctor: "No surgery is minor surgery." Meaning, of course, that so many things can go wrong. I'm just so happy nothing went wrong in my case.

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  14. Well, my cataract surgery today went fine, at least in terms of I'm not dead! But I thus far see no discernible difference. Indeed, my vision is blurry right now. Keeping my fingers crossed that clears up soon.

    Funny story: the anestheologist was flipping thru my paperwork & looked up at my 80-year-old being & said, "You've never had any surgery ever?"

    He paused for a moment, then said, "Impressive."

    (I've never even had my ears pierced. 😊)

    • Love 13
  15. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Can you explain exactly what a panniculus is? Does it get bigger when someone who is morbidly obese loses weight like I see on 600lb life and then they get skin surgery? Or is it all fat?

    I can only speak for myself. After my 120-# wgt loss, I was left with bat wings & a HUGE panniculus (aka panus). It would require skin surgery to get rid of them & at my age I can live with them. (Also, I am something of a surgeryphobe -- not looking forward to the cataract surgery scheduled for 6:30 am this Thursday.)

    Back on track: I've never asked my doc about my panus, but it feels like lots of skin with a healthy layer of fat. It occurred becuz my skin lost the elasticity necessary to spring back into shape. Twit, at age 35 this month, is no doubt in that position. If she ever wakes up and gets serious about wgt loss, she will need skin surgery.

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  16. 53 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    “Nobs by snoga” is how I read that one hashtag. What is it really? No body shame... something. 

    Why do I bother?

    Snoga is the company manufacturing Twit's No Body Shame line of active wear. The line consists of 8 items which are very pricey.

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  17. I@Irate Panda comments, "There’s nothing wrong with having high self esteem, even though I believe Whitney has the opposite of that.  It’s like she’s expect James Bond to come and fall in love with her."

    In her Assumptions Q&A in the IG profile, a fan assumed that Twit does not think she is pretty. Twit answered, "Nope. I think I am very attractive."

    And so I return to the conversation some threads back: just as I think both Ashley & Heather are average-looking, I would apply the same adjective to Twit. Most of us are average, after all, or there would be no such concept as average.

    But I also believe we average--looking ppl should remember that we will probably attract average-looking ppl to us. @Irate Panda is right: Twit is demanding a Brad Pitt when she's more likely to attract a John C. Reilly. Glenn gets it, having invited Michael to dinner as a blind date for Twit. He was a John C. Reilly type quickly rejected by Twit.

    • Love 8
  18. 59 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    Wait - what?

    Yep. Several fans made assumptions about her sex life & she answered them, presumable honestly -- but who knows.

    The IG profile story can't be shared, so you have to go to her IG page & click on her profile photo. These profile stories only last 24 hrs or so, so it might already be gone, depending uopn what time she started it.

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  19. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    . . .there were several questions about social media and she answered them all with some version of “social media is not her thing and it’s too invasive’.

    Yeah, right. She is so turned off by SM that she never posts glam photos for the sole purpose of having fans tell her how beautiful & inspirational she is. (As she did again just yesterday about the same time she was ho-humming SM.)

    She is a famewhore who LIVES for SM. Without SM she would be virtually unknown as her show is not that big a success. And she plays SM like a virtuoso. Her adroit manipulation of fans on her SM pages is what has kept MBFFL on the air for so long, not her talent as an actress.

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  20. Twit's doing one of her Q&As in her IG profile. A fan guessed she had men (BFs) who don't appear in the show. She said, "Yes!" & that a lot o f ppl don't want to be on TV.

    She's made this kind of claim before. Conversely, she's claimed to be very lonely. Which is true?

    Frankly, I don't believe her. We knew Avi existed becuz of SM. She is unable to resist gloating about her BFs in reality even if not on a reality show. She may have had a date here & there off Tinder or similar, but I think that's it.

    • Love 9
  21. OMG! Twit's actually wearing clothing I might choose to work out in. (Tho I'd probably go for a tee rather than a tanktop.) The shorts look so much better than those sausage casings she insists on wearing. And that's an attractive tanktop that's such a better choice for her than those sports bras she loves.

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