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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    How old ARE these people? That clot of idiots huddled together to eavesdrop on Heather and Buddy talking was just surreal. . . .

    Shut up, Glenn. There is absolutely nothing for a father to be proud of. . .

    Tal thought The Gang eavesdropping on B & H was so fabulous & adorable that he photographed him & Twit watching TV of the incident.

    And who can forget Glenn dragging Twit over the HI finish line & saying to her, "You've inspired a lot of people today." The man is delusional about his daughter.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    No reference to a co-writer that I can find. However, in the "acknowledgments" she thanks her editor for having patience dealing with a novice, incredibly high-strung and anxious author. More to the point, she thanks her "project manager" . . .

    Then she implies her graduation degree (after five years) was in theatre.  As I've said before, her writing is not known for clarity or chronological consistency, so she could have majored in anything, I suppose.

    I'm sure I've read or heard her state that she got her degree in theater. (Maybe in one of those Q&As she does periodically.)

    @Ketzel, does she give any details about this "project manager"? Name? Location? Credentials/background in publishing or similar? Affiliation w the publishing co.? Anything? And why is she called a "project manager"? That's someone you report to when you're writing a tech manual.

    BTW, a reviewer says it's "a wonderful book" that should have been on the NYT's best seller list when it first came out. His name is Glenn William Thore.

    Oh, anothet Q for you, @Ketzel. Is this a real publishing company or one of those vanity presses you pay to print & publish your book? (You can sometimes tell by the print quality but not always.)

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  3. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I looked up the book on Amazon and I was surprised to see that there doesn’t appear to be a “with” credit indicating a ghost or writing helper. Isn’t that normally something that is somewhere either on the book or in the details?

    @Ketzel, Keeper of the Holy Text, does she indicate in any way that she had assistance in writing the book? I agree with @3girlsforus. And if not actually ghosted, it would have had to have been heavily edited to get rid of Twit's purple prose. Does she indicate a ghost or editor in her acknowledgements of elsewhere? (Tho narcissistic that she is, she may not confess to assistance.)

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  4. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    So according to her Instagram profile this is the second anniversary of the publication of her FIRST book. I fear for what that must mean.

    Yeah, she keeps calling it that. She also often refers to herself as an author. And just recently I noticed her part-time, min. wage job on Heather's ex-hubby's radio show is no longer producer but now radio personality. (Or something similar; I may not be quite rigth.)

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  5. A few more random thoughts
    📌 The guys bound downstairs, asking, "What's for breakfast?" Twit replies, "Eggs and bacon."  Then the three of them sit down at the table & chat while Heather does all the work. WTF? 😠 
    📌 The Urban Dictionary had a new word last week -- Pretendonitis. It's "a made-up injury to get out of doing something." We know Twit has suffered from this illness before. I wonder if there will be a relapse in the next episode.
    📌 Twit sez, "I don't want to be jealous ... but it just kinda hurts my feelings" & she can't figure out why Buddy would choose staying home with "[his] significant other who [he lives] with" rather than pal around with ppl he's known for 15 years. Even tho he's brought his SO to a town where she knows no one & has no place to live. Right, Twit: HIS priorities are all screwed up, not yours.
    📌 Twit sez, "I need someone to talk me off the ledge becuz I'm already really nervous [about Whit-a-Thon]. I had a nightmare last night about failing." Jeez, Twit. You're the one who invented this idiocy. Just decide NOT to do it & stop and smell the roses -- & pines & wildlife of AK.
    📌 "After ATVing, we are all wet and muddy. It's the perfect time to take advantage of the hot tub." No, you NitWhit. If you're muddy, it's the perfect time to shower off BEFORE you enter the hot tub.
    📌 Twit sez her dad has always been "a witness" for her. Make that enabler.
    📌 "I need Tal at Whit-a-Thon." Yes, just like you need Buudy in AK. It's all about your needs, Twit, not other ppl's priorities or even injuries.
    📌 I wonder if that Fat Tire Bike (thanks, @ClareWalks) is the speciality bike build for her a couple of years ago. I wouldn't think it would be too expensive to FedEx it to AK. And I couldn't believe it when Twit said, "I hate biking -- why are we doing this?" WE? It's YOU that demanded everyone ride off in a bike as the first leg of Whit-a-Thon.
    📌 Twit throws away her walking sticks almost immediately. (Pretendonitis soon, anyone?) And that constant refrain about how if she can't finish, there's no way out. There are no maintained trails in national & state parks that are inaccessible by some form of emergency assistance, be it ambulance, human stretcher bearers, etc. And, BTW, who's worrying about the septuagenarian in the group?
    📌 And more building the suspense while she sits & rocks on a glider while her elderly parents stand: "Sould we not do [Whit-a-Thon]? Should we just enjoy this and have a good time?" Glenn responds, "Well, that'd be just fine with me." His response echoes that of all the barnacles, I'm sure, and it sure is my response. The few location shots shown were beautiful. I'd rather have those rather than Twit whining, braying & screeching thru what is basically an exercise routine.

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  6. @ClareWalks asks above: "What's the difference? Why does she put on this grandiose performance of how difficult it is on some occasions, and on others she tries to look all badass and like it's easy?"

    I return to our discussion of her limited dramatic responses: braying, blubbering, shrieking, whining & shock. In MBFFL, she sees herself as an actress, so she relies on her dramatic responses in practically every situation. Rarely does she think she can have a normal conversation in MBFFL without resorting to one of those few responses. ( She ain't no Meryl Streep.)

    In her SM videos, she usually acts like a "normal" -- tho deeply flawed -- human being. Sometimes the MBFFL Twit surfaces on SM, however. I think of the screeching while water jetsking, for example.

    Indeed, that may have been the first screech. -- maybe that's when she added it to her dramatic repretroire. Anyone remember an earlier example?

    And we have noted that the screech response seems to be new to this season, at least in terms of its frequency.

    • Love 11
  7. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    (Can I vote for a Whitney redemption ski trip?? Please, producers, pretty please!!) 

    OMG, yes. YES! Hey, PMG guy who is tasked with reading this forum -- we know you're out there -- please, please bring this idea to Jacob (producer) & any one else who writes MBFFL scripts. If this story arc is included in season 7 -- assuming there is one -- I promise to never say an unkind word about Twit again. [fingers crossed behind back]

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  8. 4 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    Did that stripper do something to Tal that made him leap into the air like he did? I couldn't grasp exactly what happened to make him react like he did?

    Yeah, I have the same Q. I think we lost @tdanaher who used to do magical things with the film. Maybe someone else knows how to slow the moment down so we can better see what happened?

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  9. For any of you who want a rerun of Wolf -- and, of course, who wouldn't? -- Heather has 2 short videos of his visit on her IG page. Take a look at Twit's face. It's an expression of what I can only call feral longing. So sad. So pathetic.

    BTW, Heather answers a fan to say Wolf was wearing a small thong that "left nothing to the imagination.

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  10. A few random thoughts
    📌 Best adjective to describe this episode: sleazy. An amateurish, economy-priced stripper named Wolf. No boombox, no request to turn on the radio, dances at Twit's level of competence. Then there's the spa turned into a bidet by Twit. The commentary already has hit all the stuff I would have to say except one: if you really believe Twit didn't take a piss in the hot tub, you are forgetting she has no boundaries.
    📌 Or maybe uncaring is the adjective. A caring daughter would have stayed up to welcome her elderly parents, who have had a wretched travel experience getting to AK. She would have taken their bags, made sure they had no problem getting up all those stairs, showed them to their bedroom & bathroom & made sure they had anything they needed, such as towels. Twit? She heard them arrive at 3 a.m. & rolled over & went back to sleep.
    ,📌 Mmmmm, yum. Room-temp champagne. Let's show how classy we are by opening the bottle without chilling it first.
    📌 Twit sez: "In a lot of ways we're like we were at 15 -- and I don't know if it's a good thing." Well, I know. It's a bad thing called arrested development.
    📌 There were 9 moments of shock -- the best being when Daddy called about his flight problems & Buddy called about his breakup -- in the 42 minutes of this episode. That's Twit widening her eyes & dropping her jaw every 4.67 minutes. I don't think i've been shocked more than once or twice in 10 years.
    More to come . . .
    ETA: I saw @Me from ME's post above just as I pasted my post into this thread. If Wolf is from LA, I guarantee he's a PMG hire. That's the prod. co. located in So Cal. With all the talent walking around LA looking for TV/movie work, you'd think they could have done better. (Maybe he's someone's cousin or something.)

    Also, someone commented above on Ashley's absence. She never goes on these phony-baloney tours, esp.  now that she has a toddler.

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  11. 50 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    I think they were covering their eyes when Wolf started stripping.

    Although most of the negative comments about the hot tub are gone there are some new ones.

    That's definitely a screen shot of them watching Wolf -- note the clothing & hair. Besides, Twit has a photo of a little girl watching her on TV on her IG page on the day after the show aired, so I assume they were watching the show.

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