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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 54 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

    She is always off a beat or two in her steps.

    Not to give Twit an excuse, but wouldn't this be true of any dancer/exerciser trying to duplicate the steps another dancer is performing? This is a frequent comment about Twit, so I am genuinely interested in an answer from someone with a dancer's exerience.

  2. When I went to the PCOS Con FB page, I was surprised to see that the McLean, VA, event was only one among many this weekend all across the country. I wonder if Twit realized there would not be a big draw from the whole USA. I just continue to get the vibe that this event was not all Twit thought it would be.

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  3. 36 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I’ll be curious to see if Whit posts this video of the dance. If she does, I’ll be curious to see how she spins who the guy who is actually dancing is and why she’s just in the background.

    There's sure nothing on her IG page at the moment. And when she goes on one of these junkets, she usually posts tons of photos & videos. I'm thinking this may not have been a fabulous experience for her. I suspect many of the participants don't even know who she is, much less spending any time fawning over her.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:


    This link might work. Right click on it, then click on "open in a new window."   It looks like the whole video is going to show sideways, but it turns in a few seconds.

    It did work, even with a tablet. Thanks, @Ketzel. And thanks, too, @3girlsforus, for trying.

    It's remarkable to watch Twit when she's up against someone so much fitter & more adept than she. I've got to wonder what our narcissist thought when she arrived at the con & found out that she was second banana.

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  5. 2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know how or if it’s even possible to link something from FB but if you go to the PCOS Awareness Association FB page and scroll down just a little you will see a video of Whitney’s “workout dance class”. She’s been relegated to the backup dancer while a man with talent is leading the group. She’s the only one who is basically naked (it’s indoors) and interestingly while there are obese people there, there are also many average weight women which kinds of blows Whit’s theory that PCOS = obese out of the water (like we didn’t already know that).

    I couldn't find this video & would really like to see it. Can you give me more precise directions? Or can someone provide a link?

  6. 55 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

    Thanks for answering my question, Ketzel!!  Insightful stuff!

    For the opportunities that she was given by those who identified her immense talent (ha!!), does anyone feel like those were just acts of kindness?  That these teachers saw an awkward girl trying to participate and gave her an invitation to learn more about dance and feel included?  As sited in the quotes, by her own admission, she was not at all prepared to join these groups.  Surely the teachers would have known ahead of time that she was wholly ill-equipped to take these level of classes.  And yet they asked her to join anyway.

    Maybe all those invitations came from the simple fact that these studio owners saw a source of income. For its size, Greensboro seems to have an overabundance of dance studios -- and specialty gyms, for that matter. I would think that the possibility of signing up another paying customer, no matter how untrained she is, would be appealing.

    Does anyone actually believe Will let Twit back into his gym because he saw her potential? Nah. Twit could pay his fee, not to mention the free advertising he got from MBFFL.

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  7. Thanks, @Ketzel. 😊 

    If I were to summarize Twit's background, I would simply say she never conquered the techniques required of a professional dancer. She appears to admit that in her own words. But, of course, her natural talent won the day without the need for pesky  things like technique.

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  8. @Kiki620, about all I know of Twit's early training is that by h.s. she thought of herself as not just a dancer but a choreographer. She met Heather when Todd recruited Twit to choreograph his & Heather's h.s. production of Grease.

    Most of Twit's inflated opinion of herself as a "dancer" seems to date back to h.s. tho she claims to have practically danced her way out of Babs' womb.

    Maybe @Ketzel can once again unlock the Sacred Text to tell us what Twit says about her earliest training.

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  9. 16 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Glenn and Babs were definitely supportive parents but I’ve never gotten the impression they were filling her head with ideas that she’s a world class dancer. In fact Babs has shown disdain for her dancing.  

    Glenn goes way beyond "supportive," both then & now. Then, he pulled out his camera every time Twit so much as twitched. Now, he does such things as keep a diary of her MBFFL days. Glenn raised a flaming narcissist. He is to blame for some of her inflated ego.

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  10. I like Tal. He's the only one of the barnacles who's never done anything offensive that I can recall.

    On his IG page he's asking his fans to vote for his sister's dog in a magazine contest. So I did! (The dog is a beautiful fox hound which is obviously well-cared for.)

    If you too want to vote, go to his IG page. The link to the contest is a random bunch of letters begining with wshe...

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  11. 4 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I wonder what Ryan thinks of the new dance endeavor. Whit has a limited following who have limited funds. I think the majority of her fans won’t sign up for both the dance and the workouts. So she’s splitting her followers between two financial options, cutting Ryan out of a portion of her fans that could have signed up for active but signed up for dance instead. 

    And Twit just announced to a fan who asked that anyone in nobsactive who signs up for the dance grift will get a discount on the nobsactive fee.

    • LOL 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

    I would barely consider what Whitless is doing as "dancing". Standing in place while shaking your ass, turning in place and shaking your ass some more and moving one step in a circle isn't exactly the kind of challenging choreography that I would expect to see from someone passing herself off as a professional dancer/dance instructor.

    And that's not to say that there aren't some plus sized ladies out there with some serious moves. This gal, for example, is probably close to Whitless's size but does a hell of a lot more.

    Near the end of her routine, this woman performs Twit's "signature back roll." Gee. Does that mean Twit has never had an original move in her "dance career"? (The woman can do the move; Twit can't any more.)

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  13. This Charlotte location has been featured in several of Twit's recent posts. If she's renting an apt, is this a room in the apt? Or is she usurping a common area in the apt bldg?

    Todd looks especially gangly & weird in this video. At least one fan asks why anyone would spend money "learning" this routine. And, again, it's pointed out that Twit only knows a few dance moves.

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  14. Twit's latest plug for NBSdance is from her trip to the Philippines last year. I don't understand why she thinks this -- or the cruise dance class video -- is a good advertisement. One fan points out that all she knows is 3 dance moves.

    BTW, another fan said nbsdance means something quite different in the United Kingdom. Anyone know what that is?

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  15. Twit has made it clear for years that everything she eats is either delivered or picked up at the drive-up window. She cooks nothing except her father's tuna casserole recipe. As we used to say in Texas, she was in hog heaven while Tal lived with her & was doing the cooking. (Even better when Jon began to stay over on weekends & did much of the cooking.)

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  16. Twit's got her plug for NBSdance up today. Basically, the same setup as NBSactive, except with Todd & only 3 days/week. Oh, and she's calling it dance, not exercise. What's next? NBSmedical, where Twit explains why her info is more reliable than any doctor's? Or NBShygiene, where we learn that bathing more than once a week is bad for you? Or NBSrelationships, where you can learn the grabbiest erotic areas on a male? Et cetera. Twit is such an expert on so many things that the possibilities for her grifts are endless.

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