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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 48 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Folks on PTV got me hooked on Love After Lockup after 90-Day Fiance ended for the season.  I'm embarrassed to admit how much we like it . . . although I'm not sure "like" is the right word.  Maybe "hate-watch"????

    I think "like" is a fair choice. How could you not like a show which features characters such as Lizzie, Michael, Clint & Matt? And you gotta like the decisions they make. (For example, Scott goes into further debt to buy a $21,000 car for Lizzie which she cannot use since her license was yanked for 8 DUIs. Straight out of O. Henry.)

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  2. In the Big Girls Don't Cry @ClareWalks mentioned again that she no longer watches MBFFL & it's the "best decision ever."

    For the past 2 seasons I've felt the same way, but I enjoy the snarf here too much not to watch MBFFL in order to understand the comments in this forum better.

    But I have a new reality show fascination -- Love after Lockup on WEtv Fri nights. There's a pTV forum for that show, too; but the level of commentary doesn't come anywhere near the level here.

    • Love 5
  3. 2 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Oh, look! Elephant ass! 

    The way a photo opens up on my tablet is slowly from top to bottom. So I didn't see her legs immediately & honestly thought it was a baby elephant since she recently posted a video of a herd!

    OMG. While I realize she's doing a self-abasing, "but aren't I fierce & brave to allow my defects to be shown so publicly" act, still OMG - why?

    • LOL 3
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  4. 1 hour ago, Nicmar said:

    Rock climbing is not for the overweight. You would have pull your own bodyweight. What does she expect? dummy 😐

    Like everything else in S-6 so far, the rock-climbing gig was given away about a year ago on Twit's IG page. I don't understand why she does that, year after year. If her life is so fabulous, surely it is in Jan-Apr & Nov/Dec. Why doesn't she show us all her fabulousity during those months instead of showing what's being filmed for MBFFL? 

    • Love 9
  5. 52 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Why the hell doesn't Jessica tell her to stop banging the free weights together at the end of each rep? It's bad form as to the exercise and it's bad form as to gym safety and etiquette. If Whit should ever try that in a properly run gymnasium, she'd get told to cut it out immediately.

    I'm not kidding when I say this: I think her fat precludes her ability to determine spacial relationships. So the only way she knows the dumbbells are near each other is to bang them together rather than bringing them close -- maybe an inch? -- but not touching.

    But a caveat: I am unfamiar with this exercise, so I may be completely off-base.  And, BTW, I agree with everyone in this forum who has expressed what a dud as a trainer Jessica is.

    • Love 5
  6. 35 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Heh, I think it had everything to do with her.  You're just not privy to the part where she told Tal he gets to choose, but only between two options that she will inform him of, and they will be offered in order of her preference and she knows he isn't going to make her unhappy, right? RIGHT?

    O, Keeper of the Sacred Tome: is this in her book? (Tho I don't doubt you, given how much she leads poor Poodle around by the nose.)

    • LOL 2
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  7. Random thoughts
    📌 Yet another clue pointing to my belief that they were only on the RV a few hours here & there for filming: no one would have let Buddy drive 12 hours nonstop without taking turns sitting beside him to ensure he doesn't fall asleep. Or, since Chelsea is so in love with him, maybe she would have sat in the passenger seat the whole 12 hours. Whatever, no one is going to sleep while another drives 12 hours.
    📌  Buddy takes a job as a plant nursery delivery guy. He will later be in AK, on a Carribean cruise & (currently) on a month-long road trip to & from the West Coast. Can we assume that job was fiction? And that the only paycheck he receives comes from TLC? 
    📌 Twit, in talking about her tour being so successful that she now has a "dance dynasty": "I can't reach my back [to pat it]." Hell, girl. You can't even reach your hoo-hah to wipe it.
    📌 Twit sez, "Buddy is an appendage I can't quite shake off." Since all her "dance" moves are shaking & twerking, it should be very easy to shake Barnacle Buddy off.
    📌 Glenn & Babs' notion of an ideal date for Twit shows what they really think of her. Babs telling Twit to dress up & apply some  lipstick also shows what I've mentioned before -- Babs thinks Twit dresses like a bag lady.
    📌 I'm tired of Glenn demanding a grandchild from Twit. Get a clue, Glenn. Your gay son is equally capable of reproducing. Better maybe, if Twit's really as close to being sterile as she claims PCOS causes.

    📌 And why doesn't Twit call out Glenn when he goes there? She had no problem calling out Glenn for making her run a race as her ticket to HI but not her brother. MBFFL is supposed to be real life for the Thore family. Why are they so careful to avoid the obious: Hunter is gay, dammit.

    📌 I've said plenty already about the graffiti on the van, so I'll just recap here: the only vandals were the film crew & Twit was fully aware of it.


    • Love 15
  8. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    I can't help but notice that Miss "Dance Career" is having trouble keeping up with these basic moves. She waits for TFM to do them first. 

    Oh, @TurtlePower, you are so behind the times. As of her last episode, Twit is now Miss "Dance Dynasty."

    ETA: Then again, perhaps I heard her wrong & she said "dance nasty." Given her penchant for twerking & making soft porn videos with Fitty Smallz,  that would be pretty accurate.

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  9. 14 hours ago, Cherrio said:

    What exactly did they show on the seat in the bus after Whitney got up?  

    Did she shart on it?

    I thought she peed on the couch. She had been talking about needing to go to the bathroom shortly before she sat down.

    And, pee or sweat, why should Chelsea "just throw a blanket over it"? Twit left the mess; she should take responsibility for cleaning it up.

    Wait -- did I just ask Twit to take responsibity for something? Never mind.

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  10. 14 hours ago, suev3333 said:

    I'm not sure if I'm on the "right thread" or not.   There's a lot of bashing on here towards Whit .... but I have to say... Every week when Whitney is on,  I'm glued to the TV.   I think she has a good personality . . .

    There's a thread called "Unpopular Opinions: Whitney's Fabulous!" that your post would be perfect for. The Social Media thread focuses on Twit's & her barnacles' activities on sites such as Facebook & Instagram.

    • Love 10
  11. 2 minutes ago, John M said:

    In pretty much any larger city almost all property crimes are a matter of public record and easily searched online.

    This "crime" was never reported to the police, IIRC what some ppl here in the forum researched & reported when Twit revealed it last year on her SM accts.

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  12. I think TFM eased up on his usual frenetic pace to accommodate Twit's lack of mobility.

    And what better way to also accommodate her than by designing a routine where she can bend over & let her ass protrude prominently several times?

    Do these YouTube ppl like TFM have to pay a fee to the recording artist whose material they have stolen?

    ETA: I was right! I watched the full 5 min of film on YouTube & Caleb announces at the onset that it's a warmup video, so the moves will not be as fast as usual. A polite way of saying his guest is too fat to move as fast as he usually wants to.

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  13. I have a Q about how IG & FB work.

    I have noticed when a MBFFL barnacle or similar Z-list celeb comments about one of Twit's posts, it's always the first one in the list. For example, TFM has commented about Twit's most recent post & his is the very first post.

    How does that happen? Does she have to cull out those posts some way & manually place them at the top? Is it somehow automatic?

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