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Everything posted by ukgirl71

  1. I’ve just finished watching this one, so a few random thoughts: “Clunky” was the one word that sprung to mind for this ep - anvils, anvils everywhere - Meghan my dear, show, don’t tell! I miss the OG Weechesters (in all their various incarnations) - this version just grated on me. And speaking of grating, what is it with Lisa Berry’s pronounced, deliberate delivery? Gets on my wick every.time. Jared just looks sickly the way they have him styled these last few episodes (doesn’t help he’s too skinny I s’pose - hate you Padalecki 😅) That last scene managed to produce bad acting from even Jensen.
  2. Oh dear, I just read that while eating dinner - not me best idea!
  3. Weird to me as well! Suffice to say, the Ackles’ tastes wouldn’t be mine.
  4. My own quick thoughts on the vid. Jared, much as I love you, it’s pronounced “fam-eee” - sorry, that was the rusty French speaker in me coming out for a second. Blimey, Jared looks so thin and tall in that walk down the street with Alex and Jensen. What is it with all the pulled back shots in the bunker from these last couple of seasons - the “writer/theatre” metaphors are painfully clunky. Jensen’s “lightning bolt” made me smile.
  5. Jared needs a little weight (and muscle?) back and, for me, to have his hair out of Sam’s quite severe ‘do (that forehead distracts me!)
  6. Isn’t the Soldier Boy character from the 40s? If so, I’m not sure a “gym bod” would fit the era?
  7. Is it wrong that I wish we’d had Tom Ellis instead of Mark Pellegrino 👿?
  8. I am still bewildered, to be frank, with the obsession for getting tattoos among the fandom. Unpopular opinion it may be, but I hate ‘em. And, if anyone has to get them, why does it always have to be the anti possession symbol - be original people 🤪
  9. Well, we’re civilised enough here on this board to agree to disagree 😍
  10. I would have preferred Danneel to play his wife, largely because of the onscreen daughter having red hair, cos I’m anal about lookalike casting 😆 Please don’t judge me 😅
  11. I called this months ago, but the comments I got were along the lines of “he prefers her to be at home with the kids”, so please allow me a mini-moment of smugness here 🤩
  12. I’ve wondered this too, on both. I put it down to the Js being too decent, and too professional. Maybe this is why Jensen has been floating the idea of revisiting things a few years down the tracks, only he’s not voicing the hope “without Dabb and Buck-Leming etc”
  13. Would there be any reason why he couldn’t have filmed his finale seasons out of sequence, before lockdown, in anticipation of his hip op?
  14. I can think of six kids and two big kids who’ll be delighted to welcome the Babies to Austin🥰
  15. I enjoy speculating too Bergamot 😀 In my head, the grey hair is there because the last scene takes place a few years later.
  16. Interesting idea! It could also just be a nod to the pilot for the symmetry of it all. We’ll see.
  17. Didn’t Sandra Bullock used to live in Austin, and Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day were supposedly in a relationship once, so it’s a small show biz world.
  18. I’m theorising at the moment as to how much ‘literal’ we read into the episode’s title “Carry On” (or the rest of the song’s lyrics).
  19. I can remember in Toronto how Jensen was laughing at Jared going “this is the final time we’ll be doing x, y and z”, while he was all “we’re months away from the finale”. It’s finally hit him 😪
  20. Or a movie with Dean looking for a way to get Sam back?
  21. I was thinking Bravefart, knowing what Jared’s like, before the end title came up!
  22. Good grief, I hope they keep that man FAR away from any future revival!
  23. Misha’s latest Facebook post, from half an hour ago, suggests he’s at home.
  24. I couldn’t get past Karl Urban’s accent 😅 Jensen’s English accent for a few minutes in Dark Angel was much better, much more subtle (or was the OTT Cockney thing the whole point for Billy Butcher?)
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