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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 46 minutes ago, krushin said:

    I second that vote for Tal.  I don’t know if anyone on here has noticed but Heather has been pretty obnoxious on Instagram lately (aside from the photos of her adorable kitty and children). It’s tarnished my opinion of her to be honest 

    Interesting observation. I would have said she's been LESS obnoxious in her IG posts since Twit moved out of her life.

    Can you offer an example?

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Chase has posted the announcement on Facebook. He's gotten about a dozen responses with comments at this point. Nearly all are one-word ("congratulations,") but my favorite is the person who responded "looking forward to watching."  There are also about 100 thumbs up/emoji responses. I didn't recognize any of the names, except for Leslie Nagle, Whitney's "dance mentor." Where are Babs and Glenn and Chase's parents? Or are they holding off on any connection between the families until the cameras roll?

    Chase also posted the Big News on his IG page.

    All of them -- Twit, Chase, the Barnacles -- make the engagement announcement a pitch to watch the new season. That combination is what makes the engagement so suspect: why hold the news for 2 months until you can attach it to a pitch for the new season?

    ETA: @3girlsforus's comment about the phony reason they are in Paris reminds me of the phony reason the gang went to HI, viz., Glenn got a big bonus which was burning a hole in his pocket.

    Besides, since NoBSActive constantly makes the point that their on-line exercise is available globally, there is no reason to go to a foreign country to promote it.

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  3. Twit's probably gonna announce that

    ...her romance with Chase is fake, or

    ...she knows weighing 150+ #s over her ideal weight is neither healthy nor fabulous, or

    ...she knows she is a terrible person to her friends, or

    ...[fill in your own guess]

    We now know what Buddy does for a living: Lift driver. He sez so on his current IG story. He points out that he no longer does "blow," but he sure seemed stoned.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Uuuugghh said:

    I scrolled through the comments and only a few ding dongs guessed that it was engagement or baby related. I think everyone figured out that the Twit/ whatshisname “relationship” is F A K E as the day is long. Most guessed the “news” is the premiere date. 

    That makes the most sense since she surrounds the word news with little TV sets.

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  5. 50 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Well she’s back, is the big news the Europe trip with Natalie or has she not announced the start date of the new season yet?

    Or 3rd possibility: announcing the next cruise will be in Jan 2021. Natalie has already beat Twit to that announcement, as well as the announcement of a trip to France & Switzerland. I can't think that Twit is happy about being preempted so often.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

    I may be wrong but wasn't it last Thanksgiving when she was drunkenly prancing around in a lacey black bra with Ryan and another dude (not Chase)?

    Yep, that was last TG. The other guy was Ryan's friend, Cam.

    That was one of the earliest sights we had of Ryan. And he was so fascinated by Twit's celebrity that he spent a significant period of time saying "hello" to her fans who dialed into the live feed. Twit spent that time in the background prancing around in her lacy, black bra & a wgt-lifter's belt,  then sitting next to -- more or less atop --Cam, bending his ear.

    Ah, holiday memories!

    • LOL 4
  7. Natalie reports today that she leaves for Europe in less than 3 days, which may explain Twit's SM silence: resting up from cold, packing, etc.

    I can hardly wait to see what happens when these 2 divas are thrown together for an extended period of time. Unless Natalie is very careful, she'll find herself in the Donna/Maddie rubbish bin.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, ZenMoonPi said:

    What if TLC does an "All About Eve" with Natalie?  She's younger, seems hungry, and would probably throw Whitney under the bus if TLC offered her the starring role in a MBFFL reboot.

    Great minds, @ZenMoonPi, I've been thinking the same thing.

    After the cruise, I decided to check in on Natalie's IG page since she seems to be a quasi-barnacle now. She's got a following which she panders to. She appears to make a living by encouraging ppl to buy various products. She likes to travel. She posts photos & talks about gym visits, wears a sports bra & leggings & wants to take up wgt-lifting. She likes wine & often pictures herself holding a glass. In other words, she's already doin' a Twitney, only in a younger, more pleasant way.

    BTW, I think she's lost some weight since the earlier, 2018 cruise, so she could pitch herself as fulfilling the concept that MBFFL started with.

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  9. 11 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

    No, she's actually around 400. She's pretty short. And she *should* wear a 4X leggings and a 3X sports bra. Those clothes are waaaay too tight. That was sort of my point. 

    I think she was at 400+ #s in HI, but believed her when she said she's dropped to 338 #s last season. But I think she's back up to around 360 #s now.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, sixlets said:

    Regardless of how Twit is shilling for UA now, the FTC just came out with new guidelines for "influencers" to follow.  Even though this woman's channel is based around makeup, she does a great job of explaining the new rules and what it means going forward.  This needed to be done from the start, but at the very least, the FTC is trying to make up lost ground.

    Thanks for sharing this video. It's kinda long, but very informative. And certainly explains why Twi has to label herself in a "paid partnership" with UA.

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  11. Twit doesn't seem to last long as an influencer. She hasn't opened a box of FitFabFun in quite a while, so I assume she wasn't very successful shilling for it. 

    @3girlsforus pointed out a number of problems Twit had in being honest about her Under Armour freebies. I'll add another: the bra's band, which s h e claims is so comfortable, rolls up under her back fat.

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  12. 11 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Well if that was their response then clearly their employees are immature as well. Even if the company completely disagrees with a complaint or recommendation a customer contacts them with, they typically still respond as if they took the comment seriously and really care about what their customer said. The response Dot posted sounds more like a petulant teenager. 

    I don't know for sure that Madison Smith is an employee. But she apparently had a signifant role in UA's decision to include a plus size line, given the comments on the FB page.

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

    If you click on the right or left of the first pic (there's little arrows)  it takes you back and forth through all the pics.

    You don't have to go to IG it attaches them all right here.  👍

    Meanwhile it looks like she deleted the ass crack pic and the other pic because they're now showing up as blank.


    All 3 photos are still visable on her IG page. They have not been deleted.

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  14. I just got this email about my U A Plus Size comment about choosing Twit as their plus size spokesperson:

    "Dot James I am so sorry you feel this way. Must be challenging going through life worrying so much about things that don’t really impact you. Good luck with everything."

    It's from someone named Madison Smith who seems to have something to do with the plus size rollout, so I guess she's a UA employee.

    I replied: "Bless your heart, sweetie."

    • LOL 3
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  15. 1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

    I was admittedly shocked when I heard about UA. Have they SEEN her in action? 

    Do they even know she’s a crotch grabbing, armpit sniffing, hot tub peeing, donkey-braying, obnoxious, inappropriate woman-child? And that she was voted most hated reality tv person? Just, WHY? There were no respectable overweight women to choose from so they went with this train wreck? 

    I thought your comment was so good that I stole much of it for a comment on Under Armor's FB page:

    "I'm gobsmacked that you have hired a crass narcissist as your spokesmodel. Whitney Way Thore was voted Primetimer's most hated person on reality TV for her ass-wiggling, crotch-grabbing, hottub-peeing, donkeylike braying performances. She is the LAST woman you want promoting your plus-size line."

    If you want to add a comment, the page name is U A Plus Size.

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  16. 20 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

    Has Whitney officially posed the next cruise date or just Natalie?  Also is January any better or worse for cruising?

    Just Natalie, in an IG story Q&A on her flight home. If Twit learns, she'll be pissed since she likes to tease out info like that to her fans.

    As far as driving to Ft Lauderdale, I think it started out 4 years ago as a fun part of the vacay for 3 old friends. And you can take more luggage in a car than on a plane.

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