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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 3 hours ago, Brooks said:

    Can't we blame Babs for at least a little of this vile behavior?

    I'm not sure I want to. We know -- shrinks tell us -- that our parents are very important in our early, formative years to what we become as adults.

    But, as adults, we need to make appropriate choices, no matter what we may think our parents did to us.

    Twit was overindulged, particularly by Glenn, not beaten or starved. And Babs is a Southern gentlewoman. Twit is crude & a sexual predator. No way is Babs to blame for that.

    • Love 13
  2. 19 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    There is no response to the ‘what happened to Donna’ question but I found this fabulous comment on the obscene photo of her grabbing Todd’s crotch...


    This is a bunch of BS. there's a double standard here. if a man were to do that to a woman regardless of them being friends or not society would have that man's head. you were taught not to touch other people's private parts. I don't care if this picture is funny to you this is offensive. Especially at a time like this where there's a war on men. if we expect men to not act like animals by grabbing other people's crotches than women need to hold the same standard. If you want to touch each other's private parts then you need to do it privately and consensually not displayed for the world. Young women are watching you and looking up to you. This is the standard you are setting for powerful women? Disgusting and classless.

    Wow. This is better than anything any of us have ever said about her sexual assaults

     And from a fan! May her tribe increase. I hope I can find the comment on Twit's IG page so I can "like" it. Thanks for sharing it, @3girlsforus.

    • Love 6
  3. Ransom thoughts
    📌 By this time everyone in Greensboro knows there's a half-naked fat woman trailed by 2-3 cameramen waddling around town. But we viewers are supposed to believe a pool party materialized just at the moment Twit needed to push Heather into getting into the dating game. REALITY, my ass.
    📌 Speaking of Heather, why does she usually look like she's passing a kidney stone, esp. when she's "singing"? (Equivalent, in terms of talent, to Twit's "dancing.")


    📌 I noticed that even the cameraman is tired of Twit's swimming pool backflip followed by a handstand. He shut off his camera as she started it.
    📌 Pool piggyback ride -- more ear-splitting shrieking.
    📌 Twit deliberately capsized that kayak -- another shrieking op. And the whole notion that Buddy came up with this idea is ridiculous. The scriptwriter is getting more & more desperate trying to come up with things for no-talent ppl to do.
    📌 If Chelsea doesn't work out, Buddy sez to Twit: "You'll be my support." Great idea, Buddy. Put your recovery in the hands of a food-addicted narcissist who thinks of nobody but herself. 
    📌 And, by the way, Buddy: I'm really tired about hearing about your recovery. Go find a job or something so you have something else to talk about.
    📌 The very first thing Twit sez to Chelsea when she sees her on Skype is, "you're very attractive." Tsk, tsk, Twit. Remember: we don't care about physical beauty as fat activists.
    📌 I liked Babs' comment about Twit's "ridiculous looking pants." At the time Babs thought they were going out in public to feed ducks, so what she was really saying is "why do you always dress like a bag lady?" (BTW, I think this is the only real moment in the episode -- I think Babs was actually tricked.)
    📌 More healthy eating, more weighing on scale. I think Twit is angling for a 7th season by trying to convince TLC she is now willing to follow the show's original premise.
    📌 Buddy's belongings are in one place, viz., Donna's room. So why are Twit & Tal packing up his stuff & hiding it? Just close the damn door, ferchrissake. Do you think Heather is going to walk around your house opening all the doors to see who or what might be behind them?
    📌 Twit is miffed cuz Ashley or Todd or someone told Tal about The Kiss. "It's so 7th grade," she huffs. Well, yes, dear. We've always said you're the emosh equivalent of a 12-year-old. Why wouldn't your friends treat you that way?
    📌 When taking the promo photos for the BGDC tour, Twit bites Todd's ear. Then there's her recent IG photo of the same shoot where she grabs his genitals. No wonder he sez poisonous things about her when given the op in his MBFFL THs.


    SPOILER about the tour RV -- info known to those who follow Twit's IG page.

    📌 It's obvious now, if not before, why the film crew which "vandalized" the RV was very careful not to get a drop of paint anywhere but the poster. Paint on the RV itself would have cost a pretty penny in repairs.

    • Love 24
  4. 51 minutes ago, Brooks said:

    WTF did Todd allow her pudgy hands on his junk?  He was supposed to be the snarky voice of reason.  Not sure I trust him any more.

    Oh, dear god. Twit is really, really pushing the envelope as to how much soft porn on her SM accts her fans will tolerate.

    According to her tags, this was one of the promo shots taken a few months ago. I suspect that Twit grabbed his genitals just as the photo was being taken. I doubt that Todd was happy about it. Or that she's posted it.

    • Love 4
  5. 43 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

    Does your insurance cover any acupuncture?

    Good luck! Keep us up to speed on how it’s going.

    I retired to a rural area. Love the pastoral ambience, but finding someone as exotic as an acupuncturist is not likely without traveling a 100 miles or so to a metro locale.

    I've got my first appt this Thu. Wish me luck that it's the only appt I'll need!

    • Love 9
  6. 4 hours ago, AZChristian said:


    I've had recurrences [of sciatica] over the years, which have helped me to formulate my personal philosophy of chiropractors.  If my back hurts, I don't want anyone manipulating it.  If my back doesn't hurt, I don't want anyone manipulating it.

    Yeah, in addition to the expense, I am very chary about chiropathy.  The thought of anyone messing around with my old bones, esp.. my spine, is pretty scary.

    Anout 5 yrs ago, I awoke in pain, screaming. It felt like 100,000 imps were pricking my left leg with tiny, redhot pitchforks. That has recurred a few times over the years, but mostly all I've had is a small patch on the back of my leg that is somewhat tender to the touch.

    The pain now is different. For the past 6 months I have had an unrelenting pain in my left thigh from hip to knee. (Ironically, I think an exercise I learned in PT & may have duplicated improperly at home is the probable cause.) Frankly, it has worn me out. And it's difficult to do any chore. Getting in my car, which requires standing with all my wgt on my left leg for several seconds, is incredibly painful.

    I saw my doc yesterday & we discussed options. Surgery, at my age, is a no-no for me. The other possibility would involve getting an open MRI, in a town 50 miles from home, then several injections into my spine. That would mean another several months of this pain.

    So, that leaves chiropathy. As @Pachengala suggested, I think I'm gonna go for it. Something's gotta give, and soon. The pain is really unbearable & exhausting.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

    I had polycystic ovaries but without the hormonal problems, so no PCOS officially.

    I am totally confused about what PCOS is. It seems any woman could claim it -- or not -- depending on whether or not she wants to. For example, I am fat. Morbidly obese, in fact. That's  a PCOS symptom. So, if I say I have PCOS, who's to prove me wrong? (And is that what Twit's been doing these many years?

  8. 3 hours ago, Semanire said:

    That is not fully true. It is possible to have PCOS and not have polysisitic ovaries. The last time I had an ultrasound, my ovaries were fine, but I still have pcos. I just happened to have it under control. A PCOS diagnosis comes from multiple symptoms. 


    From what I just read, it sounds like she had testing done. Which is more than I had for an official doctor diagnosis. 

    That seems odd to me. If I'm not being too intrusive, could you explain how a doc could diagnosis you as having PCOS if you don't have a multiplicity of cysts in your ovaries. The very name would seem to say it all..

  9. 4

    5 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    Now that Donna has moved out, who shaves Whitney, and wipes her butt, and helps her dress? Tal??

    In a word, yes. I think it's pretty obvious that Poodle [Tal] is the new caretaker. Why do you think he went to Manila with her? With Buddy back in the house, tho, she's now got a backup.

    @tdanaher, I love your latest photoshop reveal! God, what could be more obvious that she is manipulating her glam photos than to see her nose ring hanging halfway off her nose.

    And @Hana Chan, I have to respectfully disagree with your assertion that Twit is as jiggly as she was pre-HI. Tho she rarely films it, she has been doing enuf cardio to lose some wgt & tone up a bit. (Not that she's still not jiggly.) I firmly believe it wasn't the HI 8K that was the wakeup call, but the toddler waddle down the beach shrieking "Boo Bear" & the Winnie-the-Pooh pose. (And the wakeup call may have come from TLC telling her to shape up or forget about a season 6.)

    • Love 7
  10. Spoiler

    Well, not to be a spoiler -- which this post is, so stop reading if you don't want to know about Buddy's "relapse" --

    If you follow him on IG, you know he has been C&S for 18 months, hence, no relapse. Whatever this stupid plot line is going to be so that Twit can exercise her handwringing chops, it ain't that Buddy is using again. Unless, of course, he & the producers are so crass & willing as to invent any story line to keep this pathetic show continuing.

    • Love 18
  11. Thanks for coming thru, as usual, @Ketzel.

    It would appear that primarily Doctor Whitney is the one who decided on PCOS, not overeating, to explain her weigh gain & retention.

    She's more of a fraud than I thought. It's hard to imagine someone having the chutzpah to stand at a podium in front of a group of ppl & lie her ass off.

    • Love 6
  12. Random thoughts
    📌 Last year the first 3 eps of MBFFL were 2 hrs long, then reverted to one hr. Pls god, make it true this year..An entire season of 2-hr eps will make us all crazy.
    📌 Romaine lettuce at the grocery store. Cutting up fresh veggies in the kitchen. Apples & oranges handy to munch on as a snackie. A dinner of salad & an entrée of reasonably sized portions. What are you up to, Twit? We know there's got to be an ulterior motive to all this healthy eating activity.
    📌 One possible answer to the above Q: her nobsactive project currently includes exercise, soon to be joined by activewear clothing. So. she's a trainer. A fashion designer. Why not a nutrtionist, too? I think she's seeing the writing on the wall, realizing her sinecure is near an end & looking for another way to earn an income without having to do much to earn it.
    📌 This season is already so boring & over-scripted with absurd plots that it's hard not to think it's in its last gasp. OTOH, that seemed to be true a couple of seasons ago & MBFFL got renewed much to our dismay. So, who knows?
    📌 Heather visits. Buddy's in his room, lying on his bed. So Twit quietly tells him to stay in his room while Heather is there & softly closes his bedroom door. No, instead we have this Benny Hill routine of sneaking down the hall, peeking around corners, hiding Buddy in a closet. Jeez. Of the many minutes of scripted absurdity in this ep, this may have been the worst.
    📌 Or does that dubious honor go to the extended segment about discovering Babs' first marriage? I don't believe for a minute that Twit knew nothing about it, given how Babs likes to remind Twit of what a sexy vixen she was. And the overacting among the three -- I mean, really. Double Jeez.
    📌 Neither of the parents seem very lively any more. I suspect the scriptwriters were desperate to come up with some story that would feature fan favorite, Babs. And this was it.
    📌 A couple of seasons ago, I started wondering how time lines fit together, specifically, parents' age, children's ages,  wedding date. I finally concluded that one or both of the parents must be in a second marriage. Damn, I'm good!
    📌 In Ep 1, Twit worries about how to "counsel" Heather. Now she's worried about Ashley's "lack of interest in just about everything." (Meaning everything Twit finds interesting.) And she needs to keep an eye on Buddy & if he relapses, she'll never forgive herself. Or, as Glenn believes, Twit'll "watch over [them] like she's so good at doing." That's the dumbest Glenn line since the HI 8K when, as he & another man dragged her over the finish line, he whispered, "You've inspired a lot of people today." And why do any of the barnacles, including Tal who is a certified therapist, see Twit as someone they can confide in? She's a narcissist. She has no ability to empathize with any other person.
    📌 Ashley has Twit's number. So does Cousin Todd. I love his comments about her dancing in this episode. "She stays in her one foot by one foot square." "It all looks just the same." "She won't be able to do half the stuff we do [in an advanced dance class]."
    📌 That sports bra in the BGDC segment made her look like she stuffed 2 cantaloupes in it.
    📌 Well, girlfs, time for me to say "B." Hope I haven't been too neg or emosh.

    1 hour ago, connieinnc said:

    Not saying you are wrong, but I am curious where you got this info from?

    S-3, ep 1. All of Heather's IG posts, incl her Q&As.

    There's enuf fibbing in MBFFL without extending it to this forum, too.

    • Love 19
  13. 7 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

    I didn’t realize that her diagnosis was so... unofficial. It does seem like she has a lot of the symptoms of PCOS (from the little I know of it)... and was that clinic visit the one where they showed her the cysts? . . .

    Yes! The “social Safeway” in Georgetown was legendary! . . .Then again, in DC, we liked to alliteratively name all our Safeways. Here’s a primer from the  Washingtonian:


    I, too, am confused by this conversation about Twit's PCOS diagnosis. She has never made a speech or written one of those insipid essays without mentioning PCOS. And now we learn she's self-diagnosed?

    @Ketzel, can you pull out that memoir of Twit's & tell us what she sez about her PCOS diagnosis there?

    And if she has twice the eggs of a non-PCOS female, my comment about her using a turkey baster a couple times a week is less farfetched than it was when I made it earlier in this forum.

    @MrsWitter, I loved the Safeway article; thanks for sharing it. Who'd have thought Safeway would have so many aliases? (All my Safeway is, is the most highly-priced grocery in the county. But the piles of produce are polished & beautiful.)

    • Love 2
  14. 1 hour ago, connieinnc said:

    This is a wild guess on my part, but based on being a listener to the show that Heather's ex is on (and Whitney was part of), and the timing, I believe Heather left her ex for Buddy. So having been left by the person you ruined your family (marriage) to be with has to really sting.

    ETA: Heather's ex has remarried, which probably adds to the sting.

    This "wild guess" is absolutely untrue. Tho Heather is divorced, it wasn't over Buddy. She never even met him until she was divorced & Twit introduced them.

    • Love 4
  15. 6 minutes ago, John M said:

    OK, in fairness to Whitney, her job is probably the television show, she films what, two seasons a year and I'm sure they take a few months each to fully produce, there are not that many jobs that will allow you to take that kind of time off. . . 

    MBFFL only filmed 2 seasons in one year, S-1 & S-2. And the eps in each were only a 1/2 hour long.

    Now MBFFL is filmed beginning in Apr & running to or thru Oct. Twit claims a lot of her off-season is devoted to TLC-promoted events & such. And she has her cruise, a week in either Nov or Dec. Busy life. So much harder than us current or retired nine-to-fivers.

    • Love 3
  16. Twit made a 2nd visit to the Pickler & Ben show yesterday. P&B is no longer syndicated in my viewing area, so I watched a couple of clips on YouTube. (If you are so inclined, search for "Pickler and Ben Whitney Thore.")

    In the "Whitney Returns" clip, Twit claims both BGDC & NoBS campaign are alive & well. [Yeah, right.]

    In the clip, "Whitney meets her biggest fan," Twit is introduced to a 15-yr-old svelte ballerina who claims MBFFL changed her life. Twit anoints her as the first No Body Shame Ambassador -- whatever that's supposed to be.

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