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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The most surprising thing is that Carlin managed to keep her mouth closed. She must not have perfected her attention-whoring, open-mouthed "surprised" expression then. Jill appears to have used slightly less hairspray than usual. I guess Nurie got to it first.
  2. How is it illegal?( Legit question here.) It's immoral and unethical for sure, but I'm not sure it's actually illegal.
  3. Much better than the straight-ahead shots. She should take note for her wedding pictures, and also practice that closed-mouth smile for her wedding day.
  4. Explain why? I didn't like his cocky attitude or the fact that he looked unwashed and dirty, and dressed inappropriately (I didn't like Ray for the same reasons). I didn't like the way Gates treated Meg or the way he came onto Neela the second he met her (my laptop autocorrected Neela to Veela, which might explain the way her character was written in later seasons). I didn't like the fact that his character was written so poorly that somehow he went from paramedic to intern to running trauma codes by himself in what seemed like a month. YMMV, of course.
  5. It would have been just fine with me if that helicopter had fallen on Gates. What a joke of a character.
  6. ER could have had a great storyline about Corday having postpartum depression after Ella's birth, which could have explained the dramatic change in her personality, her problems with Mark, and so on. The writers really dropped the ball. I remember even at the time thinking that PPD would have been an excellent, timely topic; Ella was born just around the time Andrea Yates killed her children, IIRC.
  7. IIRC, that person also said Smuggar was chronically, unprofessionally late; in other words, he hadn't learned that Duggar Time doesn't fly in the real world. He'll have a rude awakening in prison.
  8. Integrity? The NFL? LOL LOL LOL The lighter-skinned boy in that photo (whose name I can never remember) needs help. He reminds me of newsreels of camp survivors.
  9. It never has, or those craven Bateses would have fewer kids. Kelly used progesterone treatments to maintain pregnancies, and I would bet money Princess Erin used fertility treatments to have her most recent. Tl; dr -- they're all a bunch of lying hypocrites.
  10. The majority are them evil Catholics. Then 20%-ish are those heathen sinners like myself. Or like I, in Jill-speak.
  11. Reality TV isn't real. Seriously, don't take that stuff as real, because it isn't.
  12. It's my opinion that Clooney is overrated as an actor, and it was never more clear than on ER. Your opinions of the other characters are spot on.
  13. Sometimes I think that leaving out the words "getting his picture taken by" would be just as accurate.
  14. Princess Erin had her latest "miracle" child. I give it eighteen months before she announces another "miracle" pregnancy, in an attempt to have another boy. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/news/bringing-up-bates-erin-bates-welcomes-baby-no-5-with-chad-paine/
  15. "One of the biggest changes for us is that the network will be moving toward producing more scripted family shows..." What pure mendacity to pretend that THEIR show wasn't scripted, and edited.
  16. Reminder, the shows are scripted and edited. For all we know, Lauren isn't "like that" at all.
  17. The Seewalds look like normal, modern people. Jessa looks homely. I wish a sister-in-law or her mother-in-law would pull her aside and explain that she can be conservative and modest without looking like she got dressed in 1890. I actually feel bad for her.
  18. I agree about "sex pest." I also don't think the thread title should be changed. Let's leave it as is -- it's too damn hard to think about seeing "Convicted Pedophile and Anna" every time I visit the website.
  19. There could be a lot of reasons Derick never spoke up before. Maybe Jill asked him not to. Comparing Derick to Smuggar, a convicted sex offender, is silly.
  20. I believe Smuggar has to undergo a mandatory pre-sentence evaluation, the Bureau of Prisons submits a written recommendation, there is some other stuff, and then the judge decides on the punishment. I'm guessing any statements made at sentencing could make things worse for Smuggar, but definitely won't make anything better in terms of sentencing. I'm not a lawyer, though.
  21. You can't generalize about pedophiles any more than you can any other group. Not all pedophiles are teachers or priests or otherwise people whose careers put them into contact with children. If Smuggar wasn't a pedophile and just wanted cruelty, he could have downloaded the plethora of adult bondage/sadism porn on the Internet. He went to CSAM because he's attracted to children.
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