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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Oh, my! -- indeed. That's what I've thought about every episode so far.

    ETA: I know @AZChristian & her hubby are fit, healthy septuagenians who have cruised to AK several times. I hope she will point out activities Twit & Gang -- 30-somethings, plus 2 septuagenarians -- could have enjoyed in AK without over-doing it, as the episode unrolls.

    • Love 5
  2. Then Twit & Ryan move on to Ed's Bar where they meet up with Cam (other guy at the drunken TG dinner).

    Can anyone interpret what Twit yells at Cam in the IG profile story video? (I couldn't quite catch it with my old, tired ears.)

    I guess we fans are being treated to Twit's Sat night as a reminder of how fab her life is.

  3. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I think it’s likely as well. Whitney never does anything by herself so I’m sure she thought it would make funny video to make Glen do it and then laugh at him, like she did with the CrossFit workouts. But then since we haven’t seen Glen climbing the wall I am assuming it backfired and he did fine while she looked like an oaf. 

    Let's look at what happened: Twit stewed for a day or so cuz she only got 3' off the floor. So she summonds Jacob (producer) & demands a retake. Then new arrangements need to be made with the rock-climbimg gym, massive equipment -- ladders, cameras, etc. -- are gathered up & a crew is put together to handle the equipment. All this so pouty Twit can move a foot higher on the wall with her daddy cheering in the background. No wonder it didn't "make the cut." If you were PMG (prod co) would you give her that extra foot after so much time, money & energy was wasted becuz Ms. Narcissist wasn't happy with the first take?

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  4. 2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    LOL I thought the same thing! I bet Glen did beat her up the wall but they will never show it because it doesn't make her look fabulous.

    Well, who the hell knows? (Tho I'm pretty sure I heard him cheering her on.)

    There's no way to know for sure since Twit's idea of "killing it" is rather amorphous. For example, Ryan was killing it in his "television debut" when she allowed him 22 seconds of dialog in a 5:30 minute interview.

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  5. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Maybe we don’t see her swimming because the pool won’t sign the waiver to be on TV. I can’t imagine it would be good for their business to have everyone know Whitney uses their pool as a shower.

    Every facility Twit uses in MBFFL has a location-shot of its sign filmed, including this 2nd gym, besides TFZ, she is now visiting. (I can't remember its name.) So folks in Greensboro know where she is swimming. What I don't understand is: (1) why is she also using the gym's equipment? The amount of time she spends in 2 gyms in a week, plus her b.s. with Ryan could be better spent planning, then cooking wholesome meals.

    And (2) How sick & dependent do you have to be to face-time with your daddy while leg-pressing? (I don't know smart-phone jargon, but hopefully you remember the scene I'm referencing.) Twit has real daddy issues. Glenn has real helicopter-parent issues which should have ended about 15 years ago.

    • Love 9
  6. 1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

    So... did the Big Baby actually GO to Alaska?? Just wondering...

    Yep -- with all barnacles attached.

    I guess the pattern for MBFFL is established now. Twit & Gang will decide to have an adventure outside of Greensboro & spend the entire season talking about it, planning it, talking about it some more with Glenn tuning in & finally going. The pattern began in a small way with Twit & Todd's NYC city visit, then there was HI last season & now "Alasker."

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  7. Random thoughts
    📌 As the mama to 2 adorable bunnies, I can attest with authority that the best thing about this episode is the 5-second location shot featuring a rabbit eating Greensboro grass.
    📌 Did Twit Anglicize the pronunciation of Tomas's name or did he?
    📌 Here is a compendium of Tomas's comments. (Further commentary by me seems unnecessary.)
    🔹 Slower. Slower. You're trying to get it over with, so you're tryin' to rush.
    🔹 We have climbers who are stubborn and just don't listen. But, really, you just have to let them do their own thing and find out where their comfort zone is.
    🔹 She's pretty stubborn.
    🔹 We're going up. [In reply to Twit's Q: Where's that going to?" As if she doesn't realize Hanging Rock is UP, not down.]
    .📌 Should ordering pants & discovering the legs are 10" too long to match waist size be yet another clue that you are TOO FAT? (And why do you think men's pants will be a good fit on you anyway?)
    📌 Twit sez she first intended the "Alasker" trip for just friends, but at the last moment added the parents since this will be a "once-in-a-lifetime trip " for them. Because she thinks the trip will finish them off?
    📌 Whit-a-Thon? Oh, puhleese. And it's designed to feature all of Twit's dramatic responses. Five miles of biking, then of hiking. Whining & blubbering. Riding in a tram ovet a river. Screeching & braying. Rappelling down a canyon. All of the above.
    📌 Glenn sez: " If we're with her, we'll be there to talk her out of anything too crazy." How pathetic that a 73-year-old man still thinks he needs to be near his almost 35-year-old daughter to ensure she does nothing to jeopardize her safety. Does Glenn have a secret pact with Hunter to supervise Twit when he dies?
    📌 Twit sez: "I'm in the best shape I've been in or that I possibly can be." Well, yes, at 350-400 #s.

    📌 Twit calls the few members left in BGDC together to give them an exciting announcement -- that is all about HER & has nothing to do with them.
    📌 And a few hours later does the same thing to Todd. (Who will end up "dancing" at the conference anyway. Sorry, spoiler.).

    📌 This year there's no silliness about Glenn's bonus paying for a very expensive trip. There's nothing tho it's obviously supposed to be Twit's thing. So why don't they just say she is the "star" of a reality show &  the prod crew of said show is paying for -- and planning -- the trip? 

    • Love 8
  8. 9 hours ago, Me from ME said:

    She has a limited repertoire doesn't she? Crying, braying, and in recent episodes the incessant screaming. . . . In next week's previews Heather even mentions the screaming. . .

    OMG, YES! Tho I call it blubbering, braying & screeching (or shrieking). And I, too, noticed -- in next week's preview -- that Heather is tired of it as well. Twit screechs in victory. In exasperation. In despair (prior to blubbering, usually). In anticipation. In joy or sorrow. It's loud, obnoxious & usually inappropriate to the moment.

    I would add one more item to her dramatic repertoire: shock (also surprise). Wide open eyes, wider open mouth. She had pretty much stopped doing that, I believe bc she was reading this forum & learning how ridiculous we found it. (She was looking shocked at practically every sentence uttered by a barnacle or parent for several seasons.)

    • LOL 1
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  9. @Hana Chana, thanks for sharing your photos with us. You & your new friend are adorable! 😊 I was kinda in a bad mood bc my leg hurts & your photos are pickmeups for the rest of my day.

    And @AuntJess I sure agree with you. Trophy hunters of these beautiful, endangered animals disgust me.

    • Love 10
  10. There's a 43-min YouTube video you can search for with "eating protocols will powell." This is about a year ago before Jessica started training Twit. It's worth fast-forwarding thru to see what each says about their eating routines.

    The comment below is intended for those who have followed Twit on her SM pages. It is a SPOILER for those of you who haven't.


    Since both Heather (1st week) & Buddy (2nd week) ended up in AK, it's obvious that Buddy & Chelsea broke up. As the scripts have become so repetitive, does this mean a replay of Twit's sighting Buddy? Only this time he will dramatically appear atop a pile of snow heaped up by a snowplow & Twit will lumber toward him, boots sinking into the snow, arms spread wide, shrieking "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!"

    • LOL 15
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  11. 2 hours ago, Julyolo said:
    2 hours ago, Julyolo said:

    I think the production team detests her. Some of these shots they take of her rear end and legs are just disgusting!

    2 hours ago, nytonc said:

    I bet at least one of the production ppl was dying to shove her off the rocks!

    After 6 seasons of Twit's whining, screeching, bullying & narcissism, the prod. crew are now writing murder plots for her to perform in -- and keeping their fingers crossed.

    • LOL 13
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  12. 56 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

    Was trying to check out Buddy's IG for the latest on Chelsea and saw she isn't even on his IG.  Wonder if they broke up?

    Yes, they did. They are no longer a couple & Buddy appears to be living with Twit again. If not, he is certainly spending a lot of time with her. (Which means he still has no job since Twit doesn't.)

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  13. 12 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Good Lord, did she just say she and Ryan have TWENTY THOUSAND participants in their "community"? e

    Thinking about it, I seem to remember her stating she almost has 10K in her comments while urging others to join. I'm too lazy to look for the comment, but IIRC, she was probably lying then & certainly lying now.

    • Love 5
  14. 3 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Good Lord, did she just say she and Ryan have TWENTY THOUSAND participants in their "community"? She must mean the number that signed up for the newsletter, not actual paying participants. I find it unimaginable that these two are raking in $400,000 per month  ($4.8 million, if all twenty thousand hung in for a full year).

    Yeah, I noticed that, too. And I don't believe it for one minute.

    • Love 4
  15. Just a few random thoughts
    📌 About the vandalized RV, Twit sez: "I have no idea who did it." (If you believe that, I am a Nigerian princess who wants to wire $20 million to you.)
    ,📌 Talking Head Twit, in the preview for the next episode, sez:" There're constant sex jokes with the two of them [Buddy & Chelsea]. It's really weird." And no doubt painful to hear, given Twit's delicate sensibilities.
    📌 At that rag-tag BGDC -- what were there? 6 ppl? -- Twit wears a shirt which she immediately rolls up under her bra to expose her gut. This seems to be her go-to fashion statement. Babs must be so proud.
    📌 How can Twit, with a straight face, say that BGDC is "a real business that [Todd and I] have, and I feel that he doesn't understand that." Gee, I wonder why. You have about 6 nonpaying customers for a business that never really existed & you are now too busy cavorting with some Todd-replacement named Ryan who is essentially promoting the same type of business but calling it exercise instead of dance.

    • LOL 4
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  16. 4 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Besides, when does she ever wear anything else, unless compelled by TV production requirements?

    And she only wears that tank top rolled up under her bra to show her gut unless she's on someone else's TV show.

    3 hours ago, cdp73 said:

    The gray area on those leggings does her no favors.  

    Yes! I've thought that since she started wearing them well before she started pushing them on nobsactivebysnoga. What is it about those particular leggings that make them so unappealing?

    BTW, Ryan looks like he's thinking to himself, "I've made it! I'm a star now!" Even tho Twit has never made it to a legit TV show except in the waning days of Meagyn Kelly. All her guest appearances are on these syndicated shows picked up by a few cheesy cables. But Ryan thinks he's shittin' in high cotton (as my Southern roots compel me to say). How pathetic. God only knows what service he has to provide to Twit in order to attach himself to her along with the other barnacles.

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