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Posts posted by Dot

  1. There's a woman named Melissa Varga on the Oxygen cable advedtising those Fab cosmetic boxes delivered quarterly.

    Twit used to do that. I haven't seen an ad from her in months tho I don't go to her FB page any more. I think she's lost that contract, presumably becuz her peddling didn't produce enuf customers.

    Can this woman succeed at anything?

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  2. A further thought

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Don't write too much meaning into Twit's holding Buddy's leg. If you watched her IG page, you'd figure she's constitutioning incapable of simply sitting next to a man. She grabs his leg or leans against him or holds his hand or puts her head in his lap. She puts her arm around his shoulders. She twirls his hair. Etc.

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  3. My tablet's charger is on the frizz, so I can only get a few minutes on my table at a time before it goes dark. But I don't have much to say about this episode anyway. Here goes.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ I managed to watch all the way thru the other boring eps. Not so this one. I only got thru some 15 min. before I gave up & returned to finish it a day later. Whoever at PMG figured this would be entertaining as a finale should be fired. Or, maybe as I suggested earlier, this season was so lacking in anything interesting, there was really nothing to talk about in a Skinny.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Glenn needs to be retired. He is the absolute worst.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ I could have heard this Kym woman without bothering to turn on my TV -- talk about a LOUDmouth.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ We got a hint that at least Twit believes there will be another season. When Kym asked her what's coming next, Twit replied there would be a lot of emphasis on fitness & "probably" another big trip.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Much as I hate to admit liking anything about this crap show, I did enjoy the "boys' " dance. I thought it was pretty inventive -- probably due to Todd -- and much better than the Twit-choreographed "girls' " dance in which it appeared everyone was doing her own thing.

    • Love 9
  4. 1 hour ago, auntjess said:

    What am I remembering, from an early season, about Whitney stuck in the tub, and Buddy rescuing her?

    Her back went out & she screamed for help from him. He was reluctant, but complied, keeping his eyes averted as much as possible. IIRC, she chided him for that, saying he'd seen her naked before. Given her self-declared penchant for wandering around her house in the nude, this is probably the explanation & not that they had ever been intimate.

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  5. "Buddy๏ปฟย and Whitney have been best friends since high school."

    That's what the magazine article says that @Emma C provided above.

    Is this Twit's new lie? Or an erroneous assumption on the part of the article's author?

    Twit has said she met Buddy when they were both h.s. students, but at different schools. She was introduced to him becuz her BF knew him. No way were they more than the most casual of friends.

    • Love 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

    So based on the comments of those brave enough to watch this mess tonight, do y'all think this show will be back for another season?ย ย 

    Unfortunately, this IG post probably answers your question.

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

    So, what do you think is REALLY going on with Sweatney and Bluto? When the "episode" opened, she had her hammyย hand on his hammy leg. . .

    Bluto! ๐Ÿ˜ Best one-word-Buddy-description EVER!

    Also, fixed it for ya.

    • Love 6
  8. 5 hours ago, Finny said:

    80 years??? I wouldn't have guessed. You sound a lot younger in your posts. Sharp minds are hard to guess age wise ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you! I am very grateful that, as age has taken its toll on many of my facilities, I so far have no sense of a loss of my mental powers.

    • Love 10
  9. 8 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    Whoever came up with the phrase "There is no there there" must have had someone like Buddy in mind. Buddy: even his name is fucking annoying. What is this asshole'sย realย name anyway?

    The quotation is Gedtrude Stein's about her birthplace, Oakland, CA.

    As @Ketzel pointed out, Luby is Buddy's real given name. He's at least a jr., since that's also his father's name & it's very likely a family name passed down. (For example, Tal is Rufus Talmadge Fish III.)

    It's very typical of Southern boys named for their dad to be called Bud, Buddy,ย  Bubba or Sonny. Girls with a passed-down family name were oftenย  Sissy or Sister, e.g., Sissy Spacek. I knew dozens with these nicknames growing up.

    1 minute ago, Dot said:
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  10. Yes, @Finny, I'm on Medicare -- been there for a while since I'm 80 yrs old. Even if there was a deal at the local gym thru Medicare, I just wouldn't want to face (what to me now has become) the long drive to & from. Esp. now, when my left leg is chronically in severe pain. I have an appt Apr 1 with a pain mgt doc & I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will give me a cortizone shot to allieviate the pain.

  11. Thank you for the cyber hug, @Finny. I'm very impressed with your love o critters smaller & more helpless than us human beings.

    And also impressed with your posts. I hope you'll keep it up!

    Thanks also for the aqua bike details. . I have never heard of a gym offering that, but I would be so into it, even at 6 p.m. My greatest sorrow, in terms of exercise, is not being able to do my aqua exercises any more. (I can't climb up stairs, so I could get IN a pool but I wouldn't be able to get out again. There is a pool with a ramp about 20 miles away, but gym membership is very expensive.)

  12. 1 hour ago, Mothra said:

    It's hard to imagine her even now as a love object; her annoying screeches and over-the-top physical reactions are off-putting just to watch on tv.ย  Holy shit--did she have sex with Lennie or with anyone since she got so fat?

    I think the Egyptian woman -- Something Louis -- said Avi thought American women were too loud. No doubt he heard lots of Twit's screeching & braying while they were dating. And, in addition to Lennie, she claimed she was in an intimate relationship with Avi. Remember his beautiful penis?

    • LOL 4
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  13. Hey, @Colleena. Tonight's episode of "The Simpsons" included an attempt to boycott Krusty the Clown becuz he changed Itchy & Scratchy into girls. Bart called it "not hate-watching" since he was not watching a show he would be hate-watching if he watched it.

    I couldn't help but think of you. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  14. @Finny, I love your comment about being your cats' "staff"! ๐Ÿ˜ Ain't that the truth.

    I also have 6, all rescues, all between the ages of 11-13, all indoor. Until a couple of weeks ago. I had 7. My big, beautiful Flora passed over the Rainbow Bridge & I am still grieving the loss.

    You mentioned participating in "aqua bike." I have never heard of that. Could you give some details?

    • Love 2
  15. 42 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Has it been mentioned if the usual suspects and/or Ryan is going on the cruise?

    Ohhhh, good question! The way he's attached himself to Twit would make it seem very possible. So far Twit has started pushing the cruise, but hasn't mentioned who're on it.

    Another Q: assuming another season, will Ryan be "starring" in it? He made the trip to LA when Twit & Gang went there, hung out with Jacob the producer & other PMG crew members. So I think these days where Twit goes, so does Ryan.

  16. 6 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    So I see next week is the finale episode. Here's to hoping this is the final season of this crap.

    I think her ratings will have to drop to well under a million for MBFFL to end. (Or she'll have to get caught in some sort of sexual situation as Mama June was. Tho in Twit's case, I'm sure it will be sexual harassment or assault.)

    For example, a couple of years ago TLC had a show where a fat black woman drove around dropping folksy wisdom on ppl who didn't seem very interested. It never got more than 1/2 million viewers & was dropped before the first season ended.

    There are some interesting. conflicting signals, tho. There's The Kiss, pointing to a new season. (Tho, of course, that was conceived & filmed before TLC was probably in renewal discussions.)

    On the other hand, Twit has not yet been talking on IG about the start of filming, which is usually April. Those of us who watch her IG page will be looking for clues.

    • Love 4
  17. 27 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    It is if you also enlist any RL friends you may have who hate watch.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Do you have a couple thousand friends, @Colleenna? Who have all previously been watching MBFFL so their absence would be noticeable? That's what it would take from all of us.

    P.S. I don't know anyone who watches MBFFL, perhaps they don't want to confess it, like me!

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  18. 53 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I feel like Whitney is almost giddy that Babs has lingering effects from her stroke. She seems so gleeful every time she can point out even the littlest problem or error on Babsโ€™ part.ย 

    She is just vile.ย 

    You have chosen 2 perfect adjectives to describe Twit's attitude toward her stricken mama.

    As far as boycotting MBFFL goes, @Colleenna suggested that on 3/4. But even if the suggestion was current, our small squad isn't enuf to make aย  dent in the ratings.

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