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Posts posted by Dot

  1. @Mothra & @Monagatuna, I do have grab bars -- and thanks for the suggestion.

    A few years ago, the Sr Ctr near me had a program to install grab bars in the bathrooms of elderly residents. I was skeptical about my need for them. but the installation was free, so I said, "Sure."

    I got one in my shower & one near my toilet. And they have been godsends. Frankly, I don't know how I'd get along without them.

    I also have a rubber mat with nubs that make the floor less slippery. (The undersides of the nubs act as suction cups to hold the mat in place.) So, I'm probably as safe in the shower as I can be.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

    Huh, do you mean Lenny is not on the show but they are still "friends"?  WTF I thought he cheated on her and actually brought another girl to what I think was her housewarming party?   I don't do Facebook.   Guess I'm behind on thi

    He was never accused of cheating on her, IIRC. Twit decided to dump him, probably at TLC's orders since he was such a dull stick. He did come to a party of Twit's some months later. She invited him, but was pissed that he deigned to bring a date.

    He just seems to periodically appear,  but always in a way that seems not unusual. I don't think Twit treats him as a friend, just as another poodle to use when she needs to.

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  3. At age 80 I am one of those "disabled and mobility challenged people. I can't get into a tub bc I can't climb over the edge. But I have had bad knees for many years & that plus my weight a dozen-plus years ago meant that the first thing I did when I moved after retirement was get the tub out of my new home's bathroom & have a handyman replace it with a shower unit. Those are available in several forms at big box hardware stores.

    My greatest fear is fear of falling. And that fear is greatest when I'm in the shower -- the floor is slippery, the walls are slippery, I'm slippery. And within the last couple of months, I heard word of two ppl I know who died from a fall in the shower. (Pretty awful -- one, a woman, fell & wasn't found for 3 days. The other was a guy I had a crush on in jr. h.s. His fall caused him to spend his last year of life in a nursing home.) So I'm pretty leery when I step into my shower. Maybe fear of falling in the tub scares Twit, too.

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  4. 1 hour ago, minamreeka said:

    I do not understand the not fitting in the bathtub thing.  All you have to do is stand in the tub.  Sure you can sit but it's not like the water doesn't turn on if you're standing.  I'm honestly baffled by this and I think maybe she just doesn't know how tubs work?

    You make a good point, viz., that she could fill the tub with water & sponge herself off that way while standing.

    But it's probably true that she can't sit in a standard-sized tub. I know I couldn't when I weighed 380 #s. Also, it's very difficult to climb into a tub at that weight.

    I'm baffled, tho, by seeing her in her home's tub. That indicates she still can clamber over the tub's edge. And, like all tubs I've ever seen, she has a shower at home. I'm sure the lodge tub had a shower attachment.  So, Twit, take a damn shower instead of a bath.

    1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

    She seems to think that sheer momentum will get her through the challenge. It hasn't gotten through her greasy head that a slower, steadier pace will give her the best chance of succeeding so she's rushing in the hope that she get get it done before her legs/feet/whatever gives out on her.

    The same damn thing she did in HI. She's too stubborn to change her ways.

    • Love 6
  5. 38 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

    Who's left to take care of the cats?  Who is giving Henchi his daily pill for his level 3 heart murmur?  Who’s cleaning their litter box?

    I assume poor ol' Lennie who's performed cat-care in the past. He pathetically remains in Twit's orbit, apparently with the faint hope of once again getting a TLC paycheck.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

    Oh Buddy's fake phony actress girlfriend is moving "back" to Illinois?  With non-existent child too I suppose.   

    It's easy to assume Chelsea & daughter were some of the phoniness on this contrived, over-scripted "reality" show. But if you had followed Buddy on his IG page last year, you'd know they were real. Buddy was quite smitten with Chelsea & he had many, many photos of him, Chelsea & daughter on visits to her in IL.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, aliya said:

    Apparently you haven't watched all of the 'Hotel Impossible' episodes as I have.  Don't be too sure. :  )

    I guess I just figure if I had thought about everything that could be bad before I had taken a trip -- in the days when I was able -- I would have just crawled into my bed & traveled nowhere.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, EctoGammat said:

    Good point. I’m planning a trip to the Poconos and was all excited looking at places with hot tubs... now I’m giving them the major side-eye... pee tubs, ugh. 

    I wouldn't let that stop me -- I'm sure the proprietors do a heavy, duty cleanup with cholrine and/or other pool chemicals after each guest's departure.

    • Love 4
  9. 4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Do you have a link?  I wouldn't want to miss a zipline!!!

    ETA:   Roberts isn't on a track; it hangs from wires.  About 20 people ride at the same time.  If one of them is Twit, there would have to be less than 20.

    I guess you'll have to listen closely when takes her ride since it wasn't mentioned in the photo I saw.

    But if the Roberts tram is on wires, that may well be the ride she takes.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    We ain't all that fit, and I've had a knee replacement and he's had a heart attack.  But we're still in better shape at 72 and 78 than Twit is.

    Anyone in their 70s who walks 10,000 steps every day sounds pretty fit to me. (And, yes. Way more fit than our girl Twit.)

    ETA: Holey, moley! I just looked at the AK zipliner info you provided. You couldn't pay me to take that ride! (I have a fear of heights.)

    From her SM photos from last year & her Whit-a-Thon page in the AK binder, the MBFFL producers apparently found a zip line in AK with a tram-like box that someone Twit's size can ride. Let the screeching & braying begin.

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, krushin said:

    What made him block you?  Just curious hahaha

    I'm curious, too, since I never posted to his site to give him the opportunity. I've finally decided that maybe IG did its thing where it included my acct with a bunch of other random accts, saying something like "do you want to follow these ppl w interests similar to yours?" & he blocked the bunch of us to get rid of us. (It's annoying when IG does that.)

  12. 1 hour ago, alabetser said:

    Having to toddler crawl up those stairs seems like a lot more work than just normal walking steps to be honest. Use a walking stick maybe, because bending over and using your hands to balance seems like a lot more effort. 

    It's not for balance, exactly; it's becuz she can't lift her foot high enuf to step up.

    📌 A forgotten random thoght:

    One of the phoninest moments of this whole phony, contrived episode was when Buddy offered to paint over the phony graffiti & said he'd go get a can of spray paint from the garage.

    Dude! Did you, Twit & PMG (prod. co.) all forget there is no garage. And you don't store paint cans in "dance studios."

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  13. 42 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Mine, too, but he has declared on instagram that he is straight and single. *shrugs*

    I understand bromances are a big thing, but doesn't Ryan carry them a bit over the line, esp. with a guy named Stephen? Ryan's IG page (before I was blocked) showed lots of photos of the two draped all over each other. And isn't that the guy that Ryan designed as BAE, or something like that, meaning before anyone else?

    My gaydar always pings, too, when we see him with Twit. But, when you think about it, that's mostly the only time we see him. When he's with his friend Cam he doesn't seem as gay..So maybe he's not lying when he says he's straight. Which begs the Q: why is he so attached to Twit? It can only be becuz he sees her as his way to "stardom" -- fame & fortune.

    And, yes, I do believe we're looking at a S-7 -- given the ratings -- which will include Ryan. Like someone commented upthread, I'm exhausted from the phoniness of this season, so I'll probably be exiting if there is a new season, much as Iove the snark here. (Anyone else notice how many fewer there are of us now? Lots of dropouts already.) 

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  14. The Sat night barhopping video on nobsactive's IG profile is even worse. Twit invites her subscribers to have a good time, do whatever they want to, "eat a corn dog if you want." Then Ryan thrusts a cocktail in front of Twit who giggles & says "bye."

    Way to encourage good habits, Twit & barnacle.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Calliope12 said:

    If there is one thing the Hawaii whine-a-thon seemed to teach viewers, it's that obese people should NEVER try such things as they end in tears, intense pain, and a profound sense of personal failure that you still won't shut up about the following season.

    7 hours ago, minamreeka said:

    I don't think there is shame in realizing your own limitations.  

    She's trying to prove "haters" wrong and show that fat people can do anything when in reality we really cannot do everything an average weight fit person can do.  But that doesn't mean we can't go out and do the things which we are capable of doing and take pride in ourselves for living life.  

    One of the most maddening moments of Twitism is that early video -- still available on YouTube, I think -- where she demands that the viewer believe that everyone is "limitless." Well, Twit, here's the truth: no one is without limitations. Those of us who learn to acknowledge them & work around them -- whatever they are -- are the ones who are healthy & happy. And, yes, fabulous. Those of us who don't spend our lives in therapy, depressed, always trying too much & failing. And not fabulous.

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