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Everything posted by ukgirl71

  1. They really need to cut back on the number of cons. How on earth does anyone afford more than one per year?
  2. I would love to see Jensen in something set in the past - I thought he was particularly good in the WW2 and Eliot Ness episodes, and he was seriously dapper in the outfits!
  3. Having thought about it, I’m kinda disappointed by Jensen’s choice, and I REALLY want to know what else he’s been offered. I don’t like shows that seem to be full of, for want of better words, unlikeable, nasty characters, with no apparent redeeming features. (which is why I gave up on Yellowstone 2 or 3 episodes in). I wanna give a crap about characters I give up my time for, pure and simple. Plus, assuming it wasn’t his one and only option, was the choice to work with Kripke the easy, comfortable option, because if so I would have hoped he’d have more confidence in his own talents to have maybe taken a chance on an unfamiliar leader. Just my rant, YMMV. Walker is definitely gonna be more my cup of tea, if we over here in the UK get a chance to watch it. Nailing my colours to the Moose mast!
  4. And if he is a regular, he may well be in Toronto at the time of the next SPNTorCon (assuming all goes to schedule). Their second season was filming in October last year, so it could be a Summer start??
  5. It would have to be a show I couldn’t get into! I’d be surprised if he swaps a long period of Vancouver filming for another long stint in Canada, so I’m gonna guess recurring, though The Boys is a shorter run, isn’t it?
  6. Is there any chance Misha filmed his final scenes in advance of lockdown, given his proposed hip surgery? Just guessing.
  7. I’ve liked Cory Booker since his 99 problems ditch tweet 😆 Wish we had politicians like him.
  8. I won’t particular mourn Supernatural ending (given the drop off in quality in the last two years especially), and will still hope for perhaps a few TV movies a few years down the track, with a QUALITY storyline and skilled writers. What I will take from the experience is that I am now aware of the skills, talent and kindness of Messrs Ackles, Padalecki and Collins. Before this show, I wouldn’t have known them from Adam, and even though they mightn’t be on my TV screen every week (unless British TV buys Walker - fingers crossed), I’m just happy to know they exist, out there in their respective corners of the world, doing their things. And, of course, social media will keep me up to date - it’ll be like having lovable cousins that you check in on 😄
  9. That’s EXACTLY how I feel, particularly for Jensen. I’m glad Jared got a show that allows him to be at home full time, doing something he hopefully enjoys with his family and friends nearby, and I’m interested to see if Misha will follow through on his philanthropic and political leanings, but I want Jensen’s skills and diverse talent to be recognised on a bigger stage, one that will allow him to flourish.
  10. Well, that was weird - I missed most of that cos it didn’t seem to be connecting for me - I was online OK, because nothing was coming through, but only got about 15 minutes of it. Hey ho, glad I invested in something that will last - signed photos of J2. What did I miss?
  11. if there are stupid questions (which I’m sure there’ll be a tonne of), chances are they’ll not be able to read them they’ll be going so fast. Oh for a time and a place to ask them sensible questions!
  12. The questions were rattling through at such a pace he had to screen cap them with his phone to even read a few, and he spent too long IMHO telling us he wasn’t a racist, and of course having a pop at Trump. I’ve been in a meet n greet with him - the man can ramble 😅 Zero effort from Creation - so not surprised.
  13. Would we get that lucky? Yes, I said that out loud - the character of Jack was, for me, the single biggest mistake the show ever made.
  14. I’m at the J2 Stage it Panel later today - I wish Creation would take the time to ask for questions beforehand and pre-select really good ones, but personal experience tells me their organisational skills are never that good 🤑 Yes, I think Misha’s still at home, and I also got the impression that Cas is bye-bye.
  15. The bad writing lessens the impact of it ending for me. Now I just want to see how they can do different things under hopefully better stewardship.
  16. Sending thoughts and prayers to your nephew and his family.
  17. I wouldn’t like to be the one cutting Jared’s hair - that could take a while 😅
  18. I was just thinking I’ll miss seeing all your comments about the show and the actors when Supernatural finally finishes. Half the Facebook groups I’m on don’t often get deeper than “look at my SPN Funkos/tattoos etc”. (for the record, if I see one more anti-possession tat photo I’m gonna scream) or posting “hot” photos of the actors. I want discussions, snark, and photos only when they’re new or informative!
  19. I wish, but I’m doubting we’ll get that lucky!
  20. Yep, he’s definitely gone Grizzly Adams 😆 Also, I can’t get over how tall Tom’s getting!
  21. Just taken a look at what is my second and last GISH, which makes me more than a little sad. I signed on to do a little good and have a bit of fun, which I sorely need right now, but it was chaotically organised - I thought I was in my team from last time and only just found out I was in a new competitive one (having been in it for the fun last time). I’m an introvert whose creativity extends only as far as writing and cooking, so there weren’t many items I could do last time, but this time, sheesh...I know what Misha is like, but I am really disappointed with how political it is. I’m a middle aged, fat white bird from Northern Ireland who grew up in “The Troubles” on the side of the perceived oppressors, so I am NOT gonna stick my nose in other country’s problems. Sorry for the rant, but I am just so disappointed.
  22. I wish I could find a mask with good head elastic like the guy on the right (all I can find in the UK seems to be the ear ones- very uncomfortable!). Failing that, I’ll just get a bandana, though I’ll look nowhere near as good as Jensen does in his.
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