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Posts posted by Dot

  1. Twit in Raleigh at the same time Chase is near Raleigh? Does this strike anyone else as typical Twit-stalking? [Lennie: "you called me TEN times!"] Even if Chase is in it just for the $$$, even if Twit, as a producer, would know that, I can see her getting so wrapped up in her "role" that she jealously guards her prerogatives.

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  2. A question for those of you still attending weddings: how do you know whether or not you can come with an escort? I guess an invite might say "[yr name] plus one." But if it doesn't? Do you automatically assume you cannot bring a guest? Do you call the bride or groom & ask permission to bring someone?

  3. 2 hours ago, Dot said:

    There's a new plug for the nobsdance class. Note that it's all hand motions, no dance. (Or am I old-fashioned in believing dance involves moving the feet?)

    Her fans really hate Todd & are convinced that she is a saint for allowing him to dance with her.

    She has extended the $5 off deal, which indicates subscriptions are not coming in very fast.

    ETA: I notice the music she uses in these demos are not American. Maybe that's how she gets around using music without paying for it.

    Heather has posted a video of her 8yo son twerking in the aisle of a dept store. Granted, I am an ol' fogey, but I don't like to see children performing adult, sexual moves.

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  4. 5 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

    I don't see them either, she deletes comments all the time.    I noticed she deleted her "Fuck you" response to the person that said the orange shirt made her look fatter. 

    Nope. Her "go fuck yourself" is still there, right where I told you upthread that you could find it.

    • Love 1
  5. There's a curious IG story on Chase's page that I hope someone can interpret for me. (It's a story NOT in his profile photo.)

    It's scenics of Squaw Valley. It opens on a tram; briefly, a woman with a bun turns around & grins at the camera. So, is that Twit? And did she & Chase jump from Paris to Squaw Valley? Is this where Chase's frat bro is getting married?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

    Well, so far he's been on the trip to Lake Tahoe and the trip to France. And from what we've seen, Whitney sleeps a lot or has production responsibilities, so he and Ryan have had a fair share of time free to explore, sight-sefte and drink together.

    Also trips home to WVA & to the mountains (Grandfather Mtn?), tho I don't think Ryan was there, too.

    Will Chase be on the Nov cruise? That should tell us a lot.

    • Love 4
  7. 19 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Holy sugar cookie, Batman. She has a new pic on her IG taken from the rear. Maybe it's just me, but she looks bigger than ever. However, her left hand is clearly visible, and there's a ring on it, but I'm on a tablet and can't see the ring clearly. Anyone with a big screen monitor who can take a look at it? 

    I, too, use a tablet & think I see a ring. But if I do, then I'm also seeing a pinky ring. Would a woman wear a pinkie ring on the same hand as her engagement ring?

  8. @Ketzel, you will be amused when you read the fan comments. They all think Chase is looking at Twit with love in his eyes.

    Well, not all. About half think she's hiding her left hand in his vest b/c she's wearing an engagement ring.

    Ryan & Chase are overage frat boys. In fact, when I was looking thru Chase's IG photos, I noticed several that indicate he belongs to the same fraternity my brothers did. They grew up. Chase hasn't.

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  9. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I hope Heather continues to stay far away from Twit and the gang. Hopefully she can live her life and occasionally show up for a cameo so she can cash the check, which I’m sure is welcome as she tries to raise two kids on her own. 

    I hope the same for Heather. I usually check in on her everyday on her IG page, and she seems to be a more positive, interesting woman now that she isn't so often in Twit's orbit.

    BTW, she & her ex-hubby share custody of the 2 kids. They spend alternate weeks in each home. So, she's actually not raising the kids on her own.

    • Love 3
  10. Heather went to a pet shelter a few weeks ago & got a 4-mo old rescue kitten named Luna. Twit pretty much seems to have abandoned both Tal & Heather this year for her new friends in Charlotte, which has been good for both of them.

    I honor anyone who takes in a rescue pet & I think this shows a side of Heather we don't get to see when she's kow-towing to Twit.

    • Love 13
  11. 24 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    Apparently Twit has deleted her "gfy" reply. Or at least I didn't see it. Saw lots of piling on by the nitWhits. 

    Twit's comment is still there, in response to a fan tagged monteana114, about 6 down from the top. It's with the photo of Twit with her 3 MBFFL producers.

  12. 2 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    The French pro biker, show biker and mountain bike racer Simon Rogier posted an instagram picture of himself  on a bicycle, and Whitney, Chase and Ryan in the background with the comment (pardon my mediocre French translation):

    Aujourdhui, c’était une journée de tournage dans les rues de Trigny pour une télé-réalité américaine #mybigfatfablife . Avant, de les accompagner pour une balade dans le vignoble, j’ai fait une petite démo pour @whitneywaythore and @ryanandreas_ avec mon @lapierrebikes #zesty. Enjoy your ride 😜. #bikelife #realityshow #champagne

    Today was a day of shooting in the streets of Trigny for an American reality show, mybigfatfablife. Before accompanying them in a stroll through the vineyards, I gave Whitney and Ryan a little demonstration with my lapierre bike.

    Twit probably explained to Simon that she, too, is a professional bicycle rider, having designed & ridden her AK Whit-a-Thon 5-mile route on her fat-tired bike.

    • LOL 7
  13. And what is it with the hand massages anyway? This is at least the 2nd time she's shown herself getting one. Is she pointing out what a deserving diva she is?

    I hope I live long enuf to see what Her Majesty's life is like about 5 years after MBFFL folds. She is so going to fall so far when the dance is over.

    • Love 5
  14. 3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Whitney's sexual harassment at it again. 

    A fan pointed out that Twit's shirt makes her look fat -- it does -- so she should get rid of it.

    Twit replied, "Go fuck yourself." And went on to say that she doesn't choose her clothes based on whether or not they make her look fat.

    This, mind you, less than a week after her receiving an award for a No Bullying campaign!

    BTW, the fan said all she was doing was trying to be helpful & since Twit was so rude, she was unfollowing her.

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  15. Isn't it odd that Ms. No Body Shame always goes for normal-sized men. (With the exception of Roy which seemed a phony story arc invented by the scriptwriter.) She wasn't even very nice to the guy Glenn invited to dinner & he was just a little chubby.

    If she can't endure a fat guy, how about a man with one leg? A legally blind man? Or similarly disabled ppl she profiles in her NoBS YouTube video?

    She is such a phony.

    • Love 7
  16. Many of Twit's fans seem the type who cannot see a woman as happy unless she is attached to a man. At the conclusion of last season, I was pretty sure the writers would invent a love story since it was too many years beyond Lennie for her life to seem fabulous. (Avi doesn't count since we didn't know about him until he done her wrong.)

    Chase was fairly good-looking 4 years ago. Too hairy now. [shudder] I wonder if he will get rid of all that fur when the love story ends. It currently makes for a rather good disguise.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    Is that Ashley there with Whit? . . .

    Then the accompanying pictures show him kissing her cheek with all the warmth of a nine-year-old nephew bussing his aunty,  while Whitney throws her head back with her eyes closed. Don't overdo it, Whitney.

    I would not have recognized Ashley if the photo hadn't included a tag naming her. What an odd choice for this excursion -- someone who's never gone on any other trips or even Twit's cruises.

    Ashley & Twit's girly kiss is warmer than Chase's.

    2 hours ago, Dot said:

    [deleted duplicate text]

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