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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Plexus would probably cost more, once you factor in the gastroenterology appointment I would likely need after ingesting Plexus. Topic: Somebody should tell Jill she can self-publish her righteous tome on Amazon. It couldn't possibly be worse than some of the absolute crap I've seen self-published for Kindle.
  2. It's only SOSHALIZM if the money goes to other people, especially all those sinners. I wish Madeline Maxwell a speedy and full recovery, and her parents some peaceful thoughts. Nobody deserves what they are going through, although I do wish they'd give the credit to science instead of their sky fairy (as if).
  3. I doubt anybody here would think it tolerable to make fun of an overweight woman. So why is it acceptable to mock the obviously overweight David Rodrigues?
  4. Fundie and cult are the same thing with different names.
  5. There are still people living in iron lungs today, in 2021. Every year or two, I see an article about iron lung repair or the very few people who still rely on them. Mainstream article, not in some obscure journal. https://www.timesnownews.com/the-buzz/article/this-man-has-been-using-iron-lung-machine-for-nearly-70-years/756458 Interesting article from 2017 that touches on the work needed to actually keep the iron lungs running. https://gizmodo.com/the-last-of-the-iron-lungs-1819079169
  6. Leavening? Is Derick bread?* I have never seen The Princess Bride. *Yes, I know there is more than one definition.
  7. That's nothing new for Janelle. She's always looked a little stoned to me. (I watched their show's first season.)
  8. I suspect Ben wouldn't be so bad if Jessa wasn't storing his balls in her dresser drawer, under the mound of dirty diapers. I do think Ben loves his kids.
  9. Atheism isn't about lack of example or poor example in religious instruction. It's pretty offensive to think that atheists are atheists because we didn't have a better example. I had many examples, good, bad, and ugly. I've been an atheist since before I knew the term. Topic: Did Jessa have that kid yet?
  10. I'm in the US. I went to a mass vaccination site (I didn't want to wait until it was available closer to home), so no sticker or samples. I did get a few freebie masks that I stashed in my car console in case an ear elastic breaks. Topic: It really is a big deal for the Dillards to get vaccinated. I feel like they no longer qualify as Dullards.
  11. Family disloyalty. Seriously? "Future boss, I chose to protect my wife and sons against her child porn-possessing, sister-molesting brother and their pedophile-enabling parents. Please don't hold it against me."
  12. Shopping. Vacations. Redecorating their home. New cars. Just my guess. I trust evangelicals like I would trust my cat with my ice cream.
  13. I wonder if any Bateseses or other fundie "search and rescue" poseurs are down in Surfside, skinning and grinning. There is attention to be whored for, ya know.
  14. I don't think anybody is equipped to handle nine kids, but even if she were, it's NOT Jill's responsibility to raise anybody except Israel and Sam. Jill's already done her time as a sister slave. So have Jana and the other J'slaves.
  15. He's still their dad, and they will most likely miss him. My dad is an emotionally and physically abusive narcissistic drunk, and I still missed him.
  16. In all fairness, I've been known to reread childhood favorites even now. I recently ordered two Jim Kjelgaard books I remembered reading as a kid, that I couldn't get through the library system now. They were good. (Stormy and Lion Hound, in case anybody wonders.) Leaving off the fact that the shows are 1. Heavily scripted; 2. Heavily edited; 3. Total bullshit as far as "reality" TV is concerned.
  17. I think if Josh had been raised in a normal environment, there is a chance, however slight, that he might not have acted on his pedophilic urges. When he was first arrested, I read an article that I posted here that discussed pedophiles who don't act on those urges because they know it's wrong. Any chance Smuggar had to be like that kind of pedophile was ruined by his parents and his upbringing. It's kind of all a moot point now because he is what he is -- a pedophile who will end up serving hard prison time for CSA. And seven kids who will always be known as the children of the pedophile. Nothing can change those facts. I just hope any parent who might have admired the Duggars' parenting methods does a 180 when they see what those methods helped produce.
  18. I think Jill would. Jessa and Joy would not.
  19. I remember Boxcar Children in kindergarten. Even if Jill just lets the boys choose books based on the cover, it's still major progress for a Duggar! Duggars in a library when they're not being paid for it! Duggar grandkids who are already learning about the joys of reading and libraries! **swoons**
  20. He's four next month. It's still very good for his age and far beyond what I'd expect of a Duggar grandkid. I give Jill bonus points for having the kids wear masks. I was at the library yesterday (my power was out for a few hours) and last Friday (usual weekly trip), and I saw NO kids wearing masks. They are not old enough to be vaccinated. My county is still a hotspot. So is Arkansas.
  21. And because Jill is jumping up and down next to him, pointing at his jug head, and stage-whispering, "Pick him! Pick him!"
  22. It's hard AF to leave what you know even if you have an education, support, and a way out. Smuggar had none of them. He also had religious teaching that said birth control was a sin. It's way too easy for us as outsiders to say he should have done this or that.
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