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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    January  2021 might be when another season starts to air, but the filming for it would be over, right? No reason why Whitney and friends couldn't hold a Season 8 Premiere Party on the ship . . . . 😞

    I agree w/ everything everyone has said about why a cruise & S-8 premiere could coincide. I can add a few more. She has exhausted the Nov-Dec itineraries & needs a new one. Fans who are in retail haven't been able to vacay in Dec. She only has the months Jan-Apr & Nov-Dec when MBFFL is not being filmed. Even so, I still think Jan is an odd time for her cruise.

  2. 32 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I don’t know where the line is drawn with posting about Whit’s friends who are not on the show but are posting about her on SM so hopefully this is ok.

    This woman, Nataliemeansnice, just posted on her IG story that in 3 weeks she’s going to Switzerland with Whitney. Apparently they are going to Zurich and Paris with some other girl named AnnaCeleste. Is this the fat girl world tour now??? Wasn’t Whit just in Paris? Geez.

    Anna Lynn Celeste is the other photographer on the cruise besides Linus. On her IG page she calls herself a body positive photog.

    It appears Diva Twit can go nowhere these days without ensuring she is captured on film.

    I've never gotten the sense that Natalie is much more than an opportunist. She has claimed to be a model. She facilitates the cruise fashion show b/c of her presumed fashion sense & contacts in the fashion world. She has sucked onto Twit like a giant limpet. I'm thinking Twit is probably paying for this trip or maybe it's one of TLCs promo tours. Either way, I can't see Natalie paying for it.

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  3. Just as @3girlsforus informed us can happen to a cruise's itinerary, bad weather (rough seas) has prohibited their cruise ship from docking in the Bahamas, per Heather.

    I think I'd be pretty pissed off if I spent so much money & ended up staying on the boat rather than enjoying the promised excursions. Especially if I was paying a premium price for a celebrity cruise.

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Royal Caribbean has had to change some itineraries for the Allure because it’s had some issues with it’s propulsion system causing it to not have the same top speed. So they’ve reworked some itineraries to not cover as much distance. I’m not sure how much longer that will go on before they have to put her in dry dock and repair it. 

    Does the cruise line notify ppl in advance & give them a refund if desired? Or is the itinerary change a big surprise in the middle of the ocean?

  5. 22 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

     I knew I was forgetting people. If you get a free cabin for every 16 cabins, that’s 1 free cabin for every 32 people (a cabin is 2 people). So for 14 people they would need 7 cabins. That would mean 224 people or 112 cabins booked to cover everyone. 

    Yeah, I misread the calcs above. Still, 224 ppl booked doesn't seem unreasonable for someone who claims 1/2 million followers.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Odd that Chase was not in any pictures of the cocktail party. Not in any pictures of her "dance" class. Ryan's in her dance class. Tal's in the class. Glenn is in the class. But no Chase. 

    (Let's see how long it takes for Her Lurkness to remedy this......)

    Chase enjoys his drink & he seems to be spending his time in the ship's bar. Twit has an IG story showing him kissing her there.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    It looks as if the cruise isn't as well attended as in previous years. 

    I'm wondering what makes you think that. The dance floor on the first night looked pretty crowded. OTOH, she sure didn't draw many ppl to her panel discussion.

    I don't think she'd pay for any of her "friends & family," so she must have gotten enuf paying customers to make her quota.

  8. OMG. Her ass. And her cellulite legs. Twit has really gone further down hill since her cruise last year. It makes me wonder how the film crew chose angles in the filming of S-7 to keep her looking "fabulous." And how long can TLC continue to allow this woman to promote her HAES message?  

    • Love 5
  9. 45 minutes ago, alabetser said:

    Despite them all being friends from high school, it seems like Whitney has gone through a lot of barnacles over the seasons. Besides Buddy, Heather, and Tal, there have been tons of frenemies pass through in a blur. I've never known anyone to run through social groups that fast. 

    Yeah, what happened to Donna Lee, who was Twit's absolute bestiest? Until she wasn't.

    Or Mattie, who dared to lobby TLC for her own reality show?

    • Love 4
  10. For others who are blocked from any IG pages, such as I am with Ryan, or don't use IG, there is a great way to see IG stories. Go to


    enter the person's IG name & follow the instructions.

    @Ketzel pointed me to a short video filmed by ryanandreas_ of Chase talking to Glenn over cigars & cognac. The look on Glenn's face is priceless, as in "this guy is a possible SIL?"

    • Love 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Is this Natalie now involve with the NOBS stuff Whitney has going or do they only need up on this raise everyear.  

    Twit met Natalie at CurvyCon a couple of years ago. Natalie seemed to spend a lot of time stroking Twit's ego, and landed herself a spot on the boat last year as the fasion show coordinator. Same game this year.

    ETA: I called Ryan a pig for his oinking, "We out here." as his photo caption. Do you think he means out on the deck? (I don't.)

  12. 43 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    It took me a while to figure out that lower white strip is her bathing suit and the rest is part of her leg. 


    Thanks, @3girlsforus.

    Nice suit, Natalie. Why did you bother?

    Nice comment, Ryan, you pig

    It had fleetingly crossed my mind a couple of days ago if Twit would try to push Ryan toward her pal. Looks like it's happening.

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