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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 36 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

    This is dumb and makes no sense. When I get hot in my car, taking off my shirt would NEVER occur to me. Instead I do what everyone else in the world does does, TURN ON THE AC or OPEN A DAMN WINDOW. 

    She indicates the A/C isn't enuf. Heather, however, has to wear a sweatshirt with hoodie & 2 weighed lap blankets when she rides with Twit.

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  2. Twit claims she gets too hot in her car if she wears a shirt. But there's no reason she couldn't slip one on when she gets out of her car & goes out in public. She is an exhibitionist, thru & thru. Frankly, it's embarrassing that a 35yo woman of any size thinks it's appropriate to prance around half-naked in a filling station.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

    Is anyone else having trouble editing their posts and being able to save changes or losing some of the original post because the page refreshes?

    I've had various problems ever since pTV became Primetimer. But  I've assumed it's bc I use a tablet.

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  4. Weird. After seeing @3girlsforus's & @Ketzel's comments, I read thru some of the responses to fans again. Every mention of "boy friend" has disappeared, replaced in one instance with "the man I am with."

    I have my Senior Moments now & then, but not on this. Yesterday, Chase was her BF. Today he's just a man.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I agree with this but it seems weird to me that the production company lets Twit take such advantage of it’s employees. Susan is a Twit slave and she’s shown videos of other production staff giving her massages and slathering her with lotion. We also know she regularly sexually harasses a majority of the show staff. Why do these people put up with this? Is it really a matter of ‘suck it up or be fired’? It amazes me that Twit would be valuable enough to the company to risk harassment and abuse lawsuits rather than tell Twit to keep her hands to herself and take care of her own bodily functions. 

    Well, early on she demanded a prod asst be fired for telling the comedienne that Twit smokes 2 packs a day. As the "star" of this dumpster fire, she will get away with bad behavior. Not to mention the fact that catering to her is probably easier than listening to her whine & complain.

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  6. 38 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    I suspect that Susan is paid by the production company to keep Twit on task, and that Twit takes advantage of that to make Susan her personal slave. 

    Bingo! Exactly what I think! I was also thinking how tough it's gonna be on Twit when MBFFL reaches its finale. No more personal slaves unless she can convince Donna Boo Boo to move in again.

    I think Twit's tumble from "celebrity" to unknown fat lady is going to be incredibly difficult for her. What's a narrcissist gonna do when there's no one around to admire you?

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  7. 3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    Trust me, you wouldn't die doing anything Whit does (unless dying of embarrassment counts). That ten miles was five miles of slow bike riding while shrieking, followed by five miles of slow walking while wheezing. It probably took her five hours to do "all that."

    And she couldn't manage the slow walk without help. She got stuck on a rope bridge & Tal, etc., had to pull her across.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I thought of Whitney last night. I had an MRI. I'm way smaller than Whitney and I just fit. No way she could get in there if she needed a scan. 

    You'd think so, but I was told a year or so ago that anyone under 400 #s will fit. (I had said that I didn't think I would fit at 260 #s.) I am still dubious, but it was a medical professional who told me that.

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  9. 17 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Hey, it's Susan Loren's birthday today! She's wearing a paper crown and Whitney is kissing her!  Who's that, you may ask? Let Whitney explain:

    "This woman is a legit super hero — she feeds me, caffeinates me, clasps my bras, does my laundry, and pretty much everything else to keep me organized and able to shoot tv every day. She’s a 💎 of a woman and we are so lucky to have her!"

    Does that include emptying the litter boxes? Applying the chub rub? Picking up the pizzas?  Who's the "we" that is so lucky Susan is taking on this job?

    That poor woman - outed as Whitney's body woman to the whole world on her birthday!

    So, THAT's what happened to Donna Lee. She transmorphed into a woman named Susan Loren!

    Need it be mentioned that once again someone's BD is all about Twit?

  10. 13 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    The price you pay for hanging around a "celebrity?"

    Is it just me, or is Whitney's insistence that she and Natalie are constantly being mistaken for each other, or being taken for twins a little desperate-sounding? Isn't Natalie about ten years younger than Whitney? She looks it, anyway.

    I believe it's more like 15 years.

    All ppl are seeing is the fat. When I was still in the closet, my mate & I probably weighed a total of 500 #s. Ppl constantly asked us if we were sisters even tho, except for the fat, we looked nothing alike.

    Tal & Heather get to live their h.s. dream of being "stars" in exchange for letting Twit touch them inappropriately. All Natalie gets is a free ride on a cruise once a year. Is she hoping for more? (It worked for Ryan.)

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  11.  Most of Twit's fans no longer are fooled by the many teases. They ask about her makeup, not the ring.

    Tho in a Q&A starring both Twit & Heather, a fan asks about BFs. Twit zez yes, Heather sez no. And a kiss is exchanged between Twit & Chase in the current IG story.

    ETA: Twit claims her current wgt is 328 #s.

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